The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1964

. , e airman s /1 i, 111a11. >1111cil I 7 < ,, E presses appreciation 1 1 ,, ill l c 111, 1.1 t articlL' ,l\ "'" ,.1 ir111~1n )f tile \, .... .:1a l1l1n ..1t1ll l \\ 11 t,) L ~,r c " 111, .1~1~1rc ""iat1<.1n to ,\II tll\l,c \\ll) 11 .. \\C "-l:f\Cll \\tth tl\ 111 fl1rtl1t11r\g tl1c lnticpct1dc11t Bai ti\t .... ,at c t 1 t 11 c cl t c l) t h i 1 l1~ ~l 1111ng ,)f 1=arl D. l l111hat1gh - \'t1r t .. 1tc 1111,,tL nar\ ha, ~1cnc I the • \.It )r t\.1 .1 lfL)ng gr \\ 1ng ,l c.... 1 n \. t nc ,, \,; httrch ... . h dedicated t1 t 1 rn.. 1 l, "t I c .. 1 h 1 l 1 t, f tt r d 1 t r. J an1e - JL 110 n h,1... hr tight the Ohi lnde- i1cndent B 1pt1'- t f agazin to a new h ,l,,.ht f ffe t1,ene a a medium .::, t r ot1r at1 e. I kno"- the tin1e and c ffort and ,,~h le hearted ervice ,, hil,;h the n1en and n1any other orner ha, e gi, n to carr) ing on the af– fair f the ociation and the gr ,, ing pr Ject in which we are eo– gaged. I thank God for the ble ed pri\~ileg of working with them and I t1rge e, ·er) pa tor and every church co get behind the Ohio A ociation Rev. T. Fred Hussey ._ of Independent Ba,pti t Churche and their new chairman elected in October at Port mouth , Ohio. GRACE GRAC~E when the un i hlning, Lord · Grace when the ky i black· Grace when I get the unkind word: Grace on the too mooth track. Grace when I'm elbowed into a nook; Grace when I get my turn: Grace when the dinner will not cook · Grace when the fire won't burn. GRACE when my dutie go all wrong: Grace when they eem all right; Grace when 'ti gladne . prai e and ong: Grace when I have to fight. Grace when my dre i fre h and new; Grace when it' worn and old: Gra.:e when my pur e i empty tno; Grace when it ' full of gold. GRACE when the aved ones don~t act aved. And lay all the blame on me: Grace ~hen the grace T' ve a ked and craved Seem denied to me. Lord by Thee. Grace when the midnight hour I tell: Grace when the morn i night: G r ace when I'm healthy. trong, and well ; Grace when I come to die. -Author unknown ,._•••• Ji' .·.·····.f*"-~··':f..·······...·.·.·.•.· .·.·......••• ..•••.•.•.•.·.•.• .•.·...•.•.·.·.•.·.•.·..••.• •..•.· .•.·••...•.• .·.......•.• .•.•. ,. •.• ••.•......• •..•.•.•...• .....• ....• •·••.• ..• .•.•.•.• ..•.•.•.·....·•..·.·...· ..·.• .,•..•· ..•.•....•.· ......·.·.·•.•· •..· ....· .·........·.;·..· ..••.•...............•.· .....•.....•.•.• ..•••• ••.•.•.•.•.· ..........· .·.•.•.· ...· .•••••••.• ~:::::::::=-.::::::=:·:=:-::;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;:::;::::::::: :::::::::;:::::::::;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::.::;;;:::::::::::::;:;:;::::::;;:;:::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;:;:::;:;::::::::::.;:::::::::;:;:;:::::::;:;:::::::::::::::;:::;:::::;:;:;:::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:;:;: Le Ol1i0 ln<le1Jen<len t Bai)ti t 1~ llublisl1cd on tl1c l1r t o{ each 111011tl1 in enia, Ohio, LI~\. b~ ~I~l1e Ol1io A sociation of Regu]ar Bapti t Cl1urcl1es. It is a n1agaline devoted Chri tian fello\vsl1ip and faithfulness to tl1e tr utl1 . ~Lb cri1>cio11 rate: 2.00 per )'ear. ingle copies, 20 ce11t::,. ·1)ccitll rc1tc::, givc11 tu cl1tU<..l1e::, 111at subscribe for co1111)lctc 111e111bcrsl1i1), The Ohio Independent Baptist . . . Publ ished Monthly by •.• THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE p aid •t Xeni1, Oh io . POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohi<' Editoria I Office: Box 184 Cedarv ille, Ohio Dead Iine for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF EditoBo;·. . i s4; ...&d~ ~~uI::nohfo- Johnson Circulation Manager . Sue Eckert Cedarville College, Cedarville, 0. Women's Editor . .. Mrs. Inez Milner Cleveland Heigh ts, Ohio lvfission's Editor ... Rev. Donald Moffat Ceclarville, Ohio Y 011th Editors l\1r. & Mrs. S. L. Chttffe Cedarville, Ohio Cl1ristiari Education Editor .... ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ...... .. Mrs. Earl D. U mhaiigh Council and Officers Chairman - T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave., Niles, Ohio Secretary Rev. Clarence To\vnsend 115 E. Oak, Bowling Green Treasurer .. ... .... . .. H. R. Davison 23 I vester Lane, Arcanum, Ohio J\,lissiounry Chr. l\ev. Donaltl Moffat Ceda rville, Ohio Y oi~th Director ... Rev. Lynn Rogers 78 54 . Boyden, orthfield, Ohio Education Chr. . Rev. Earl V. \ Villetts 11 Adams St., Berea OTHER MEMBERS Dr. John Balyo Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. Rev. R. Kenneth Smel er Rev. John Strong Dr. Howard G. Young