The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1963
earl to earf mong t e omen By. Mrs.. l~ez .Milner, 2665 Canterbury Road, Cleveland Heights 18, Ohio What is exc1tmg m your area? Please send your news and notices to me before the 5th of the month for we do desire this to be YOUR PAGE!! ' ' the little foxes ' ' HDo you not know that (ju t) a The wife laughed and answered , Jittle leaven will ferment the whole 'My dear, I have gone to bed ome- lump (of dough )? 1 Cor. 5: 6 - The time o mad at John that I have Amplified ew Te tament. wept into my pillow. But my anger "Catch u the foxes, the little foxe , never la ted becau e we have a magic that poil the vineyard '. Song of secret. When we were fir t married we Solomon, Modern Rendering. agreed that neither of us would ever In the Song of Solomon, hri t i ?o to leep at night without first say- pictured as the Lover of our oul 1ng to the other, 'I love you', And if the divine Bridegroom, eager for all we could not bring ourselves to say the loving attention that a human lover the words, we would give the other would enjoy . One morning He insi t three love ,pat in tead. It ha worked that Hi beloved sing for Him and like a charm. You see, it is little she sings, "Catch us the foxes, the ati faction to act discourteou ly to a little foxe that spoi l our vineyards, per on if you know how you will have for our vineyard are in blo om." to apologize for it before midnight. " These 'little foxes" are important if marriage is to be a succe s, whether on the human or the divine level. A friend tells of an enviable couple who were r ounding out a long married life in which there never eemed to be any di cord or tension, though both parties were somewhat temperamental. One day thi s friend asked the wife to tell her frankly if she and her hu band were really alway as harmonious a ) they eemed to be. Quotes From Lette r By Our State President ··with respect to the gift de ignated from the DIME BANKS for a foreign mission project, it is our plan to pre– sent a check for thi amount to a r epresentative of that project a t the October meeting. Don't mi the Annua l meeting in Toledo, Oct. 17. ··Pray <leti nitely abou t your con– tributi on to the co~t of the Bapti t Mid-Mission~ Sen1inar to be held in edarvi lle thi~ J uJy. La~t year '5 emin– ar cost almo'!>t $1,000. A5k the Lord to direct yoLtr group a to it~ share i11 this work. ·• hank you again for your wonder– ful response to the l .. ord ,t~ a State group. llemen1ber our late 01ganiLa– tior1s as the)' func tion these ~L1mn1er ,11()11tl1 and continth.:: to tiphol<l our 111i sior1aries as tl1e)' labor ( really lahor) for tt1e 1 ... ord i ,1 their variot1s fi Id.. . ··K cep prai ing ar1d pra) 1 i11g. i ' Ot1 i,1 "'o]cdo in C ctot)cf. ' Bies tl1e I ord Jl1}' oul a11d forget 11ot all l Ji l,enefi l !, " - Bet1J al1 H olts ~r. I i111e JJc111k.s Av(1ila/J/e l 1 f'<J111 ,\1r,\. K e11 ,1e 1/1 J/ 011 ' t'.1, 3 l '<trk ve1111 e, 1 l"lV 1.- J/ 1(ltJl1, OJ,i,1. The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST The same magic ecret works on the piritual plane. Let us be sure that no day clo e without our telling Christ that we love Him, making ure tha t all the little "foxes' that would poil the tender blossoms of our Jove and put u out of touch with our Lord have been exterminated - and for- . gtven. - H. M. Lintz, D .D. -Strength for Each Day Fellowship Report The We t Moriah Women ' Mi - ionary Fellow hip met May 7 at the Bible Mi ion Bapti t Church in Rey– nold burg, to elect oficer for the new group , and to hare mi ionary pro– ject ideas. Mr . Paul Mayo of Sunbury, ac ting pre ident, cond uc ted the meeting, with Mr . Harry ole directing the mu ic. lec ted to er ve a pre ident for two year wa Mr . rwin Towle, Pa ta kal a; J t Vice Pre ident, Mr . Don Winter , o hoction ; 2n<l Vic Pre~ ident, Mr . harle George, hur ton ; Sec retary, Mrs. Ra lph Meador , unbury; Trea\Ltrer, Mr . l~ober l taton, Lancaster. he grot1p enJoyed hearing Mr ·. Mildrcd l eec h o f the Hcl1rcw C hristi a ,1 oc1cty, le eland , who spoke to Lts co11ccrning her wor l - Re1:,or ted h}' Mr ' . Ralpt1 ~1 cador\ HILLTOP f I illto1), Ollf , older1 gc rl Ille itl Barbcr to11 is OJ)t 11 for l1t1si11css ! everal cl c ar f o Ik are al read)' Io at c J t 11 ere. What ~, joy tl1is is to ktl()\.\ \\ ~ 11 l\\' t1av a Ho111e i11 hi >. Pra ' f ,r tl1is ti t 111c , f r all \\ l1t livt tl1~r a11d , ' lrk there and for the per on who erve on the various Boards of the Home. Vi it the home . Garden FOUR ROWS OF LETTUCE 1. Let us labor for Chri t. 2. Let u Jove one another . 3. Let us be loyal to our church. 4. Let us be friendly and cheerful . FIVE ROWS OF SQUASH 1. Squa h tale-bearing and go ip. 2. Squash unconstructive critici m . 3. Squa h di en ion in our r ank . 4. Squa h evil in all it form. 5. Squa h all ob tacle to the growth of our cla and church . FOUR ROWS OF TURNIPS l. Turn Up in the wor hip ervice Sunday. 2. Turn U p at every church ervi ce. 3. Turn Up at all Prayer meeting . 4. Turn Up at all call for Chri tian • erv1ce. FOUR STANDS OF BEES 1. Be Friendly. 2. Be Faithful. 3. Be Optimi tic. 4. Be a good Bible tudent. - Grace Tiding - By Jud on Walker, Orlando, Florida. Kook's Korner - Salad 15 mar hmallow (about 2 cup tidbit ) l medium- ized can cru hed pine- app le I pkg. len1on Jell-0 l n1 all pkg. cr eam chee e ~2 Clip whipping rean1 ut n1ar hn1allow "' in ' n1all pie e . oak one hour or long r in the pine– apple jt1ice. he jL1ice 111ay be drained from n1ar hn1allo\ , and used in Jell-t1. Make Je ll-o according to dtr tion, on package. being carcft1l to ti c "\ little le . l1qt11J becat1 ' e ot tl1c l14t11d in the p111e,t pple. ,L1al l a ct1 p of hot water and ren1a111i11g p111cap~1lc Jt11ce i'i su t f 1c1cnt. lll, J II o tll tl1 iclc11 ,light I}. Beat i11 ( 1 ea111 ( t1ec,c Ft1ILI 1r1 i1111cafJf)le . 111,t1sl1111 .. 1llo\\\, arlll \\ l1i1JpCli erea 111. l' t1r11 ttll(.l tllL1l"-l, and hill. 11111old on grct: n, 'e.. l~l)tl \l tlcLOJ atil ns ' ttlLi gar111,t1es 111a ll t1scLl . t rvc I 0- 1-. - Ir . •l~rald t\l ·1r l1, 11 - cLlar\ illt: . * * * It isn't 11 \\' 11igl1 ' ti g i11 lit tl1at ounts, lllll l1t1\v )' t>t1 gL1 tl1t.::re. P ge 5, JULY 1963
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