The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1964

VOL. 36, NO. 10 The Ohio Independent Baptist Effort determin·ed by importance By Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh The amount of effort that i ex– pended on any given project will be determined by the importance that we a ttach to thait project . The im– portance of the starting of ew Te tament Bapti t Churche acros the State of Ohio i een in the Di– vine Imperative, "Go ye . The Di - ciples of our Lord J esu Chri t were not only the companion of a Person and the recipient of truth but were a] o bearers of a mes age. Privilege carries with it responsi bility. Our Lord Jesus Chri t has not r esc ind ed the great com.mis ion . It i till the responsibility of believing people to carry out the Divine Imperative by establishing evangeli tic churche from which the message can be carried to ever y person within the community. Our eva luation of the importance of this task will be een by our Hu– man Re pon e to thi Divine Im– perative. J esu borrowed a boat from Peter and after preaching the Word of God to the people who pre ed ''Labor of Love'' at Camp Patmos By Rev . Clarence Townsend While you read this artic le am,p Patmos is approaching the comple– tion of a most ucces ful camping ea on. Plans were to care for n1ore Ll1an 2,000 campers, counselors and taff fron1 the last week in J une until tl1e aturday before Labor Day. or a]] w]10 attend, al l who rwork, and all Y. 1 }10 pray for the camping season we have 111uch for which to praise the I ord. But behind the scene , and before tl1e openi11g of a111p, 111any l1undreds of l1our were given by 111er1 and wo- 111en, boy a11d girls, fro1n 111ore 1ha11 20 cl1urcl1e i,1 orde1 to 111akc tt1is ar' ca1n1,i1 g progra111 \\fl1at it i . J lir e n v,.., al i11 \\'er n trt1cl I, 111 b) , ,0JL1111 t;I laht r. 111i11iatt1re TH OHIO IND PEND NI BAP IS upon H im, He aid to Peter ' Launch out into the deep, and le t down yoL1r net for a draught. " Peter aid , "Ma ter , we have toiled aJJ the ni ght, and have taken nothing: neverthele at thy word I will let down the net .' ' After the de cent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Penteco t, the me age of the go pel wa proclaimed and many thou and of people were aved. When ,per ecution rai ed it ugly 1head and Chri ti an wer e cattered abroad, they went every– where preaching the Word. So im– portant wa thi ta k in the mind of the Apo tle Paul that he wrote 'Woe is me if I preach not the go pel." Since after 1900 year the Divine Imperative remain unchanged may our re pon e be equal to tho e fir t Chri tian . The importance of ihi ta k i een in it Eternal Re ult . Much i being written the e day about racial, eco– nomic and ocial ju tice . Good men have been bending their effort to golf cour e of nine hole wa con- truc ted by ,pa tor and laymen. The dining room wa enl arged, a new pJaying field wa cleared and ceded, new ba ketball backboard were in– stalled , a boat dock wa bL1ilt. an<l uch mundane thing a cleaning cabin , cleaning and hangi ng ~ crecn<,, painting bui lding and repairing roof , and cooking and 'ierving ht111(ired"i of n1eal~ were carried on to co111 plct 1011 by tho\e who work.ed \O l1ar(l anti ~o f a I th f til I y. o, to ca ch o 11 e \\ 11 o g a\ e of h ,~ tin1c an<l enc1 g\ the tale You th DCJ)artn1cn t an<l tJ1e , J'llS(Ct;S of Honie and arllf) a,, .. 1"11a11k ) ' OLJ. ' Withot11 yot1r Hlabt>1 t1f lo\' ' ' a111p 1) a tn1os Y.'Ottlcl 11ot l, al)li.; tc) fJf0\ 1 idt= th t; 1,rogra111 11or the l1lessi11gs \·Vl1icl1 it is lloing tl1is t1111111 r . >te\Vl>f l h \\'ii l i 11gl) ga, HlllJ) l f> 11t:ll illllOJlg lllt)S \VJl l S l) of 1 l1eir t i111 l) t \)J l! arc: l r . arri lJrt1 c AUGUST, 1964 Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh era e poverty, di ea e and war from the face of the earth but the e tempor– al benefit pale into in ign ificance when compared with the eternal bene– fit that accrue to a oul that i born again. Thi trl1th was brought into focu by Je u when he a ked. What hall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lo c hi own ot1l?'' A our churche e tabli h new ,preaching point aero the tate of Ohio, the eternal re ult will be written deep into the heart of tho e who hear the me age and believe to the aving of their ot1l . fron1 Amber. t who along \vit,h other ladie , had charge of the n1eal anti the kitchen~ Pa tor I yon R gcr , fr n1 ort hficlc.J \\ ho dire t c.i the recreational in1por,,cn1cnts; Pa,ror 0 011 Beightol fror11 :t\-lar1r11ngton, W. a. who (1irected the o,er-all ,1\,;t1,,i– tie"i (it1ring 1110 t of tht; \\icel, a11Li Ir . ,eorgc Barne, of fa\ cttc \\ l1t, bttilt the ho<1t c.iock a11c.i engi11ce1 l'll tt1e ~ t..: 11 1 ar g c 111 c 11 t o t t 11 I i n i 11 g ,11 c d, a \\ell ,1, 1cJ)a1rcLl tl1e ,vatcr ,t1111)l) ptllllp Ille \CC<.)tlll \\ 1 l.:t' k )t l .. llllp. lltll ,vitl1ot1t tl1c \\C)I k c.)f al ()ttt 7- )tl1e r J) ~() J)ll' ( a Ill}) 1>~1 t llll s \\' l)tllli l l t) l)t ,, 11 at i t is t 111 ') , t 1111111 er i. t t c1 \ l) t t a 11 . a 1111) ]>at tlll) ,, 01 kers, a 111 er ' • "T' l1n11k '\ l)tt! " • )th ing ~tii11uld t ii1 t~r:.. l 111 lt>I c ig11 ·1fJ ai rs l1k ~ )11 , ing l c. 11 >f 1111l it l l') t1ge. AUGUS , 1964 PA E 3