The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1964

. ' airman s orner B,· R ,,_ 1... 1· r, d l/ 1., , .. , 11 ir,11 11. -,>1111 ii , J 7 en 1t i a 111.,llt'r , f i 1tc1c..' t t'-1 11(.)t i t' till( til' ,\ t \\\)l\.i ('\f ~l l)\C\ Tl' Ct1tlctf i11 tl1c l k t Cltlc..'rt 11,.1111,. ,, ere 11l)t '"('Jl('l', 1ing tn. la,, t1f gt)\ cr11c11cnt bttt ... .., ~, ng. .111ti Ir 11111,c,. 111 ( hr1~t. all thc,c J't ,1111,c, ha, ' an ,\i1pl1 atil1n f\,1r tt 11 l,rJcr that ,,c 1111ght hccon1c "" 1 !1rt.1l 'r, t't the d 1, inc natttre . ·r11 .. 1t there n1a, fl ,, into our live~ - the 1nc \. h .. 1t1 t1ble pro,·i 1on f God' , gra\.c ... he life ,, re ei, e at ph} ~ical birth 1 ~ ac n1panied b) the certainty f J1l111ni~h1ng trength and certain death. Bt1t the lif ,,,hich i from above, that \\' C recei, e fr m the new birth, arric \\ ith it the certainty of ever 1n rea ing trength. until like the angel of God. \vhen we arrive at .... ur journe}·' end we hall, in the pre ence of God. erve Him night and da) forever, unwearied by time and pace. One of the promi e wa given t o the tribe of A her in Deuteronomy 33: 2 .. : ·~Thy hoe hall be iron and bra s, and a thy day o hall thy trength be.·· What a good text to take for thi nev; 1 ·ear. It will help u to meet two great problem . First, the roughne s of life's journe}·; Second, the demands of time. The land which inherited was the rock 1·, mountainous, northern coas t– line of Pale tine and part of the fertile land tretching to the base of the Lehane e mountains. Their land wa a mixture of hardship and delight. Thi i a type of the Chris tian life a we know it now. o one get to heaven walking in silver sl~pper ! COVER PICTURE: Rev. T. Fred Hussey In thi for life' the day . text God promi es us sh oes journey and strength for There is an application for u a an association. We stepped out on fai th in 1963 in a greater mea ure than we have ever done b efore. What has b·appened? Step by tep our needs are being met and we a r e moving ahead. God is upplying the s trength and provision for carrying on the ex– panding work of the Ohio A ssociation of Independent Baptists. Your Council of T en calls upon ever y church within our fellow hip to rej oice and to pray as we go for– ward into 1964. o man ever regretted Chr i t ianity on his deathbed. These young people pictured on our front cover re.present the 1300 youths who attended the Youth R ally day after Thank sgiving at Cedarville College. These were the finalists in the Book of Ruth contest. Shown (left to right) are: Michael Phyillaier , Faith Baptis t, Greenville; D ave Christensen, Berea Baptist; Connie Frappier ( f irst prize winner of $1O for her youth group) Bryan Baptist, Bryan , Ohio ; Sharon Smith, Temple Baptist, Portsmouth; Iris Shauf, Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo; and Marilyn Beitler, Firs t Baptist, Medina. The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of ea~h month in Xenia, Ohio, USA, b}· The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. It is a magazine de\ 1 0ted to Christian f ello\vship and faithfulness to the truth . ubscription rate : $2.00 per year. Single copies, 20 cents. pecia1 rates gi\'en to churches that subscribe for complete membership. The Ohio Independent Baptist ••• Publ ished Monthly by ••• THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Oh io. POSTMASTER : Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist 4 519 Well ington Ave. , Parma 34, Oh io Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each month State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF EditBo; .. 184:· ·c~d~~~ilI::noh! Johnson Circulation Manager . Mrs. John Kautz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0 . Women's Editor . . ... Mrs. Inez Milner • Cleveland Heights, Ohio Mission's Editor . Rev. Donald Moffat Cedarville, Ohio Youth Editors Mr . & Mrs. S. L. Ch~ffe Cedarville, Ohio Christian Editcation Editor .. .. ..... .. ... .................. ...... Mrs. Earl D. U 1nba1igh Council and Officers Chairman T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave., Niles, Ohio S ecretary . .. Rev. Clarence T ownsend 115 E. Oak , Bowling Green Treasiirer . . . . . . H. R. Da,rison 23 Ivester Lake, Arcan11m, Ohio Missionary C hr. Rev. Donald 1\ loffat Cedar vil]e, Ohio Y cnith Director Re\,. Lynn Rogers 7854 T. Bo)rden, orthfield, Ohio Education Chr . .... Rev. Earl V. Willetts 11 Adams St., Berea OTHER MEMBERS Dr . John Balyo Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. Rev. R. Kenneth Smelser Rev. J ohn Strong Dr . Howard G. Young