The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1963

Annual Bible conference of GARBC to be at Omaha l 1' 1 \ \ I,,, .,, tilt' ' ll\)St'll t1lt'11ll' ll'r ll' J_11ci a111111a l 1 it,lt' l'l)lllt'r l'tl\ l,f till' '- ,~lll'rill \ "'\'~"1,1ttl'tl "'t R 'C.ttla... 1 ,lJ lr t l l111r "l1e~ tc., {'le lll'l"I i11 till' 11111~" J',ll 1\ 11 itt 1r111111 l'f )111al1a. '-'l r .1 k .1. i\ t a,, l .? - t 7. I Qt, 1 • ln a l"fl'gra111 rclc ..1,c f)r the Cl)tl · lt't 'llCl' r P. 111 R Ta k t1n. ,1ti<.1n – ,\l Rt'J1rt' cntat1, c. aid. UPrai.. c the l l rti fl.,r Ht~ ,,. rti and the gt1idnnce it ,1fft1rd,~ tn the, e da, :· f onf ti i n anti cl1n1pr n11.. c It n1eet t1r necll~ and th .. c of other p ople onl} a it 1, .. ear hed. belie,,cd. obe) 1 Cd and pr lain1ed . It i f r the e w rthy purpo that the eneral ociation f Regular Bapti t hurche e i t . Th churche . chool.. . mi ion and our great annual meeting focu on the \\~ rd of od. 1ay all of our heart be r fre bed at Omaha a we Ii ten to the pr clamation of the Truth. Thank God that becau e He ha poken \\'e can obe 1' the command ·Thi Know Al o. We need not walk in darkne ! Let u apply our heart to \\ i dom. Time i running out!' Bethany Fellowship brings Dr. Mcintire to Warren Due to action of the Warren Mini- teral A n. to put Dr. Carl Mcintire off radio tation WHHH the Bethany Fello\V hip of Regular Bapti t Church– e formed a committee and made ar– rangement to bring Dr. Mcintire to Warren. The rally was held at Pack– ard mu ic hall on Feb. 15. Dr . Mc– Intire' mes age brought to light the action of the ational Council of Churche of bringing 20 Ru ian Orthodox clergymen to America from the Soviet Union. COVER PICTURE: '1 ltl'te ,,,ere .... 350 i 11 atlt'nc. l .111 c c at tl1t" 11lt'l'li11g i11 zcr() \\,Catl1cr ~, he at1c.ltc11 c 1)lcc.lgc I 4.0()() to ,11onsor 111<.)l c r lltlic.) hr<.),tllca,t, I It1n c.lrc<.J, c,1111..: Iv l1t1,c~ f 1 111 h10 an,i Penn. "' I)r 1c Int ,re saici 111crica face gr~at r>cril to,la) tl1r ttgh the 111a tcr ()tl l1irac) being 1 a t t 11ched by the Rctl~ in ot1r cht1rche . He ca lled for a rr tt1rn to the work of God and Hi \ 111n1and1nent and for merican to \\ ake t1p their government repre enta– tivc to the ommuni. t threat . Throughout hi .peech Dr . Mcintire u ed document , magazine and other n1aterial to upport hi tand. Dr. Mcintire declared hi belief in the irgin Birth, the triumph of Chri t over death and the A cen ion of Chri t into heaven. H e aid the United State hould how the Western World that the Soviet Union u e it church as a weapon for its aim . Dr. Mcintire aid he wanted no part of the Soviet– controlled church philo ophy in hi country. Coming next month! Dr. George R. Gib on, pastor of Calvary Bapti t Church Cleveland, ha a feature on Cbri tian Mother– hood and The Cro ' a pecial Mother' D ay mes age. The Greatne of God" is a con– tinuation of 'In pirational Talk of God' ' by Rev. Ralph T. ordlund. Thi mes age deal with Hi word. The e and other features will be in the May j ue of the Ohio Inde– pendent Bapti t magazine. Look for them next month. The Ea ter in titutional di play window presented la t year by J. S. Dahlmann, di play upervi or for the Ohio Edi on Co. wa awarded a fir t-place gold medal in the 1963 International Di play contest sponsored by Di play World, trade magazine for di play arti t . We u e thi picture by permi ion from Mr. Dahlmann to illu tr ate the R isen Chri t. The Ohio Independent Baptist ••. Pub I,,had Monthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xen ia, Ohio. POSTMASTER : Pleaso send Form 3 579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist 451 9 Well1nqton Ave., Parma 34, Ohio Ed itorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: l 0th of each monrh STAFF Editor . iames n. Johnson Box 184, Cednrvi] e, Ohio Circ1ilation l\1anager . Mrs. John I(autz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. W 0111e1i's Editor Mrs. T nez l\1i1ner Cleveland Heights, Ohio l\,1ission's Editor Tie v. l)onalcl 1\ Ioffat Cedarville, Ol1io Sec. to the Editor - Mrs. Donald Moffat, Cedarville. Ohio Y outh Editors Ir. & 1rs. . L. Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio Council and Officers Chairman - T . Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave., Niles, Ohio Secretary Tiev. Jol1n Stron~ 727 l\1entor A,·e., Painesville, Ohio Treasitrer ltev. Lynn Rogers 7854 N. Boyden, Northfield , Obi( l\,1issionary Chr. . .. fiev. Donald l\1offat Cedarville, Ohio Y oit th Director . Rev. Glenn GreenwooJ 315 S. I(ensington Pl., Springfield, 0. Education Chairman-Dr. John Baylo 1126 Cleveland Hts. Blvd. Cleveland 21, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. R. Kenneth Smelser Clarence Townsend Earl V. Willetts Dr. Howard G. Young ,.r.·.·.·.·.··':t-.·····-·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·,.·.·.·--·.·.·.·.·.·.•.•.·.···················-·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·· ................................................................................................... .......... .................... ............................................ ............................................... .. The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, USA, b)' The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. It is a magazine devoted to Christian fello\·vship and faithfulness to the truth. ubscription rate: $2.00 per y·ear. ingle copies, 20 cents . pecial rates gi\ren to churches that subscribe for complete membership. In requesting change in address, please give old as \\'ell as n ew address . Advertising rate card sent on reque t. d\ 1 ertising cop}· should be in this office 30 da)'S before date it is to run. ~1anuscripts, photos that are submitted should be accompanied by self-ad– dressed en, 1 elopes and return postage if ) 'OU ,, 1 ant them returned.