The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1964
Pictured is Rev. Lynn E. Rogers (left), pastor of the Northfield Baptist Church, presenting the keys of the Volkswagon t o Missionary Esper Ajaj. Northfield Baptist presents • • • station wagon to m1ss1onary The orthfield Bapti t Church pre- ented I i ionar)' E per Ajaj of Evan– gelical Bapti t 1-ti ion with a new \ 1 olk \.\- agon tationwagon at the con– c l u ion of the morning work hop erv– ice. June 14. Ir . Ajaj wa born jn }·ria about 30 mile from D ama cu , coming to thi country to tudy the Bible. While in training he became burdened for the more than 200,000 Columbus area churches sponsor new work in southeast side of town The churche in the olumbu area are pon oring a new church on the outheast ide of town clo e to the Sun Valley and Brooklie ubdivi ion. Thej have purcha ed a tri-level hou e at L167 4 Wingate Rd. just off oe– B ixb)' Rd. as a temporary meeting place. R ev. ... orman Bo worth, pastor of Clavary Bapti t Church, Lapaz, Ind. for the pa t ten year has accept– ed the call to be the first pa tor of thi ne'N v. ork. Augu t 2 was set a a tentative date for the fir t Sunday services . The church v.lill be called the Blessed Hope Bapt1 t Church. AUGUST, 1964 PAGE 10 Ar abic peaking people in thi coun– try. ince mo t of them are in and around Wa hington D . . he has made hi home there . The station wagon wi]l be u ed to tran port child– ren and adult to Bible cla es con– dLtcted in hi home. The Church be– came aware of the need during it fo ur th annual mi ionary conference held in late April. One month ago it voted to purchase the vehicle. The Sunday when it wa pre ented over 2100.00 of the 2350.00 purcha e price had been rai ed. Bethlehem Baptist burns mortgage Member and friend of Bethlehem Bapti t gathered in the church audi– torium July 1 for the weekly church prayer n1eeting. During the meeting a pecial feature wa the burning of the mortgage on their pre ent building. The mortgage total $5,300 and it wa the goal of the congregation to retire thi mortgage in the three week prior to the meeting. Following the prayer er vice and mortgage burning the congregation gathered in the church ba ement for fellow hip and refre hment . July 1 i al o Pa tor R oy J . C lark' eighth anniver ary of hi ordination to the go pel mini try. Work i progre ing r apidly on the new bt1ilding after ett1ement of a liv \\'eek illl S l1t1 ti,ln slrikc. 1'1 :i n ,verl! l<l '1:i v · the l1l1 iltling ,inlier l'fl'-,r I,\ 111 c n, it I l 11 l: l, I 1\ ugt 1 s I . Bible crusade conducted in Massillon church " l1r t\t for vcryonc rt1sadc' was jus t cc)111pl ctcd at the a lvary Jla11t t\t ( ht1rc h f M of ti tt Height ,n t a\\illon, Ohio, with the l; rccl I{ 1 tchard son -1 vangel 1s tic .. can1 of apanee, Ind ., conducting the crt1- 5adc. "The Ritchard on' were a trc– n1e ntloL1~ ble 1ng to u~ during the week," pa tor l .., . J. DiPlacido, aid .. Prov iding pecial mu ic on the Ham– n,ond organ, piano, and trumpet , anti each evening conducting pecial children ervice at 7: 15 with colored film trip of Bible parable\. Brother Ritchard on' nightly pre en– tation of a beautiful oil painting illu trated with "Black Light" added an effective illu tration to hi chal– lenging me age . Their mini try j5 trL1ly unique but in a warm per onal way i directed toward the exalting of J e u Chri t and not e1f-glory. "Here i an Evangeli t who is wholly of the ame mind' a pastors who love our fellowship, and who are concerned about genuine revival among our churche . He i al o con– cerned about winning the lo t and challenging Chri tian to be oul winner . Thi wa the empha i of hi mini try to the aint . The Ritch ard on ' al o worked graciou ly with u in our V.B.S., conducted the ame week under the direction of Mr . Edi th Ward and provided object le on and pecial filmstrip each day for our V.B.S. Both the V.B .S . and the Cru ade ervice were bles ed of God with oul being aved and piritual victorie won. We have had few meeting where we have enjoyed a much the fellow- hip as we did with the R itchard on' and we want to commend them with out re ervation to all our cburche , confident that they will be a bles ing to every church that may a k them to come for meeting . They are al o member of a G.A.R.B.C. church and appreciate the fell ow hip. "Brother Ritchard on al o spoke on our recently tarted radio broad ca t, which i aired on R adio Station W.T.0.F. f.rn ., from Canton Ohio every Sunday afternoon at I: 30 p.m., daylight aving time. ( 9 . l on the f.m. dial). " Cleveland The enrollment in Bapti t Chri tian chool of Cleveland for Sept. 1964 i now 122. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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