The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1963

(Concluded from page 7) to the assembly so that we won't have to gather it up when I come. In the Old Testament the I raelite brought many sacrifices . They were costly. They also brought the tithe . In the ew Testament we are ex– pected to bring the tithe as well as the sacrificial offerings that will co t u s very much. Now study this carefully. The tithe is not a sacrifice. The tithe is the Lord's. The tithe is a spiritual duty. We bring our tithe by faith be– cause the tithe is the Lord's. We bring a sacrifice out of ,the burden that God has given to support that which is his own will. It would have been totally absurd, in the time of Aaron ' for an Israelite to come and tell him he was going to give part of the tithe to the Levites. Aaron would have said it is written, ' 'I have given all the tithe to the Levites". Today, if God's people would bring their itithes to the local assembly, to use for pastor and missionaries only, we could put every missionary on the field and fully sup– port every pastor that God ever called. Do you believe this? Then, if we were willing to give sacrificially, we would find that God would "supply all your need accord– ing to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." This is God's method of financing the program that H e has given to the local church. 1. The Land is Mine. Lev. 25: 23, Psa. 24: 1, Gen. 1 : 1. 2. The Tithe is the Lord's. Lev. 27: 30. 3. The Firstborn is Mine. Ex. 13.2. 4. The Levite is Mine, instead of the Firstborn . Num. 3 :45. 5. I h ave given all the tithe to the Levi tes. Num. 18: 21. 6. Mine Angel. Rev. 22: 16. 7. Mine H ouse. Mal. 3: 10, I or. 3: 16-17. 8. ven So I Cor. 9: 1-14. In conclusion, God's method of fin ancing Hi s program has never changed from Gene~1s to Revelation. '']"he Iand is n1ine," and the "ti the i~ n1ine"... I have given' ' the tithe to my ervant. All the rest should conic tron1 our sacrificia l offerings If th1~ 1~ "'ritten into the co11stitu t1on of your ct1urcl1, you ~ 1 ill see blessings poured out sucl1 a you never drcar11ed. l "ry 11! You will find and prove that ,od I true. Ju t 011e 111 re t l1ot1gt1 t. Is the c~' ta111ent a con1pleted revelation? J)fa)' and receive a 11 >W c ,e]a t io11 '! J f J od could gi \' 111e a ,,eJ, ti 11 aJ)arl fr 111 t l1e Bil)le, He would have to ' 'add the plagues" ac– cording to Rev. 22. If the New Testament is a complete revelation and iit teaches tithing, then it must teach what to do with the tithes. Amen! ! I heard a small boy give this same teaching in the following poem: TEN PENNIES I had ten pennies the other day. I felt so rich and h~ppy and gay. Nine for myself and one for the Lord Till I s•tubbed my ,toe on an old loos~ board. I didn't cry, though I brushed my knee And my pants were torn for I had to see In which direction the pennies went, And I found them all except one cent. I looked all around those rickety boards, Whose penny was los t? Was i,t mine or ithe Lord's? And a sly voice whispered , whose ever it is Just say it was God's, He knows where it is. If He wanted i,t found , He'd show it to you, Keep the nine pennies, that's what I'd do. I was tempted, it's true, but it didn t seem right, And I ran home to mother ju t looking a sight. I told her my story but she didn't scold, For I couldn't have blamed her for the pants weren't old. She said , I still think there was one for the Lord, I 1 t was you, not He, that fell over the boards . Why, He gives you all thing , H e died for your sins, Do you think it i fair to be tingy with Him? I felt o ashamed a I thought how He died, And I put ye , two of the pennie a ide. Then mother ki ' ed me and bathed my knee And I felt o good down in ide of me. Later , while taking a wa1k arot1nd I found that Jo t penny, right there on the ground. 1'11 never forget it a5 long as I li ve. ay, God is one per on yot1 can't out-give. PERSONAL TESTIMONY You n1ay ye t have two question\ to ask; wiJI it work; l1 a rt been prover1. In 1955 the Hol}' [Jiri t led Otar pcOJ)lc into tl1is t1utl1 . 111 011e ()J (.)ttr chttrc l1cs tl1c 111011 ie ... a a ii al)le to stt p– port pastor a11d n1issior1aries Llot1l1lrlt . lr1 a11o ther cht1rcl1 tl1e ft111{i trii)ICll i111111cdiatel)' . Both churches amended their con– stitutions to read that all tithe money was to be used to support pastor and missionaries. All other needs were to be supplied from our sacrificial gifts. In six years time the first mentioned church, with about 60 members at the most, was able to pay for the building (9,000 feet of floor space) and make • many improvements. The total indebt- edness after six years was less than $2,000. The church was able to sup– port the pastor and missionaries as well. The other church, with 20 mem– bers, was able to support pastor and missionaries. The community has about 100 residents. The pastor, Al– bert Kinsey, reported that on April 9, 1961 the attendance was 81. The Lord is blessing greatly there. Miss H elen Smith A .B.W.E. mi - sionary in Brazil, and Rodney and Connie Knicely are member of thi church at Otsego, Ohio. The Lord led us to Reynoldsburg, Ohio to begin a new W·ork in 1956. This teaching is in our constitution. The church has been able to t1p 1 port the pastor, The Hornbrooks in Mexi– co, and other mis ionary projects. Our fir t unit has been built and paid for. We h ave a lovely parsonage by Hi Grace. God's Method of Financing work , it h a been proven. It i WORKING TODAY. l i Coulson Shepherdr Director • ' I For 27 years \\le have been telling t sraef of her Messiah over 50 and more radio stations at home and abroad. Person31 follO\Y·UP by our m1ss1onaries has made this n1inistry very effective. Now Jn f~itn we are enlarging our missionary staff. i1any of the 3 million Je,"s in the N .Y. ~rea, and in other large cit ies are open to approach \4Jlth the Gospel. The time to reach the,n is very shvr t Will you take this exp~inded outreach on your he\·ut, to pray and share? Send tor free copy of our infonna· live quarterly, MESSAGE TO lSRAEL MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, INC. Box 682, General Post Office New York t, N. Y. • • ' ------- -- - ----, --