The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1963
"',. - I Jrt btiplft • no t tli1 ,( min ,\ ioutlt_... \ , '/_- - - . - - ,l - ~ ~$ ~ ~,., .(r. ..\J...... •ll -' v...-- ,~••,1& ~ I Timo thy 4: 12 The Fields of Language and Literature By Dianne Chaffe English Since we learn Engli h everyday in school, the demand i great for Engli h teachers. To be a. teacher you need at least a bachelor 's degree from a university, college, or teacher ' col– lege. A master 's degree i often re– quired. The earning'"' vary widely from $2,875 to $6,200 per year. Teachers work 34-40 hours per week or more, including time outside the classroom. English teacher can be used in public and private high schools, elementary schools, military schools, schools for spec ial tudents, colleges, and universitie . Demands for people who are pro– ficient in E ngli sh come from at least six different ources. The e are the fields of: 1. Journalism. The work of gather– ing news, editing, directing, or writ– ing for the publication of a news.paper or other periodical can be exci ting and very satisfyi ng career . 2. T eaching. Thi i a good profe - sion for a Christi an. While you di cu ngli h literature with your tudent you can al o wi tnes for the Lord. 3. Ministry. Good ngli~h u age is nece sary in the mini try. Also, pre-seminary students should find a background in ngli sh literature help– ful because it acquaint5 them with the idea of men and the views people have held in the past. 4 .Bt.Jsine.\·s A tl 111i11 i\·tra/10 11 A k 11£,wl– cdgc of =nglish gra1nmar and con1- position is necessary in speaking anll i 11 wri ti11g business letters. 5. J,1 d11str>'· Men in i11dus try co1n- 111L1r1ica ti o 11s wor ea rl fi11d a wealth of n1atcrial in Jit '"faturc wl1ich ca11 11::a u. cd as , basis or a s1)rir1ght>nrd tor f r111ulating ideas. 6. l .. i11g11i\ti, ·\·. Pe t) I tt1dyi 11g tl1e rigi11, . tructtare, a11d tie elo1 111 11t f la1lgt1t g S t1a e l )t.!l': ll ab le l t 00 11 ll 11 c inter s t i11g 1t1i11g al) lit pcor>I o J t 11 r 1 , n d . HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST areers or In all of these fields there are opportunitie of witnes ing for the Lord. You would be peaking, writ– ing and a ociating with people mo t of the time; thu , you would have many opportunitie of haring your ideas with them. Foreign Language A foreign language uggest ad– venture and travel, but it also takes curio ity and work to learn it. There are four area in which op– portunities are open to a foreign language specialist: teaching, govern– ment work, translation work, and I ingui tic . There is a great demand for teach– ers of a foreign language becau e there are so many high school tudent studying language . There are over 99,000 tudent studying Latin which at tracts the large t number of stud– ent . Second i French, and third i Spani h. A tudent need two year of language in high chool to get into mo t college . If you are wondering if you have what it take to be a teacher, here are ome que tion to answer: Quick Te t 1. Do you like to tudy? 2. Are you intere ted in other people particularly in young people? 3. Are you adaptable? 4 . Do you have trong health and nerve ? 5. H ave you good character, moral , and manner ? 6. Do you believe in d, and are you concerned about the mor al and piritt1al contli– tion of oth r people? If you become an exper t in a foreign Jangt1age, the govcr nn1 nt 111a ·end you ovcr,ca. free to \CC the coL1ntry of the langt1ag y tt hav \tud ied . Appro in1atel} 1,000 \LI r11- 111er JOb~ are availab le oversea". Thi. 111ean, that , tudc11l\ c,t11 \CC the coL1ntry, liste11 to the people ~peaking in their native tongt1c , J11 I cdrl tr , A s11ec·ir1/ ' 1 tl1,111k )'l>t t " fr,,111 1/,e ~tlirr>rs gcJt.>,\' t,J Jlar11,,,,, B erge11, 111 - .,,r,,c·t,Jr <1/ fc,rt 1 ig11 lt1111-:11<1.i::e, ,111tl I<> Rtt)' J11,,11tl IJr,rt l1t,lo111e ~" 1 /1t'>t1(/ ,,j t l, e ,Jiviji,,11 ,Jf l,1,111t1<1ge llllfl lit ·rr1111re ,Jf ecl<,rvilf,, ,lle1-:e, j,Jr .\tJ u 1 illi11g/ 1 <111<1 ,,l>I)' ,\/Jet1k i11f: to o,,,. JJ }' J, xr<>1111 <>11 1/1e.\e st ttJje<.'I\ . ristians to talk with them. This is one of the quicke t way of developing a fluency in a language, and it i certainly one of the mo t enjoyable way . Be ides diplomatic office and other government po ition over ea , there ar e the po i tion of teacher in the army school , and librari an in government supported librarie . Although tran lator are needed in the United Nation , it i not likely that any of u will get a job there. Mo t of these ta k fall to the European becau e they are o good at it . There are other tr an lat ion job , Lich a tho e required by the Peace Corp and by mis ionarie . There are till omc language which are poken only. They need to be reduced to written ymbol so that people can read the Word of God. Thi i hard work, but it is very rewarding becau e throt1gh the labor of the lingui t and tran la– tor people are aved. Cedarville College choir presents sacred concert The edarville College Choir, under the direction of William D. Thorn– ton .pre ented a acred concert Tue - day, May 14, at Alford M m ri al Auditorium in Cedarvi lle. The Choir ha ju t r ecently returned from it annual pring tour . Thi year the group traveled through five tate , giving concert in Ohio, KentLtCk.). Ind iana, Illinoi , and Nii ' ot1ri. A varied pr gra111 wa pre ented b) the hoir, including anth n1 . h) n1n arr angen1cnt , and -piritt1al . ith1n the hoir thcr ar vocal and 1n\trt1- n1cnt al olo and en~en1ble . inclt1d111g a ladi s· ch()fll ' , n1e11' , ch rtt ' , l..1liie\' trio. b )' ,• qt1artct , and ,1 J lt1t lltt t . Included in th1· ear' rep rtoir~ \\ere \ttch \.\ Ork. · a ... incc b)' 1111 (' an1c Death" tron1 H an<.. lel' ' lt\\tt1l1 ; .. (10(.1 o l \ 'Cl) tl1c \\,'or ltl" tr 111 talncr' , '/ '/1t' ( '111c·1j1.\iv11. u11Ct)ll" arra11ge111cnt t)f P"l~1111 l 00. ·· l~lk~ Jo tLtl 01 c" · a11J H ark.l:1 ·, ,ctti11g l>f l ')dt~lh '>:..:7, ·~Hl,v Bc\\ta11tttl tt~))11 tl1~ lot1r1ta111," cdar, 1 111(" l l)llcg~, a Bai ti~t l>l - 1 ~gc of a1 ts dtlJ ~ it"ll\..c, gr·ltlts tl1' Ba~ t1 cl()f f .t\ c t, li ·t 11 ll>I lf i '11 e, a11 l ll ,l 11 ll)r li 1 tlsi llegr \:!s. "11 allege is c,tti inll) UflJ)ft Ve l t, tl1\! , 11 rul 1\ {) iat h.lll f R cgttl r ll~l J)- li ~t l1t1r t1 s, all I its ttl l nts lf' dr \\\ n fr()tl1 111111 f)ar t f tt1 11itc I t lt: . Pag 5, JUNE 1963
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