The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1964

Vol . 36 , No 11 The Ohio Independent Baptist y not ta e as a goa ? one new c • a mont urc By Rev . Earl D. Umbaugh 1 h~ th ught ha been rt1nning - l l1r "t1gh 111, n1i nd f r the pa t e eral -- - \\ eek. . ·· h\ n t take a a goal one • n ,, ht1r h a n1onth f r the coming . o iat1onal 1 ·ear?.. Thi i well with- in t1r reach. There are everal hur he in our ociation that are large enough to pon or a branch hurch on their own. There are 12 geographical area where three or four churche could work together in the pon oring of a branch church. E\ er,· church in the A ociation could ., ha,:e a part in thi mini try either by interce ory prayer for each new church that begin . by the placing of a ne\\ church on )'Our monthly mi - ionar)· budget or by encouraging ome of your member to help form the nucleu for a new church tart- ing clo e to them. Is it right? The que tion i .. I it right for u Chri tian work?'' ometime a ked to et goal jn When the children of I rael entered the land of Canaan. the Lord et a challenging goal before Jo hua. He aid, '"Ari e go over thi Jordan, thou and all thi people -. Every ,place that the ole of 1 ·our foot hall tread upon. that have I given unto you, a I aid unto Mo es.'' Their goal wa to be the po es ion of all of the land and the only limitation wa their willingness to enter into all of the in– heritance. The Apo tle Paul expre ed his goal when he said, H- forgetting tho e thing which are behind. and reaching forth unto tho e thing which are before. I pre toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ J e u .·· The mo t fruitful ea on of my OV-ln ministr)r have been tho e when the pa tor and the people envisioned certain goal and then se t about to ret1ch tho5e goal ~ ithin certain tin1e l1n11 t SEPTE,~BER , 1964 PAGE 4 The etting of goal in the ecular realm i a common ,practice. Some 111onth ago I talked to a bu ine man who wa in the proce of developing a new bu ines . After an intere ting review of the accompli hment of the la t fi cal year I a ked him about the pro pect for the future. He grinned and aid that he had ju t fini hed etting forth their goal for the .com– ming year and that they were hoping to gro a million dollar in ale jn one facet of their operation. After taking into account the fact that son1e n1onth are more fruitful than other and that ome area are more productive than other each ale man wa given a quo1'a for each month in order to reach vhe overall goal. At the end of three month I a ked him how thing were going and he aid that they were fini bing the fir t quarter of the year winhin a few dol– lar of their goal. Since we are dealing in thing of piritua1 and eternal value may God help u to lift our eye to get a vi ion of the potential and to et a,bout the ta k of reaching the goal of twelve new churches between the annual n1eeting of October 1964 and that of October 1965. Champion Baptist Church recognized in Warren A recognition council wa held on July 13, 1964 at the Bethel Bapti t Church in Warren 0 1 hio to consider recognizing the hampion Bapti t Church of Warren a a Regular and Independent Bapti t h·urch. Pa tor and repre entative were pre ent from the following churche ~ Fir t Bapti t McDonald Ohio ; Cal– vary Bapti t, Hubbard Ohio~ Fir t Bapti t, iles, Ohio; Evansville Bap- ti t. iles, Ohi o; Trinity Bapti t ortland , Ohio; Bethel Bapti t War– ren. Ohio: Bibl e Bapti t, Girard, Ohio: Grace Bapti t. Kent, Ohio: anc.1 the SEPTE~BER, 1964 Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh Rev. Earl Umbaugh tate mi sionary. The council approved a motion to recognize the Champion Baptist Church a a Regular and Independ– ent Bapti t Church, P a tor W . D. Smith announced. Bible Baptist Church Seven Mile, 0., has recognition council A recognition council wa held for the Bible Bapti t Church, Seven Mile Ohio Aug 3. Rev. Robert McCarthy of Dayton wa moderator of the council and Rev. William Rus ell was appoi nted clerk. The council declared it elf ati - fied with the constitution and article of faith. The church has been meeting since May 1963 and recently moved into a new church building. Rev. Duane Well i the pa tor. Used pews needed The Bible Bapti t Church, Seven Mile Ohio would like to ecure 10 or 12 u ed pews to 11 feet long. Thi i a new church and they moved into their fir t unit la t May. They have applied for fellow hip in both the tate and national a ociation of the GARBC. The Christian's Prayer Lor<1, 111ake 1ne free . . . Fro,11 fear of the fittitre Fro111 anxiet}' of Ihe 11zorrol--v : Fro,11 bitterness to~varcl an,,011e; • Fro11 z l·o1-vc1rd ice i11 f ac·e of ti t111 (?er: f ro111 f c1il11re before <J/JP<Jrt1111il_\'; f ~ r v 111 I c 1 ~ i 11 e s i 11 I c Ice <, I u' <Jr/.. . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTISl