The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1964
c urc By Mrs. Earl Umbaugh \\ riti'i~c 'ttr J\.''t'l''ll' ft,r tL .. tLl111g \\('lrll ll) l1o)k • ll I Ill, g .. 1 irlt' \\ ' llr~ tllelll ll) I l'c.lll gt)L ll l)()Ok., . C t ,11 tl1, t' ', an t girl, tl, al),l,1in tr 111 reading con1ic ·11 .. !!aZ 1L' \\ l' tell , t)tttl1 tl1c 1t1i,1~" tt,c, rca<..I arc .. tra, h''. ~ ~'t ,, 1..11 .tic ,,c Li 111g lL) hcli) tl1c1l\ ha,c a\:a1lnhlc g d t\.flLl 1 11g n tl1c, .. 1) )1 1,1()k." ,111Ll 111agazi11c? 111. clearl)' r,r c ~ n t tL, ti 1l1t 11t't ,I t a Cht1rch l ihrary where to– gct l er ,, c c.. 111 ~1r , ilic go d read Ing. H \\' ,re t1Je.. f!i 11 a ( ' }1t r("h l l1r,1r, p., .1 111c.1tter t l1e l k c.l int and tLtdi ed . . \I 1,1 ~httr h l 1hr.. 1r1c are bcgt1n 1n a l e, haphazared ,, ..1,. l"CC,1tl ' C 11c i1er,on htt the bt1rden and the de. ire bt1t it 1 t )<..) l~1rgc a proJcct for one per on to carry out. To 'ltfJf ,, ,11<1i111a111. and <ir<·11lare a g od librar) den1and the intcre"t a11d the hel~1 f a great many pe ple. • t I. The reed. The pa tor and ome member of your church are con tantl}' being called upon for ource material in the preparation of Devotionals. Sunday School Lesson , \ omen' :\1i ionar 1· T alk . Youth Program and parties. J\.ian)' high chool and college tudent need re ource material" for term papers and e a} s. P eople who are ill or hut-in need good reading material to fill the many hour of confinement. ome bo) and girls are devouring arm-load of book from the public librarie and funny book borro\\ 1 ed or traded \\ ith a chum. All the e needs can be upp1ied through a Church Library. AUGUST, 1964 PAGE 6 11 . r111 int a I 1hrt1 r ( 01nn1ittcc. hi s ~on1mittce ,hl tlltl 1nclt1tlc tl1c pa,tor anti he rc,prcscntcc.l l)y the n1nyor gr )tip\ c)f the cht1rch . ..rho c on the co111n11ttcc shottlcl l1c \<)le.I 011 the valtlC\ t)f a l1hrary, and what 1t can > fc)r the boy\ and girl , 111en and women anc.J the y()l lth of y ttr cht1rch. Their re pon ibilitic\ are a\ foll ws: l. elect a location for the Library. It \houlc.J be a light, ea. iJy available ( not a hidden back room), at– tractive pot in the building. 2. elect and obtain financing for the furni hings an cJ LI pp l i e . 3. Approve a11 book to be placed in the Library. ( l) All book are to be hri tian book in variot1s f orn1 . ( ertain exception may be et uch as En– cyclopedia game book , dictionarie etc.) (2) Read and ap.prove or cull out book donated to the Library. ( 3) Prepare a elected book Ii t to he po ted for f utL1re purcha e or donation . (4) Approve any book to he pL1rcha e<l hy in– dividual or cla e . 4. et up a plan for obtaining book . 5. Plan a way of pre enting book to the member– hip for u e. 6. Have a definite time when book may be taken OLI t. 7. Appoint a Librarian and an a i tant. (He may or may not be from the committee.) III. The Supply. There are everal way the book may be upplied. 1. Have the people of the church donate any books they may have at home. The e will have to all be read and carefully culJed. Ju t becau e it ha a religiou title or flavor doe not mean it i a proper book. 2. To help get ome good reference books perhap the ,pa tor or ome member would temporarily loan a et until the Library can get well underway at which time a et can be obtained permanently. 3. Plan a Library Day. Get the co-operation of your local Chri tian Book Store or a Publishing Hou e in upplying a number of books yot1 would like to have purchased for the Library. On Library Day get individual member · Sunday School Cla e · Sunday School department · Youth Group · etc. to purcha e one or more of the e book di played through– out the church. Al o receive a Library offering that day. ( Either the whole offering of ea~h cla organization or a Special Offering.) 4. Encourage Memorial pre entation of book . The e book furni bed by the Book Store and di played or taken from the elected book Ii t. Provide Memorial Book Plates to be filled out by the donor. An Example: "Speaker Trea ury of 400 Quotatable Poem ,, by Croft M. Pentz, Price $2.95. In ho11or of M)' Mother, Mrs. Mary Smith. by Mr. John Smith . Have a table et up with ome one on the committee ready to take care of the e memorial gift . 5. September would be a good time to have a Library Day a people become book con ciou at back to chool' ' time. IV. The Maintainance. You have the place, the helve , the equipment, now THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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