The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1963

the name of your church. BIBLE ARITHMETI PUZZLE. 1. Take the number of days ineveh wa given to repent. 2. Add Jo eph' age when he be– gan to reign a king. 3. Divide by the number of citie of refuge. 4. Subtract the number of men Joshua ent to spy out Jericho. 5. Add the number of piece of ilver Joseph was old for. What is your an wer? Dr. Allan Lew is speaks at Hebron Youth Rally The Hebron Youth Rally was held June 1 at the Fir t Bapti t Chur':h of Elyria with about 500 pre ent. Rev. Lynn Roger s erved a ong leader and ang 'The Old-Time R..e– ligion." Other special mu ic wa pro- ,. vided by Mis Carol Winter of New London who played an oboe olo "Ivory Palaces ." The semi-finals of the quiz were held with five churches participating. Wellington, LaGrange and Berea will be competing for top honors in July. Questions were taken from the last three chapters of John' Go pel. The peaker for the evening wa the pre i– dent of Baptist Mid-Mi ssions, Dr. Allan Lewis . He challenged heart with a practical ap,plication of Joshua 9: 1-5. He pointed out that anything of value or worth has a counterfeit. ompared with the pretense and coun– terfeit of the Gibeonites, Dr. Lewi asked: Are your sacks empty or are they filled with spiritual po ession that may be hared with other ? I your life one of joy and radiance or i it like the torn wine bottles which are unable to contain the wine? How i your missionary vision? Are you wear– ing the garment of the righteou ne s of hri~t or your own elf-righteou rags? What about your personal devotion to Chri st , is it r eal a nd vital or dray and mouldy ? It was a night of heart-searching and account-taking in m a ny li ves. - Joyce McN amee Pref erred Guests A ho tel n1a nager , who r eceived a le tter ask jng whe ther he wo uld a ll ow a dog in hi s ho tel, n1 adc the f ollowir1g reply: ~1 have bee1 ir1 this busi ness tor 15 yea rs. Never h ave 1 had to call upo1 the J)01ice to r ejec t a di s– orderl y dog. ev r has a dog . et fire to a bed wi th a cigare tte. Nei ther h ave I f u1 d a l1ot I b la1ke t or a tt1wel i 11 a dog's ttilc, se, nor l1as a dog c er le t a wl1iske)' ri 11 g ) ll l l1c drt=s er . Stire, tl1 dog is w ll: 111c! I f l1c wi ll 1 )UCll t r ) ' OU, ) 'Olt 111a)' <.;0111c t o! " - opicd . The OHIO IND PENL>ENT BAPTIST ' 'The youth of today is our church of tomorrow' ' Many time we hear the expre sion ' The youth of today is our Church of Tomorrow." I have my fir t time to hear anyone say, "The Church of today i to set the example for the youth of today, so that we will have a trong, obedient, urrendered , spirit filled, and militant for GOD, 'Church of tomorrow." Why do we ,put so much ernpha i on the Church of tomorrow, when we fiddle around o much in the Church of today? If the Church of tomorrow spend a much time playing around in the world as the Church of today, there will not be any more tomorrow to worry about. So! Church of today, 'let' get bu y for the LORD today, and the Church of tomorrow will take care of the tomorrows until JESUS come . What h ave you been doing for the LORD today? -Martin E. Holmes Wheeler burg Bapti t Church Cleveland The Voice of Chri tian You th is now four year old! Rev . A. Donald Moffat, pa tor of Grace Bapti t Church, Cedarville, Ohio wa gue t peaker at the Anniver ary rally June l 5. The inging Dinwiddie vocal duet; Ronnie Bunoher , ingspirator; Vernon Jone , organi t· and Elaine Martin, piani t, were the pecial music at the meeting in Brook ide Bapti t Church. Save a child save a life! To prepare for an uncertain life– time, the public chool instruct a child over a ten year period for 12,000 hours. But to prepare them for an endless eternity and a u seful Chri tian life, we give them but 170 hour of in truction. The parent have a re pon ibility of seeing that their children are in Sun– day School every week. They hould not end them, however, but bring them! At the present time, two out of every three children in America are not in Sunday School. We mu t en– deavor to get the e children in to our Sunday School and win them to J e u Christ. 'Save a child and you ave a life.' ' -Copied Rejection of the Savior mean ub– jection to the devil! The Bible Evangelist Who Believes and Preaches: • The Old Book • The Prec ious Blood • The New Bi rth • The Blessed Hope Rev. Leland G . Arntz Evangelistic and Pulpit Supply Ministry RR# 3 , Hudsonville, Michigan BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY TRAINS LEADERS! 8 . 8 . S. Graduates Are Serving With Distinction at Home and on the Mission Field If you are called to full time Christian Service, you should prayerfully consider what Baptist Bible Seminary offers. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION WRITE TO DR. ARTHUR WOOLSEY, PRESIDENT ThB. Bre & Diploma Courses BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY JOHN ON CITY, N. Y. P g 11 JULY 1963