The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1964

Audio v isual department presents a challenge B Dori and Delbert Geer (Baptist Mid-Missions) \\ , ..... 111 lt'lt i .. 1 111'-)~t J)I t)fi t.1l1lc \' r f ,,t.. ,1' 111 '-'ttr l3 1l1lc ( ' lt1l tl11, ' Ilg. \\ [ll ,tl',\ti\ Ul(lllll,\t1'2'L" .\11l( ... ,t t.1 1c"-I 1ntc1c,t ~1111<..1ng tilt.: chtl- ... \.l t'l. r\ fL'\\ llll\tCti JC~ll ' ,\\ ,\\l()f. ~, 1 I ,, c ,,,,, rt:,tl g,rc ,, th 1r1 l1111c \\ h() ... ., ·-.1"-t, hch)11gctl t<.. H1111 . ... I 11 "-' l , r :l h, 1, g 1, c n t I n 1 c c,- - .... tra '-'l .1 c, ~111d )Pl t1rtt1n1ti\.:\ 1f ,, il- 11c 1ng t1r H i111 re ntl~. c.. pc ,all) i11 the .1rca of per.. nal tin eling. \ \ c n c J ~ tl r pra) er .. ' a \I\ e a t - tcn1pt t deal ,, ith th e who are ,, ..1k. in th faith. and t rn b)' d t1bt .. n"-i f c1r. Delb rt ha. be n able to do a tre– n1end tr <111101,111 of lt'ork in the u– li10-\ ' i tial Dept. at the Home Of- f 1'-e. \ eral g al ha e b en reached the i:- a t fe\,\ \\ eek . God i ble - ing the eff rt put forth there. and , prai e Him for \.\ hat ha been a mpli hed. Dori had charge of the DVB Jun ior Dept. at the work at trong-- – , ille th 1. ) ear. It wa a preciou time f tea hing. eeing the e young ter ab orb the Word, reaching out for \l)llle tlccl1cr trt1tl1, thut \\ere tl<)l l'\ L'n 111 the ,chcllttlctl lc,'iot1\ . One girl trtt\tC I 1n ( ' hri,t (lt1r111g the t1111c . an ti "11 c ''°' 1 c ,l 11 h a pf) v. a l rca ti y I o k ing Lt1 l1art1 111 anti f II 'A ing the I 1rll . \ v c have \ccn the blc 1ng" f (, J I r1 111any ar a f v rk. anti we c n- ti nt1c t l k t Hi111 f r gt1ida11cc a~ ,vc . er c Hi n1 here 1 n levelancl. n1 t f y tl know. Wynona gradLtatetl thi pring, and i rcg- 1 tcrcd in cla c thi fall at edarville. Thi wa an e peciall 1 1 bt1 y time a we made her gradua– tion dre . and held an open hou e for all the friend ome of whom came quite a di tance to attend. ow he i bu y frying hamburger and erving milk hake in order to earn part of her tuition. Pray thart: God will enable u to make up t he dif– ference we know H e i faithful to meet every need. Dean continue to be of ervice here in the Strong ville Church, try– ing to encourage ome new Chri t– ian and wa a worker in the DVBS. He al o wa a big help to hi father in etting up the Bapti t Mid-Mi - 10 Reasons for Attending Sunday School 1 Frorn the tandpoin,t of Godline : It teache the Bible-which i the ba i of our faith in God -and lead to Chri t a per onal Savior and Lord. "') - 3 4 - 6 7 9 From the tandpoint of Education: It train } ' Our mind and heart along the line of thing eternal. F ron1 the Social tand point: It enable ) ou to enjoy the friend hip and fellow hip of genuine Chri tian . From the tandpoint of the Per onality: It help to develop the Chri tian character nece ary to face life· problem v~':toriot1 ly. From the tandpoint of Character: 1 t i the chief aim of the Sunday chool to teach U ) to be example of the believer in word and deed. From the tandpoint of Intere t. It pre ent intere ting programs for your delight and culture. Fron1 the tandpoint of the Family: It ha a cla of every age. and the whole famil y can go to– gether and profit by it teaching. F ron1 the tand point of Service: It afford ample opportunity to erve God and the Church in activitie that are not open el ewhere. From the tandpoint of Immortality: It turn our eve heavenward and make u realize that we ., mu t prepare for a life beyond the mortal grave. IO From the Prac tical ~tand point: The hoLtr or o pe11t in t1n<.Ja~ chool each unLla} cot1ltl 11ot be expcnJcJ 111ore 11rofitabl). OCTOBER, 1964 PAGE 4 si(l l1S tlis1))a r nt th' ' R fJ Oil 1~r'n ca t Winona lake . li e is look ing ft)f'\.Vartl lll ft1 ti all lf' )'llt tl s thi fHll :\s l1c l1cgins hi s jt1nior )' Car . c tiill nc>l 11t1t ot1l n gnr<.lcn this year. it J)rovcc.l to l1c toe> 111t1cl1 to hantllc I, ,t st1n1n1cr c I ng ,vith ev– er thing cl\c, 'iO we ~\re jt1st lrt1sting the I...orc.l to \lt pp I y as the nccc.l ar iscs fo1 cc1 nnctl gooc.l\. M 1\\1onar1c s mct1n1c attract at– tention f r r c a<; o n s other thnn preaching the ,o pc). A\ Doris sa t in the back yard bt1rning the ff of 200 boxe of matche\ for a DVB project, a neighbor who hac.l held her curjosity as Jong a~ ,he could, fiinally called out, ''Will you plea c tell me what you arc doing over there playing with matches?'. Well, rhe cripture ay that we are "to let our light hi ne H ! We are filled with prai e for the ble ing of the Lord in the area of health, home, and children. Truly He hath done Great thing for U , whereof We are Glad. I believe we can liken our friend . the one far and near individual and churche , who pray for u . and who give that ithi family may tay at the job God ha given them to do to mooring line or cable . Chri t i the Rock and your .prayer the connecting line . May God richly ble you each one who have been o faithful in haring in our mini try. You have a part in every oul won to J e u Chri t, and in the aid given to our mi ionarie and churche through the ervice of the Audio - Vi ual Dept. at the Home Office of Bapti t Mid-Mi ion . We covet your prayer a we add a new re pon ibility to our chedule. The mi ion ha purch 1 a ed a prop– erty to be u ed a a Gue t Honie for our per onnel pending time in Cleveland for Mi ion bu ine . We will be oc-:upying part of thi H ome and caring for the maintenance of the property . There i a con tant flow of mi ionarie in and out of leve– land primarily for medical exan1ina– tion and through the gue t hou e we will help to mini ter to the need of the e ervant of the Lord . A of Augu t 15 our addre will be 2127 oventry Road, Cleveland Height . Ohio 4411 . ( ' hri tianity ha not bcc11 tr1ell a11u 1ot1nJ wanting: it ha · jtt\l bcc11 fot111<.J Liif fict1 l t anu therefore not tricu . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST