The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1963

F E El 1 GHT YEARS ... The \\ ear· Eve \Va tch igbt r, ice \\a . the cene of a n1ortgage– hurn1 ng eremon) for the Euclid– ~ o tt1nghan1 Bapti t hurch of C leve– land. The final payment which liqui– dated the indebtedne went into the Cle,·eland Tru t Con1pany on Monday n1orning. D ecember 31, and a few h ur later a happy congregation \\ 1tne ed the application of the flame t the 'legal document.,, little over eight }·ear ago tinder the leader hip of Dr . llan E. Lewi the ground wa broken for the pre ent buildrng and dedication er vice were held in the ne,v edifice in September I 955. AIJ glory and prai e goe un– timatel}· to God for Hi great grace and goodne to thi people. Realizing that the original Euclid- o ttingham "1 100 i onl)' part ially realized, a COVER PICTURE: Building ouncil ha been forn1ulated with (George Dunn a chairman) to begin preliminary activity in planning for the next tage of the btiilding program - the church anctuary and additional Sunday School facilitie . Pa tor George E. Huffman an– nounced the church two-fold theme for the coming year: " Loyalty to Chri t' and "Each One Win One. ,. The church i n1aking preparation, for a ble ed Spring Mi ionar y Con– ference April 24-28. The picture of the mortgage-burn– ing ceremony (front cover) include the per onnel of the newly-formed Building Council (from left to right ): Elmer Gerwin, Walter Haller Fred Boyce Jame Dalton, ( partly hidd en) . Paul Lawson, William Ba ye and Pa tor George H t1f fman. Our front cover picture ho\.\-' the recent mortgage burn– ing ceremon}· at Euclid- ottingham Bapti t Church C leveland . It wa onl)' a little O\er eight )rears ago tha t ground wa broken for the pre ent building. and now. with prai e to God for Hi grace and goodnee; . final pa)·ment i made. ( ee complete stor)' above.) The Ohio Independent Baptist ••. Publ is hed Monthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POST AGE p;,id ilt Xoni .1, Ohio. POSTMASTER : Pfoaso send Form 3579 t o The Ohio Independent Baptist 45 19 Wcll,naton Ave ., Parma 34, Oh io Edi to, ial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Dead I ,ne for News: l 01 h of each montl, STAFF Editor .. . {ames R. Johnson Box 184, Cedarvil e, Ohio Circtilation l\1a1tager Mrs. John Kautz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. Women'~ Editor ..... Mrs. Inez Milner Cleveland Heights, Ohio Mission's Editor nev. l)onald 1'v1offat Cedarvillet Ohio Sec. to the Editor - Mrs. Donald Moffat, Cedarville, Ohio , ~ou. t/1 Editors Mr. & l\1r~. L. c·haffe Cedar,·ille, Ohio Council and Officers Chairman - T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave. Niles, Ohio Secretar,, n ev. John Stro11g 727 l\1entor Ave., P ai11esvil]e, Ohio Treasurer 11ev. Lynn 1,ogers 7854 N. Boyden, Northfield, Obi(, Missioriary Chr. Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarvi lle, Ohio Y 01,th Director Rev. Glenn GreenwooJ 315 S. I(ensington Pl., Springfield, 0 . Education Chairman- Dr. John Baylo 1126 Cleveland Hts. Blvd. Cleveland 2 1, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Dr . Edward Morrell, Jr. R. Kenneth Smel er Clarence Townsend Earl V. Willett Dr. Howard G. Young The Ohio Independent Bapt1,t is published on the first of eacl1 month in Xenia, Ohio. U .~. b}· The Ohio A ociation of Regular Bt1pti ·c h urch e.s. It 1s a magazine devoted to ( l1ri!)ri(1n fello\\' hip and faithfulnes to the truth. n1e1nber hip. In requesti11g change in address, please gi,·e old a~ "'ell a. nevv addre s. ubscription rate: 2.00 per year. ingle C(>p1e.s, 20 cent". pecia] ra ce gi,·en to ch llrche rhat ubscribe fur complete dverti ing rate card sent on reque. t. cl,·erti ing cop)' hould be in th1, office 30 da)'S before da te it is to run . :\lanuscript 11hot<>S that are uhmit ted sh ould be accompanied by self-ad– <lrcssecl enve1<>pe and return po"tagc if ) ou ,,·an t then1 returned.