The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1963
'rt nn ,( mRn brs11i r t tl n ~\lll tlt... \ Thanksg iving On The Miss ion Field Sy Lo is Buerer H rd1on pr ac tice after chool at 111, hou e. I,? mom will drive you . . h n1e after\, ard :· ound like ome- thing h appening here in the State . doe n·t it? Yet the e words were poken in the Philippine I land about a month before Thank giving. Thank giving i alway a big day for mi ionarie of the A ociation of Bapt i t for World Evangeli m ta– tioned in Manila in the Philippine . The)· u ually all meet at omeone house for a big dinner, complete with cr anberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Af ter dinner there may be a time of fellow hip or relaxation. The little k id go outside to play Red Rover or kick the Can; the teen-ager go into another room to play games and talk. It i one of those few times in the , ear when everyone gets together. J Acco rd ion band Two )'ears ago we decided to meet at a r estaurant in Quezon City. After a delicious dinner of fried chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy canberry sauce, relishes, and pumpkin pie and ice cream, several mis ionaries put on a program. Among the special numbers was our accordion band . Since the accordion i quite easy to learn to play, and a lot easier to car1yr around than a piano. quite a few M.K. 's can play one. That day we had nine accordions and two trumpets. After the special numbers one of the women told a story for the children. Then we all sat and talked or \\'ent for walks before going home. Though it wasn ·t like a T hanksgiv– ing D ay here in the States, it was a time of fellowship, fun and thankful– ness for all. Page 12, NOVEMBER 1963 an • I Are we thankful enough? l~phc<; i,1n~ 5 : 20 - HC1iving thank<;. alway~ for all things t1nlo God and the Father 1n the name of OLtr I ..ord J e Ll ,hri st. ' ' Thanksgiving In The States By Marliyn Buerer Are American teenagers real ly thankful? "Why don't they have something good to eat for a change?" Have you ever heard this complaint about the food in your cafeteria? Perhaps you ve even aid it yourself. Or per– haps you complain about your teach– ers of your homework. Stop and think how you would feel if you don't have these thing . Yet we complain about them as though we wanted them done away with. One thing we hear a lot of criticism about is the food in our school cafe– teria. Some kids say they give too food; others complain it's not enough. Some say it's too spicy. I'm sure you can see that no matter how it was prepared everyone would not be satisfied. In some countries of the worId people are starving and would be overjoyed to have the food we * ... *·' -:" Editors' Note: We want to express our thanks and appreciation to Lois and Marilyn Buerer for their fine articles for our youth page. They are daughters of Rev. and Mrs. Harry Buerer, missionaries to the Philippines, and are now attending Cedarville High School. L ois is a Junior, and Maril)'n is a Sophomore. * * * • As the tree falls so must it lie, As the man lives so must be die, As the man dies so must be be All through the days of eternity. * * * A man's country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle; and patrio– tism is loyalty to that principle George William Curtis, American author ( 1824-1892). feed to our pets. Another "fad' ' seems to be criticiz ing the teacher . One of the teacher\ at our school is, according to on< person, trict and unfair. He doesn' I explain anything, but just gives as· ignments and expects you to kno\\ how to do them. Another girl told me this same man was her favorite I teacher. I think the reason some o1 our teachers are so strict is because we by our behavior, force them to be A third thing I've noticed is , of thankfulness for the preacher We don't seem to care about all the I time he spends to bring us God'~ Word and to pray for us. Instead we watch the clock on Sunday morning, and are quick to notice when he goe~ overtime. These are only three of the thing~ that teen-agers like to complair about. We should look at the othe11 ide of things and realize how for· tunate we are to be blessed with sc many things . Remember, ' 'in every· thing give thanks.' ' Don't forget youth rally day after Thanksgiving Calling all Ohio Fellowship youn! people! D on't forget to plan for the1 youth rally at Cedarville College thei day after Thanksgiving, Nov. 29. Pastor Warren Wiersbe of Calvar) t Baptist Church, Covington, Ky. is tc be the speaker. Meetings will be iL the gymnasium at the college bot!: afternoon and evening. Music is tc be under the direction of Rev. Lym Rogers of Northfield Baptist Church Send your reservations for the meal which will cost $1 .50 to Rev Donald Moffat, Box 7, Cedarville Ohio. Get a bu load of your youn! people and head for Cedarville to set if you can capture the travel tro.pb ) which will be awarded in the evenin! • erv1ce. The OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTISl
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