The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1963

Rev. Earl D. Missionary, Umba·ugh, State begins Sept. 2 Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh the State Mi ionary for the Ohio A ociation of Regular Bapti t Churche i to begi n hi dutie September 2 at the men's retreat at Camp Patmos. Call are already coming from local a - ociations for meeting during Sept. Rev. Mr . Umbaugh graduated from Wittenberg University, Springfield , Ohio, in 1937 r eceivi ng an A. B. degree. He attended the Moody Bible Institute Evening School for three term and received a B.D. degree from Grace Theological Seminary at Win– ona Lake, Ind. , in 1941. He ha had 23 year pa toral experience pastor– ing GARB churche in Indiana and ha been at hi s pre ent pa torate, Shoaff Park Bapti t hurch, for the past six years. This church started a the fir t branch church of the Immanuel Bap– tist hurch w1th eight families and now averages J 50 in attendance. It has a property value of $98.000. He l1as also had part in the tarting of 22 other churches in the state. he Rev Mr . mbaugh served as hairman o1 the '·Progran1 of Propagation' ' for orth :1 asl Indiana since its begi11- • n1ng. Directed youth Camp Rev. and Mr . mbaugh directed t11e l nclia11a Baptist . outl1 a111p for fotrr ' ar , a11d duri11g thi ti111e tl1e Jlr e11t "ite at , tal J .. a e, Ind ., vla purcha ed. H erv d 11 tl1 :> a111p co111mitt and a t pr 11t i l1 ea tir r f tl1 Jndiana "ell \\' l1i11 l f <. gular Bapti t l1t1rcl1~ , nd a n1 111 - b I of t11e 011nci1 o1 1,, . Th OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS Hi te timony follows: "I wa saved during the ummer of 1935 while tudying for the Lutheran mini try. I began my tudie for the mini try because of a deep hunger in my heart for a personal relation hip with God. I thought that there urely must be omething more to Chri ti – anity than what I had, and I felt that I would f ind whatever wa mi ing by ,pending time in preparation for the hri tian ministry. "Early in 1935 I met a group of hri tian young people who had what I felt I needed. Thi wa a living, vital experi ence with God received through the avenue of the New Birth. After receiving Chri t as my own per onal Saviour, my life wa o tr an - formed that I dedicated my life to the purpo e of helping other to know thi ame Savior." Married in the Immanuel Bapti t ChL1rch in Akron, Ohio, Rev. and Mr . Umbaugh recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniver ary. Hi pre ent addre s i : 5105 Ann Hackley Road Fort Wayne, Indi ana. Members of Bera Baptist tell about new church SIGN OF SOMETHING NEW Spring i with u , and who i not joyful to ee the ign of new life everywher e! The bird in the tree . lovely green gra and pring flower, have been greeted with long-awai lcc1 an ticipa tion. At thi time what better thing can be announced than the birth of a new "baby' ' Baptist ht1rch ! April 7t11 the firc;t tinclay ervic ~ of Bible Bap ti~t ( ' ht1rch were held 1n the "Women lub" in nit) , Pa. How vle prai c the ord that ot1r little group n1eeting for Bible stttd) and prayer on'-ltiay night now l1a, its own unday \CrvtCC\ with a 1 ccortl set of O in Bible chool with the san1c in the \Vorsl,ip scr\' icc anJ 53 j r1 the cve11ing service. W.:: r cJoice ft1rtl1cr i11 tl1c for111atior1 of f1\ e c la,,c'i i11 ti111 e fc)r the fir t 13ible hot1r. Sl!ARCHING tar1, 1 of Llf l>l ssings ,v r tl1~ ., re Lilt c1f a 111ass :oillf\' \ ' " ntlll lt:: t ll ., OL1r Ji llo,v l1i11 l1ur t1 of \ 1 s t rn J) 1111 ,1,,a11i, l>Il 1 11d, ', 11ril It . It ,,, a t 11 t cl f t l 1 - I n l h I ' }3 i l', 1 Conference and the ho t wa Swi vale Baptist Church, and on their invita– tion, the churches came to help u with the cen u . The folk came early for orientation and prayer, then lunch with a beverage and de sert were pro– vided. Following lunch the caller , two by two, made nearly 500 call . Approximately 65 ,pro pei:tive familie were found. SHOWERS Other new " hower of bles ing " include eight children who have con– fe ed Chri t a their Saviour , ioce the beginning of Joy Club · a ecretary and trea urer have been elected to help facilitate the bu ine of the fellow hip; a number have r e ponded to the preaching of tl1e Word and have commented " thi i ju t what I needed ." SECOND SIGN OF NEW WORK Late new fl a h ~ Another new church i now tarted a the re ult of our metropolitan urvey work. There i a group of folk in Burget t - town Pa. now meeting during the week and 20 familie have indicated they are intere ted in tarting a new Bapti t Church there. They have named their fell ow hip al vary Bap– ti t. and have elected two officer . There i a fine building available to purcha e and a real intere t in getting Sunday ervice going and ca lling a n1i ionary pa tor . Pray for the n1ini - try of the Word to the e folk and u a we make 50-mile tr ~p throt1gh Pitt burgh to mee t ,vith the e folk . SUPPORT Our need of tipport ha been n1et partial! . We are trt1l) 1 gratefttl lt1r gift fro111 indi idt1al and t,, o nC\v cht1rchc . wi . \ ale Bapt1~t and F1r t Bapti. t of Worthington. n \\ h lping ti on a rcgttlar ba 1 . Ho,, , er. th 1, still leave ttr incon1c abot1t ( 0 11c1 n1 nth bel \\' the 1111n1n1t1111 necti \\ c J1ave applied for part-tin1c \\ rk. btat this i hard to f 1r1ti 110,\ ,, 1th tl1c hantlica[1 ol, bctc~. SEED SOWN c ha,c fot111tl a ti111t1, v l'-t ft)l •'ti\ ,ill' ' here. P,1.llt11 l 1, I ",," - .. Bcl1oltl , 11 \\ gt)Otl a11 I r)lc,,s·t11t 1t is fo1 bt etl11 t:Il t() li,v ~11 togetl1er i11 tan– it ,_,, \ e not 0111,, ,va11t t(, 1,,,~11 t >- ., getl1t!1 . \\'c lt .. si re t gfll\\ i 11 gr~, \.' atlli 111 nt1111bcr! t a,, tl1er t t' flt it w l1c>r11 lt \ ' t>ttr a 1111t . ta, J '-t t·il s • oti , s ) ll Jr a11 l gi,,c tl tl1 is , ' rk. ) ' Olll Ii i >11 , ric 11 tl1 }l ltll -ci ld L 11 I, g r - 11 l), ll arl, loll, I , rk , J n l 1 111l r t l cred D, I ti t Page 3, JULY, 1963