The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1963

It ha often been aid that George Wa hington never t Jd a Jic. Whether or not that i~ true I cannot sav . Bt1t ., it ,~ trLte that he never had many of the thing that n1odern American boy, and girl have, and never en– jo)1ed many of the ble ing, that all of u enjoy today. For in tance, a a child he never ate any tore-bought candy, for there wa no candy manufacturer in Ameri– ca until about 1776. He never chewed any manufactured chewing gum. The fir t commercial chewing gum ever known wa made by Thoma Adam about 1870, though the people of this country now pend $100,000 000 a year for thi luxury. He never ate an ice cream cone for uch thing were unknown until early in the pre ent century. He never ate a ' 'hot dog, ' and never attended a ' 'weinie roa t." He never ate a banana or grape– fruit. Bananas were not introduced into thi country until about 1870, and grapefruit about 1890. He prob– ably never ta ted an orange either, for orange were not grown in thi. country until long after hi death. He never ate a tomato in his life. In hi day they were called "love apple ,,, but no one dared eat them prior to about 1830, as they were up– posed to be poi on. Ca n n ing unknown He never ate any canned fruit or vegetables, for the canning of food- tuffs was unknown in America until 18 19. He probably never drank any coffee or any cocoa in hi own home. The~e beverage were served in the public ucoffee hou es" of that day. but tea was the principal hot drink served in the homes. He never . aw any refined ugar, unle \ perhap dur– ing the la t year\ of his life, for the procesc; of refining ugar wa un - nown until J 792. He never attended a pL1blic chool in his J1fe, and never attended any school after he wa~ J 6 . But he re– ceived careful training and wa a ver} well educated rna n for ha~ tin1e. He tlcver heard of ·· 111enta l reac tions:' .,ps.. choanalysis, ' ' .. i r1fer iori ty ar1d sup– cr iori t)-' cornplcxcs,'' H111orons," "gig– " lo ," or "re la tivi t}' ." Ht; r1cvcr took and I. Q Lest , and 11cver attended a " l1igl1 J111x" or a '"joll)' ttJJ." He r>ro t,al)ly nc,'cr " 'rote wi th a lea<.l p 1c il i 1l l1i s Jifc , Jor the first co111 - r11011 le ad JJc1c ils 111 ad e thei r a (l f1c ar– anc t 11 1 al)Ou t Jot1r )' ars l1c fo1e t1is d a lll, , 111d tl1c e \\' cf \ 1 cr~ 1 i11f rior . H e 11e, 1 er \\' f tc \\ 1 itJ1 a fot1nt a i11 J) c11 , n r c c11 \ i tt1 a c o 111111 >11 lccl fl ~11 , f r 1) t 1 LI n l' n V\ 11 i 1 }1 i l l a . THE OHIO INDEP NDENT BAPTIST ' ' eorge as • 1ngton never--'' BY CLAY P. MORGAN He never wrote on a typewriter either , for typewriter were unknown until about 1840. He never rode a bicycle. Bicycle were not introduced into the United State until 1819 and the early one were very crude affair a, compared with modern bicycle . He never rode on a teamboat or a railway train ; a street car or an elevator · an electric trolley, or a ferris wheel. The fir t teamboat wa in– vented by Robert Fulton in 1807, and the fir t teamboat cro ed the Atlantic in May 1819. The fir . t railway in the United State on which a team locomotive wa utilized wa laid in Penn ylvania, from arbon– dale to Hone dale, a di tance of 16 mile in 1829. The fir t regul ar hor e treet car line in the worJd wa opened on Fourth avenue in ew York City in 1932. The fir t elec tric trolley wa put into operati on onl y about forty years ago. The fir t pa. - enger elevator ll ed in thi. coL1ntr_} wa in talled ir1 J 850. The fcrr1 wheel was invented by a man nan1ccJ Ferris, and was fir t LI ed a t the World , Fair in Chi cago, in 1893. No matches G eorge W ,1~h1ngto n never lightctl a fir e \\:1th a n1atc l1, tor r11 a tc l1e, wcr t1nknow1 t1nt il 1827 , v. l1c1 ] () 1 11 Wa lker , un c1gl1 '>h tlrt1gg1\ t, tl1,co\ crtl the n1c thotl for 111ak111g t hc111 . He ne t! r ~aw a ~tc.)\C o J a1 \ tlc\Cr 11)t ic.>n for stovt~'> ,,vcrc not 111 vcntcll tin t il a nt 11 11 bcr of ) ' C,l f S after t1i llC,ttl1. I r1 l1is l l a)f tl1c g1 c tt t firc1>la cs. st:: r \ L'll f t1r l)o t l1 l1cat 111g a1 d cook 111g. f le Ile e r saw a gas, kcrt> •11 e, l)f cl • tr i tigt1t . • as was fir st t1sc.d J t)f li ghL– i11g i1 181 l , kc;r osc11c 111 l.> J' rll)(ltll I 860, aJlll tl1e 1.: ll! tri li gl1t g~o l,e \\'as i11vc:11tcll 1,) I l10111 as J\ . l llt stll1 i11 1879. He never wore Jo ng trou ere;, or c;ox. <.) r a ~tore-hough t SLt i t of c lothe~. H e never wore a tuedo, or a full dre s uit , uch a arc worn now. and he never wore an opera hat , or a wri t watch. He never u ed any kind of tooth pa te, having cream, or afety razor . He never ate lunch in a drug tore. He never heard of a cafeteria, a 'round table cafe," a delicate en , nor a · elf- erve" gro– cery. He never drank any pasteur– ized milk , and never heard of pro– teins, carbohydr ate , calorie , and vitamin . He never heard of the G.0.P. , T ammany Hall Uncle Sam bol hevi m, communi m faci m, or technocracy . He never aw a modern game of ba eball , ba ketball or football , and never tos ed a medicine ball or played a game of golf in order to "'keep fit .,, He never talked over a telephone, for the telephone wa not invented ttntil 1876. He never ent nor re– ceived a telegram or a cablegram. The telegraph wa not perfec ted until 1844 and the fir t Atlantic cable wa not completed until 1 66. No bath tubs He wa never guilty of ·• inging in the bath tub," for there were no bath tub until about the middle of the la t century, and no hewer bath until much later. He never aw a "movie, " for there were no uch thing until more than a hundred year after hi death. He never aw an at1tomobile, or an a ir– pJane, and never ·•ti tened in·· on a r adio . He never danced to "jazz," for it had not yet en1erged fron1 the Afri can jungle . He never 'ang ··The tar pangled Banner ,,. ·· n1eri ca.., ..H n1e \\i eet Ho n1e," ·· ilent ight ! Hol} 1ght !" ' 'Onward hr i. tian old icr ." or n1,1n} of the other ong we li k.e o \\ ell . becat1 c none of the ·c \.Vere ,, r1tte1 tin ti) n1an) ) cars after ht death. J thot1gh he ,, a~ Pr C\1Je11t ot the l 1 ni tcti Cate\ to1 eight cttr\ he 11e,er Ii \ eJ 111 the h1 le H t) ll c a11cl 11e\ er li\eu in \ ,1, l1i11gton. 1)1 ti i t ot t c1l– un1h1,t. l)t1r111g ht'> t1r .... t \ t.:,lr 111 o t · t ic the .... c,1 1 l)t tl1c l clJ (1t)\t.:r11- n1t.:nt \\,l '> 111 c,, 'a t)t~ c tt), tl1c11 i1l>t11 I '>l) lt> lht>l ) it''·'" 1r1 Phila- tl el1)l1 ia, Hll l l i11 Jttl\ l , ()l). it ,vas 111 ) \ ' ~ ti tt t Ile t ll \\ 1.l l l t>11al l ,1r>i t ti a l \ \' as l1 ing tl) fl , l istr1 l f l)ltu11l ia. ,e ,rgc \\ 1 as t1 i11gt >11 ,, as l ,r11 l~t .. h. 2_, 17 _ a11 l t litll l)c . I , f 7Q . 1\ ltl1ot1g l1 ht: 11cvcr ll,lCI Ill, 11 \ tll tl1 i1 g \\ :> >f t lid t 111 l ll1i11k (Cont 'd . on page 11) P ge 7 , Febru ry 1963