The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1963

Interior of Emmanuel Baptist Church The -: 6th nnt1al Ieeting of tl1e per an al need. With the per onal pre - Ohio _ "'O iation of Regular Bapti t ence of God hall come a deeper zeal, (~httr he at the En1n1anuel Bapti t holine , urrender to Chri t in our hurch Oct. 14-17 i now completed churche , in our homes, in our lives." and tho e \\ ho attended certainly wen t Every per on left the meeting with home filled \\ ith the ble ing of God. omething for his per onal need . The pirit of the meeting wa one of We are truly indebted to Pa tor :lo ~e fello\\ hip around the Word of Hunt, hi staff, the orth Bethel od \.\ ith Chri tian of like faith. Fellow hip and the Lewi Avenue ,\ e ha\·e endeavored in thi i ue Bapti t Church for making this m ee t- of the Ohio Independent Ba,pti t mag- ing move along so smoothly and for azine to picture ome of the activitie their provision of accommodations to that took place at the meeting . It all delegates and visitors. This r e- I rather difficult. however to pa , quired much work on their part and on to our reader the true ble sing we are truly grateful. of the meeting . for one had to be Emmanuel Baptist Church , as the pre ent to experience them. But from picture of the interior on this page time to time in the e pages of the show , is one of the true beauty of OIB \\e will print ome of the con- design. It is located on a large wooded den ed mes ages as they are available lot in an area northwest of the heart to pa on to tho e who could not at- of Toledo within easy access to all tend to hear these pritual message highway . The acoustics with the loud from the Word of God. peaker system m ade every s,peaker The Rev. L . George Hunt pa tor easily heard. of the Emmanuel Baptist Church, The meeting were truly a time of Toledo. in his welcome a ho t pa tor , piritual joy and r ejoicing over the aid. ··Let u be con ciou of the marvelous Word of God. COVER PICTURE: Our front cover pictures some of the cenes at the annual meeting of the Ohio As ociation of Regular Bapti t Churches at Emmanuel Baptist Church, Toledo, Oct. 14-17. The personal pres– ence of God was manifested during the meetings. With this came a deeper zeal, holiness, and surrender to Christ. Truly this was a conference that provided ble ings for everyone who at– tended. The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, USA, by The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. It is a magazine devoted to Christian fello\vship and faithfulness to the truth. ubscription rate: $2.00 per y·ear. ingle copies, 20 cents. pecial rates gi, 1 en to churches that · subscribe for complete membership. • • The Ohio Independent Baptist .•• Published Monthly by ••• THE OHfO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CL.ASS PO~TA'=!: p~:d at Xeni!!, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist 4519 Well ington Ave., Parma 34, Ohio Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor ..... ... .... .... .. ....... James R. Johnson Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio Circulation Manager .... Mrs. John Kautz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. Women's Editor ... ... ... . Mrs. Inez Milner Cleveland Heights, Ohio Mission's Editor .... Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Youth Editors .. Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio Council and Officers Chairman T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave., Niles, Ohio Secretary . Re,,. Clarence T o~7Ilsend 115 E. Oak, Bovvling Green Trea.siirer .. . .. . . Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 N. Boyden, orthfield, Ohio Missionary Chr. Rev. Dona 1cl Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Y 01tt h Director Rev. Glenn Greenwood 315 S. I(ensington Pl., Springfield, 0 . Ed1ication Chr. ... Re\,. Earl V. v\ 7 illetts 11 Adams St., Berea OTHER MEMBERS Dr. John Balyo Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. Rev. R. K enneth Smelser Rev. John Strong Dr. Howard G. Young