The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1964

. , e airman s orner I,. l,t ,•. 1" 1 It ti /1 \\t '\ • /1air111 11. < n1111 ii f 1'<'11 I l1t le.: tt 'r t\. tllL' I l"'lll',1.t11, ,, l11cl1 I c.."l! l ,, itl1 a ''-'ng c.. 1 l 1 .11,c .111tl \\ ' I ' l Ill igl1 t \ lit) l) h.lg \ t 11\.1, \\ t l ll ... ..... . .1 trt1111 "'L't --~111 lt) l1attlc - l\ er, t .,r 1 • l:>t1t ('n tl1c ,, llt)l~ ar111ot1r of , 'c..i that , c 1111.1\ l)c ,ll"llc to ~tanLJ .1 g. 1 1 n t t 11 c ,, 11 c, l) t t h c i c, 1 l ". .. ph , : I I . I t I t r11 ~1 l1 rt an t t h at c, .. r \ bel 1 c, er h1.1 .. 1 r1gl1t , 1c,v of life. 1 he ( 'hri~tia11 - 1 fL' i .1 fight tro111 heginntng to end. l ct ti get it ,trc.1ight. c n ed not ..... "-' c pect to be - ...1rr1 d t the lie . on flO\\ er, beJ of ca. e \\ h1l t other~ fot1ght to ~ in the • prize Or ailed through bloody ea . Like hospitals Th traged} f many· churche to– da,1 i that the\i are more like ho - - - pital than armed camp . Lover of ea e more than di ciplined oldier . To be an effective oldier the be– lie, er mu t be made trong. Spiritual trength and courage are of prin1e nece It) in thi conflict. The Lord's army· i no place for coward . "A man can be well armed but if he doe not ha\'e a trong heart what good \\ ill hi armour do?' ' (Matthew Henr) 1 ). He mu t therefore live in dail\' communion with the Lord who ., \\' ill trengthen him and make him a good oldier. .... The armour of God mu t al o be put on. for no soldier hould enter into conflict unprepared. The enemy 1 craft}. uperhuman organized and COVER PICTURE: • Rev. T. Fred Hussey evil. Satan stand at the head of hi force a the god of thi world ( 2 Cor. 4:4) in ofar a it is alienated from God. The conflict i hand to hand and i de cribed a 'wr e tling." In uch deadly combat, clad in the whole armour of God the Christian become victor. o man who tru t Chri t need fear the outcome of the battle. The issue i certain. Oh, may the H oly Spirit make u all good oldier in thi day of com– promi e material pro perity and love of ease! Another ucce ful Camp Patmo sea on i ju t about over. Thi year' earl}' report indicate that the camp has had more ) 1 oung people attend than in any other ea on. In order for the camp to be ready, it wa nece ary for many hour to be spent in preparation of the camp, building of new cabin a miniature golf cour5e dining room enlarged, a new playing field cleared and eeded. Rev. Clarence Town end give an exten ive report of thi work on page 3 of thi i 11e of the OIB. -rhe Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each 111onth in Xenia, Ohio, LI A, by· The Ohio Associanon of Regular Ba11tist hurches. 1, 1s a magaLine dc\·oted to hri tian fello,vship and faithfulness. to the truth. Sub cription rate: $2.00 per year. Single co1,ie, 20 cents. '1>ecial rates gi,c11 to cl1urcl1e5 tl1at subscribe for complete 111embershj1). The Ohio Independent Baptist .•. Published Monthly by .•. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xeni•, Ohio POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Editoria I Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 1 0th of each month State Missionary Address : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor .. . . .. . . . . .. James R. Johnson Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio Circulation l\1anager , Sue Eckert Cedarville College, Cedar, 1 ille, 0. \Vomen 's Editor . Mrs. Inez Milner Cle, 1 eland Heigh ts, Ohio Mission's Editor . Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Yottth Editors l\!lr. & Mrs. S. L. Ch~ffe Cedarville, Ohio Cl'Lristiari Education Editor . .......... .............. Mrs. Earl D. U mhaugl1 Council and Officers Chairman T. Fred Hussey 615 Wa hington Ave. , Niles, Ohio ecretary . Rev. Clarence Townsend 115 E. Oak, Bowling Green Treasiirer . H. R. Davison 23 Ives ter Lane, Arcanum, Ohio Missionary Chr. . Rev. Dona1<l Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Youth Director Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 . Boyden, 1 orthfield, Ohio Ediication Chr. Rev. Earl V. Willetts 11 dams St., Berea OTHER MEMBERS Dr. 1 ohn Balyo Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. Rev. R . Kenneth Smel er Rev. John Strong Dr. Howard G. Young