The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1963

mportant announcement Stat Missionary begins duti s in September By Dr. Jolin G. Balyo (Fo r the Council of Ten} t\ t 1t .. 111nt1al 111ccting in ct bcr ..... 1f I 1{1_, tl1c hi) s ociation f Rt'gtitar 1~ ~1p t1 t ht1r he in. trt1ctcd tl1c ("'(,tin ii of Ten t ccure a tate ~ I 1",1on1.1r) \\ h \\ t1 ld he re p n iblc t 1r dire ting nnd a i ting t1r Ohio cl1t1r he .. 1n tht! e tabli hm nt f new cl1t1r he . The ciation action c fr n1 a en. e of burden for the 1nnun1erable area in Ohio in need f a pel ,,·itne , and a en e of t1rgen )' p rvad d the meeting in \\ hi h the action wa taken. The ouncil of Ten i happy to ann unce that an e perienced and able n1an ha been en1ployed. The Re, . Mr. Earl Umbaugh, Pa tor of the hoaf f Park Bapti t Church in Fort Wayne, Ind.. ha accepted the in,,itation of the Council to erve a the A ociation' State Mi ionary. Pa tor Umbaugh and Pa tor W. Thoma Younger have been active and ucce ful in the tate of Indiana in the launching of a large number of mi ion churche over a period of ten year . By God' grace and direc– tion they have evolved a Program of Propagation ', which the Lord ha abundantly ble ed. It i a practical, criptur al program which our Ohio churche can mo t certainly u e to COVER PICTURE: gl)l)tl au ant,tge. P,1c;lor ac,;'it1111c the tlttticc; of hi · ic1 cptcn1bcr, 1963. mbat•gh will new p sition It i now the re pon ibility of the hurche in the A .. ociation to in– crea c their upport of the State work in order that the alary and expen e of the tate Mi ionary may be paid. The vote of the A ociation mu t be backed by regular and adequate up– port from the churche . Pa tor are urged to bring thi matter to the attention of their church board . Waiting Waiting i far more difficult than working. It would be a much ea ier thing for the Church of God at this very hour of her darknes to call conference and councils and make plan for tomorrow than to wait. Waiting require strength. It de– mand the ab olute surrender of the life to God the confession that we are at the end of our own under- tanding of thing , the confession that we really do not see our way and do not know the way ... There i only one motive that is sufficiently strong to bring us to the place of true waiting and that motive i love. - Dr. G. Campbell Morgan * ::ik • * So often we pray for rain and don't take along an umbrella. Recreational facilitie at Camp Patmo will be greatly increa ed thi year due to a donation of 3.26 acre by Mr. John Mor e, founder and pre ident of the Mor e Instrument Co. Our front cover di agram how the new area which pictures the propo ed change . (See other story inside) • The Ohio Independent Baptist ••• Published Monthly by •.. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Oh,o. POSTMASTER i Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent 8apti1t 4519 Welline:1ton Ave. , Parma 34, Ohio Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month STAFF Editor . . James R. Johnson Box 184, Cednrville, Ohio Circulation Manager Mrs. John l{autz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. 1~1 o,nen's Editor . . . Mrs. Inez Milner Cleveland Heights, Ohio Mission's Editor nev. l)onc1 lcl 1\1offat Cedarville, Ohio Sec. to the Editor - Mrs. Donald Moffat, Cedarville, Ohio Youth Editors Mr. & Mrs. S. I_. . Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio Council and Officers Chairman - T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave., Niles, Ohio Secretary ... ... .. . .. Tiev. John Strong 727 Mentor Ave., Pninesvil1e, 011io Treasi,rer .... ... ... .... Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 N. Hoyden, Nortl1fielJ, OhiL• Missionary Chr. . I\ev. Dona lei Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Y 01,th Director Ilev. Glenr1 GreenwooJ 315 S. Kensington Pl., Springfield, 0. Education Chairman-Dr. John BayJo 1126 Cleveland Hts. Blvd. Cleveland 21, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. R. Kenneth Smelser Clarence Townsend Earl V. Willetts Dr. Howard G. Young The Ohio I ndependent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xeni a, Ohio, U A, by The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. It is a magazine devoted to Christian fe110,\ 1 ship and faithfulness to the truth. membership. In requesting change in address, please give old as well as new address. ubscription rate: $2.00 per year. Single copies, 20 cents. Special rates gjven to churches that subscribe for complete Advertising rate card sent on request. Advertising copy should be in this office 30 days before date it is to run . Manuscripts, photos that are submitted should be accompanied by self-ad– dressed envelopes and return postage jf you ,vant them returned.