The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1963
• ,, ord of Life By Harold W. Carpenter l\1aterial co11ipiled by Pastor Harold 1V. Carpe11ter. This 1na– terial as set forth , is especially compiled to help young Chris– tians, and others seeking greater spiritiial niaturity . The key ,vord for study, "SALVATI O N" ...ESSON III: The thought for consideration, ·What liberty is ours!'' . The third step in Christianity: 1. Passing from "DEATH' ' unto 'LIFE." John 5 :24. a) The third etter in the word, ''Salvation," is the etter "L". Shall we allow this letter o stand for the word, "LIBER TY." fhe scr~ptural meaning of the word, liberty'' is the word, "freedom.' ' God lesires that each of His children now the complete freedom (liberty) hat i theirs through the accomplish– d work of Jesus Christ at Calvary. John 8:32; Romans 6:14, 18, 22; ames 1 :25). b) When a man exer– ises spiritual liberty, he is at peace vith God, and he positions himself . o enjoy an inward peace that keeps 1im adjusted (stable) to override very circumstance in the spirit of oy. (Isa. 26:3-4; Romans 5:1; John 4 :27 ; Romans 10: 15) . God is the \uthor of liberty and peace. (I Cor. 4 : 33; II Thess. 3: 16). Always per– nit the peace of God to rule in your 1eart. (Col. 3 : 15). Liberty in Christ annot be exhausted ; it is never out– noded ( unfashionable ). Freedom in , : hrist makes man unashamed of Him. Romans 1: 16). When man i at iberty, he knows no restraint that 111pairs hi s movements ( actions) a Chr istian. (Romans 8: 32 ) . He i ree from intense tightne5s th at cause bnorn1al response. ( I Peter 2: 15- l 6). '1e is the possessor of spiritual stain– . na and cottrage tf1a t carries him forth 1 o l1igher planes of fru i tft1l expcc tancy. Jll1il. 4: 13; l sa. 4 1: 10, Duct. 3 1:6; ohn 15 :2, 4, 8; j J)h . 3 .20 ) 11 . The tl1i rd offeri11g 1n order a : a) tt1e 111ea t and peace offcr– ng ( I... e,,. 3). o]Jowi1 g c pia tion ( to nakc con11)lete sa tisfaction for ; to t o 11.; for), and elf-dedicn t io r1 , the ,ffer r 11 w expresses tha11kft1l ness r1d co111111u1nio1 ,,.1i th ,od, and th \;., 11 ciou 11e of hei11g at ,,eace wi t11 he OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Class' ' God. (Lev. 3: 16) . This is essentially the New Testlament, the Christian order. These types foreshadow the per son and work of Christ, "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world ." (Rev. 13:8). b) offering could be a male or female of the flock. (Lev. 3: 1) . c) In all of these sacr ifices the victim must be without blemish. (Lev. 3: 1). d) T,he hands of the offerer must be placed on the head of the animal. It was then sJain. (Lev. 3 :2). e) The Blood was then sprinkled by the priest who burned the fat. (Lev. 3 :2-5). f) The offering was then eaten by the offerer. (Lev. 3: 16-17). g) It signified fellowship and communion with God. (Lev. 3: 17; Psalms 119 : 16) . Offering compared 2. How does this offering compare to the proto-type Jesus Chri t? Let u see: a) As this offering signified ex– pressive thankfulness and communion between the offerer and God, so the communion and peace of Chri t in Chri tian hearts should expre s it elf in tones of thankfulnes by thought, word, and deed. (Jer. 29: 11; I Tim. 1: 12; Psalms 145:5-7; Eccl. 3:7; John 3: 11 ; II Cor . 4: 13 ; Jan1e 2 : 12; Acts 19: 18; Romans 2: 6; R,oman 15:18; Col . 3:17 ; I John 3: 18) . b) Whether male or fen1ale of the flock , the sacrifi ce mu t be elec ted. It mu t be offered. So God , to atone for in mL1st elec t a ( the ) perfect sacrifice (Je u hri t ), a ource and channel fr ee fron1 impurit)' , to d tc f or lo t hun1 anity. ( Ac ts 2: 22-23; John 3: I6, Luke 22: 22). c) A the a11in1a l n1t1~t be free f ro ,11 any i111J) t1 r it y or blc111i h, \O ' hris t n1t1\ t be JCr fec t on of God ( D1e ty), and perf ec t on of 111 a11. ( o l. 1: 28, Hcl1r c\.vs _: 10; J a111e " l : 17). J t1das ad111 its hctr,t)' al of the per– fec t ~ on of od \\ hc r1 l1c saicl, ·' J l1a ,,c si 1111cd i1 tl1at l l1 ,1, 1 c betrayed th,. i1 - r1oce11t l)lood. ( 1att . _ 7 :4). Jli l,1te i11 adn1itt ing t11e p rf tio11 of J ~st1 as ~ on of 111ar1 aid, ·1 a111 i1111 ce11t of the blood of this just person." (Matt. 27: 24). d) As the hand of the offerer is placed upon the sacrifice offered, so in a sense God placed H is sanc– tion ( approval) upon His Son when He said, ' 'This is my Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased." (Matt. 3: 17). e ) As the flood of the animal trickled down over the altar (Lev. 3: 2), so the blood of Christ flowed freely at Calvary. As the life of the animal was given on the altar (Lev. 17: 11), so the life of Christ wa given at Calvary (John 10: 18 ; 6:51 ). f) As the offerer ate of the sacrifice, so we eat of the sacrificial Christ also. (Jer. 15:16). When we eat of the Word, we are eating the Sacrifice (Jesus Christ). In John 1: 1, 14, the "WORD' ' and "JESUS CHRIST" are ynonymous. g) Just as the animal ignified fellowship and communion with God, so through Jesus Chri t we have fellowship and communion with God. (I John 1:6,7; I Cor. 1:9 ; I John 1: 3). * * * Living without tru t i like driving in a fog. Remember, the best g·ift are alway tied wi,th heartstrings. The Bible Evangelist Who Believes and Preaches: • The Old Book • The Precious Blood • The New Birth • The Blessed Hope Rev. Leland G. Arntz Evangelistic and Pulpit Supply Ministry RR# 3 , Hudsonville, Michigan Hebrew Christian Society (An Independent Ba ptist M ission) 4486 M ay field Road Cleveland 2 1, Ohio * * * PRESENTING CHRIST Through means of: • Literature Distribution • House-to-House Visitation • Bible Classes • Carr1p • Corresponder1c.e Scl1ool • Radio WDLM Moline, Ill . WCRF Cleve land Speakers avai Iable to 111inister i11 your Cl1urcl1 Rev. Alan C. Me tcalf, Director Page 13, NOVEMBER 1963
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