The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1964

No greater persona l happiness By Lucille C. Brouillet M tropolitar, Missions - Cleveland 1 ' \ 'll 11\.)( \ C( l Lf'Ct..:l\ C 11<.11 lltl \t l' r , t •, 11 I . I, , ,.1 t 11 11 c ,\ r t , c t h a r LI'> H,l, 111g .. , l''- lft1 , )ti r1 )t "'C. ,\t1LI l1a, - .... i11g t:,\r "-I, \t ll 111t l1c,lr '> V-lc ,i1cak. n t ~.1t l1tC,lli at1Li rai111cnt l1t1t f 111c11· 'l)ttl~ ,\11 l the r1u-htc t1 s 11cs~ )f .... 1 l l ,i1cr1t tl1c 111 )rn1ng 1n ti 111 ti i- t\ ,, at la t l can tt1rn 111, ... tl11t1gl1t, 111orc dire ti to the w rk .... 1n l1Jnd . It i.. qt1i t here. I an1 alone 1r1 th1 · lar~e h ti .. c. Bt1t tit idc the ... h 1," on the orn r arc pr dt1cing the a Lt , t n1 Li n i e f their ball gan1e. tr an1 f traffic rt1 he. by ... a the e,· ning e ·odu fr n1 the city begin -- . bo)' play by hin1 elf on th id \ alk aero the treet. ar- t, n i often th re . I mi her today . J On f our hri tian girl . arolyn ( l O \ ear old) ha been teaching her " \,Vn Bible cla thi umn1er. One day he gave the happy announ 1 ce– ment that he had won a boy to hri t . Our tv.·o vacation Bible chool are over now. We had almo t l 00 children here at Bethel Church. The Bible Center wa well filled with about 50 children and crowded with 67. A number of children received Chri t a avior thi um1ner. Mr . tanton h a been a faithful vi itor and ha led at least two women to hri t in their home . acation Bible chool gave pe- Ct,\l ll)\ ft)I' (\\'{) l"Cc.l\l)l1S i11 r>af llCltlar. t)nc '""" tl1at \.\C \\ere al1lc 1t<1 11rc– i1,\1 c t)ttr <)\ 11 teaching 111atc11als. I l1c tt1cr '" ""' that \0111c f ()tlr 11cw- t ()f t1 ( hri\t ia n!'> ere helping. What a J ' it i'i t cc }Oltng ( ' l1ri "tian , \\ alk. in the lrt1lh anti give thcn1- clvc · t the I... rd's .. ervicc. l pend n1 re tin1c at the cJc5k n w. Pr gran1 an(I teaching n1a– tcrial 1nu t be prepared f r 1 ry I Lt b. which will be , tarting up aga,in in October . (The girl are al– wa •a king, 'When . . . ?") Wc mu t have food ready for hungry hear t . We lay u.p in , t1mmcr f r win– ter. From my Jarge tudy window I ee the daily march-pa t ,to t 1 he ne·ar– by delicate en. There goe one of our La ie ... now 1 one of our teen– ager . We love them and pray for them . The parent cannot pray for their children. They neec1 Chri t them elve . We are glad ito Jive among them and be able to feel their need at clo e range. Weep for the inner. Let yo ur heart be burdened for ,the wayward ai nt . Watch and pray ~hat you may give help ·to the heavily burdened n1in·i ter of God. Rejoice that God commend H1i love for 11 in that while we were yet inner Chri t died for u . I know of no greater per- onal happine than to be in the will of God. Statistics re leased show active growth in General Association of Regular Baptists. The General A ociation of Reg- ular Bapti t Churche relea ed tat1 tic for the fi cal year ending April. 1964. Sixty-eight new churches were received into the A - ociation bringing the total num- ber to 1156. The average member– h1p per church i Ii ted a 137. Financial report how that gift to mis ions totaled $4,895.29 1. Lo– cal church expenditure totaled $ 11 - 969 136. Building expan ion reached S3.354.570. Total giving for all ptir– po es amounted to $20,218 997. A compari on of these figL1re v. 1 ith ,in1ilar one\ of the previou~ \'Car hOY..' S • • • an 1ncrea"c 1n m1 ~~1on - 358.568. The per capita OCTOBER 1964 PAGE 14 mi ionary giving was $30.85. Local current eX!pen e giVting ,increa ed by 869,238. The Regular B,aptists are o c,alled becau e of their di tinctive hi toric po ition. They tand forithrightly on the hi toric con titutional giround of eparation of church and tate which i one of the ever,al historic Bapti t disiinct!ives. The A oci1ation i church centered in it government and hold that the Holy Scripture are the final authority in all matter of faith and practice. Exten ive m,i - ionary effort and evangeli tic fer– \ 'Or are the earn1ark~ of ,thi · ft1nda– r11entali ·,t fellow hip of B a JJ t i t chtirches. Real Prayer Is Hard Work By Warren Wiersbe "... alway" lahoring ferventl y l c.1r y()l l i,, 11raycr~ ...•• (Jlt1ss ian'i il : 12 f>attl '\ pr1\ .n CO l11J)anicJn . I pa11h– rnc;,. knew "ion1eth1ng •that few \Hints tt nll cr~ta ncJ t (I ay: that real prayer i, har(I wc>rk. he carclc~\ exercise that WC ca lJ upraycr" would hc1r tlly be rccogn izccJ a~ ~uch by Pau I and his friend\. o them, prayer meant . en5ing a bL1rcJen, battJing atan, lay– ing hold of God, promic;es anc.l pow– er an<.l literall y laying one's ~elf on that altar to become a channel of ble ing to o~her . " Laboring fervent– ly ...' ' carries with it the idea of fighting a battle, and c;u rely no one oan conceive of a oldier flippantly facing the enemy! Now thi cJoe not moan that the believer mu t engage in all k 1 ind, of carnal contortions to prove that he i incere in hi praying in the Spirit doe not need the exertion of the fle ·h~ but uch praying can affect the body. When our Lord prayed in the garden He ·weat great drop of blood . Many a devoted interce or ha o given hi,m elf to prayer that hi body and it need were com– pletely forgotten as he wre tied in prayer. Mo e wa o lo t in the ,pre - ence of God that he fa ted for 80 day - and then came down from the mountain with a flowing face. If our prayer i carele and light, it i likely that we need to get an hone t burden for oul ,and a new v 1 i ,ion of ,ohe holiness of God. We need to examine our own heart and make thing right before daring to in,tercede for others. The Chri tian who can ca ually come into God' pre ence wi1t1h a half hearted prayer i de per,ately in need of reviving. The more we grow in our prayer life the more we realize how Satan figh.ts u . It i till .true that "The Devil trem 1 ble when he ee The weake t aint upon hi knees '. He will not at~ack our witne ing o long a he know we ,are not pray– ing. But when he ee u lay hold of the throne of grace and pour out our need before God, he will re– lea e every weapon of hell to up et and di courage u . That i why 1t i o difficult to find rtime to pray: Satan doesn't want u to ,pr·ay and he carefully fill our day wirtih eem– ingly worthwhile activitie , all of which keep u · fro111 the hour of prayer. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST