The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1964

. ' e airman s ..l1ai,·111a11. l ,c: ,,,, ii I / '<·11 \~"t i \ 11 ar 1,111g t)ltt t)l tl1c lL1,t 111ccl - .. i11g l f tl1c l)ll'l('tl (. f 1 Cll 111 lth.lCLi a "' r ~l"ti, r l tl1c C('fCt .. 1r, to pr l:Cti ,, 1tl1 tllL' r•rinttng t f the re, t\cd c n- l tt1t1(,n ,1, ..1J ptcti at the l,1 t annt1al 111cc1111g. 1 h1 1 .. 11 \\ 1n the printer, .... 1 .. 1 llli,. l ' p1 ~ \\ 111 he f f\\ arJcd to all l)ttr , " .. 1c11..1t1 n ht1r he c1 on ..1, the, .. 1r off th pre .. . I 11qt11r1t: .. ha, c be n n1adc a to ,, l1c t her ,, c \\ ot1ld till be going to tl1c T c111 plc Bapti t hurc h in P rt - 1111t1th. Ohio. for OLtr annual n1eeting Jt1 t Pa tor R . L. un1n1er' re ig-– nat1on. \\fe are plea ed to report that th d a on of Temple Bapti t hurch , ot d unanin1ou ly and enthusia tical- 1) to contint1e vvith the pre ent plan . Let u come ,vith great expectancy and pra) erful anticipatiqn to the orner nnual A ociation Meeting to be held in Port mouth from October I9th through the 22nd. All tie of fellO\\' hip need trengthening. Our Rev. T. Fred Hussey zeal for the Lord' ervice need fre h in piration and the orderly and democr-atic admini tration of our af– fair and re pon ibilities need a full informed and well repre ented dele– gation of me engers from every church. Plan now to • gather a t the river ' in October . MY FALTERING HAND B) 1 a M issionar}' 1y hand i on the plough, my faltering hand: But all in front of me i unti lled land, The wilderne and olitary place, The lonely de ert with its interspace. What harve t have I but thi paltry grain, These dwindling hu ks, a handful of dr) corn. These poor lean talk ? My courage i outworn. Keep me from turning back: The handle of my plough with tear are wet, The shear with rus t are poiled and yet and ye t, ~1) God! My God! Keep me from turning back . PLAN NOW TO ATTEND 37th Annual Meeting October 19-22 TEMPLE BAP·TIST CHURCH Portsmouth, Ohio T he Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, US-~, by· The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. 11 1s a magazine devoted to Christian fello\,·ship and faithfulness to the truth. ubscription rate: $2.00 per )'ear. Single copies, 20 cents. pecial rates gi, e11 to churches that subscribe for complete membershjp, The Ohio Independent Baptist ... Publ ished Monthly by •.. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xen ia, Ohio . POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Th e Ohio Inde pe ndent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarvil le, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editollo~ .. i84;· C~d;~;nl:,mohi Johnson Circulation l\,1anager . Site Eckert Cedarville College, Cedarville, 0. W ome1i's Editor . .. Mrs. Inez l\1ilner Cleveland Heights, Ohio 1Wission's Editor . Ilev. Donald l\1offat Ceda rville, Ohio Youth Editors . Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio CJiristia11, Education Editor . . .. ... . . .. . .. .... ... ..... ... . .. Mrs . Earl D. U mbaitgh Council and Officers Chairman T . Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave. , Niles, Ohio Secretary . Rev. Clarence T ownsend 115 E. Oak, Bo"vling Green Treasurer ................ H. R. Davison 23 I \'ester Lane, Arcan11m, Ohio Missionary C hr. .... Rev. Donald l\1offat Cedarville, Ohio Youth Director . . .. Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 . Boyden, 1 orthfield, Ohio Editcation C1ir. Rev. Earl V. Willetts 11 Adams St., Berea OTHER MEMBERS Dr. John Balyo Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. R ev. R . Kenneth Smel er Rev. J ohn Strong Dr. Howard G. Young