The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1963

. ' e airman s orner /.,,, l , ·. 1. 1 re I II·' ' <')' l1t1ir111 111. < 1111 ii <>f 1,e,, ,,tu "'l' lir1,1.111 t,itl fare,, t'll lt) 111 .... \' •1er 111 1 1 ,c <..)ct,.1l1t"r 1,,t1c ( t tl,c 111ac·1z ' '"' "' ' ' tl1.,t l1c }1,1" \)cen \ )TC i t,.l~~ tl t\, tlll' ",lllll' t)f 11 C tllC , , .. t,", , 111t1,t hear for .. 1nL1tl1cr , t.. tl1 ·,t ta1111l1ar ~11:tt1rc. \\' ht h ,1c– '-.. "-'111 ,.,111c, th~ t.: rcgt1 l ar art 1c le re– l,, t', cr1 t 111g th c ('"" L1 t 1n ~ i 1 f Tc n an tl it. ,, c,r k. ot1t1"'1l "cs,1on dt1r1ng the anntial 111cctir1 o clet1rcd a,, a, n1u h of the ::::, - h .. 1ck.log t t1nf1ni hed bu ine . ..... thor tigh report \\, a made by a ,p c1al c n1n11ttee et up to review the ntent. Financing and Circulation of the tate n1agazine. Mo t of their ~ugg tion \\'ere adopted and will b in1plen1ented in the coming n1onth . Thi committee al o reviewed the pre ing need of reaching our goal of full upport for our tate Mi ionary and \\ e are going to do our be t to lead our A ociation to attain thi objective. factual analyi i and report of the fen· Retreat wa pre ented by Pa tor Don Loomi to the Council and \\ e adopted many of hi ugges– tion . Pa tor Edward Morrell. Jr ., "''as put in charge of next year' re– treat and given authority to form his own committee. everal other item of intere t were con idered. We plan to write of them in our next article. The Council of Ten pledges them- el, e to serve the be t interest of our As ociation for this present year and ask for your prayer intere t and lo}'al upport. COVER PICTURE: Rev. Lynn Rogers, treasurer, Rev. T. Fred Hussey, chairman, and Rev. Clarence Town· send, secretary, Council of Ten. One of the joy of the annual meet– ing of the OARBC i the reception of new churche into the fellowship. It was the privilege of R ev. T. Fred Hu ey, chairman of the Council of Ten and Conference Chairman and Rev. John Strong, secretary, to in– troduce five new churches and their pas tors. The new churches in fel low hip with the Ohio A s ociation of Regular Bapti t Churches are, Faith Bapti t Church , Novelty Ohio, Rev. Ralph A. Lenz, pa tor ; Newtonsville Bap– tist Church, Newtonsville Ohio, Rev. Warren W. Allen, pastor; Bible Bap– ti st Church, Girard Ohio, Rev. Frank Chittock pastor· First Baptist Church, R ittman Ohio, Rev. J . E. Wheeling pastor; and G r ace Bapti t Church, Toledo, Ohio, Rev. R. Harry Thibideau pa tor. The total member hip now in the Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches i 13 2 churche . Our front cover picture show · an aerial view of the main campu of Cedarville College where the Ohio As ociation of Regular Bapti t young ,people held their youth rally day after Thank giving. An 80-acre farm purchased last year i hown upper right. The small white building, upper center, i the neVv astronomy building. Center far left, is the new gym– nasium and student union building. o, er 1300 attended! The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each . month in Xenia, Ohio, USA, b) 7 The Ohio Association of Regi1lar Bapti t Churches. It is a magazine de,Toted to Christian fel]o,\ 1 ship and faithfulness to the truth. ubscription rate: S2.00 per )"ear. . ingle copies, 20 cents. pecial rates given to churches that subscribe for complete membership. . . .............. ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·:·:· The Ohio Independent Baptist ••• Publ i,hed Monthly by •.• THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POST AGE paid at Xenia, Oh io. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist 4519 Well ington Ave., Parma 34, Ohio Editoria I Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor .... ..... ................. James R. Johnson Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio Circulation Manager .... Mrs. John Kautz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. Women's Editor ... ..... Mrs. Inez Milner Cleveland Heights, Ohio Mission's Editor Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Youth Editors .... Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio CJ1ristian Education Editor ............... . ........................ Mrs. Earl D. Umbaugli Council and Officers Chairman T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave., Niles, Ohio Secretary Rev. Clarence T ownsend 115 E. Oak, Bo"' 1 ling Green Treasitrer .. ..... .. ...... Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 . Boyden, Northfield, Ohio Missionary Chr. Rev. Donald Moffa t Cedarville, Ohio Y Director Rev. Glenn Greenwood 315 S. l{ensington Pl., Springfield, 0 . Education Chr. .... Rev. Earl V. Willetts 11 Adams St., Berea OTHER MEMBERS Dr . John Balyo Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. Rev. R . Kenneth Smelser Rev. John Strong Dr . Howard G. Young