The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1964

VACATION BIBLE S·CHOOL IS COMING Vacation Bible School in January! By Mrs. Earl D. Umbaugh think ahea d plan no w Yes, as V .B.S. Director or as the Chirstian Education Committee, it is none too soon to begin to THINK AND PLAN AHEAD. Joshua sent out spies "to view the land. ' ' (J osbua 2: I ) J esu s said, "Which of you . . . sitteth not down f irst, and counteth the cost. " (Luke 14: 28). Vaca– tion time will be her e before you know it and like our sign above you will come up short on MEETING SPACE - METHODS MATERIAL-CRAFT - WORKERS and VISION, unless you prepare. I. VISION Beginning wi th the last - What is your VISION for your 1964 Vac ation Bible School? Are you satisfied to have as good a school as last year or do you think it is possible ·o have a bigger and better one? You say 'A better one? Yes, I would like tha t, but a bigger -one? No, we cannot go into a building program just for V.B.S." Let me ,give you an idea . . . for it can be bigger. Shoaff P ark Baptist Church of Fort Wayne, Indiana 1eeded extra sp ace for Cr aft for the Beginner four year Outside Inside fHE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST olds. The Kindergarten class of 30 were meeting in the A:°nex ~arage. The Annex was bursting at the seams with Juniors and Junior Highers. The Primaries wer e us– ing the basement of the church and the Sanctuary was the only place yet available but "No! Not for Craft mess!" So the Lord led them to ask the N orth American Van Lines to borrow a 35 foot trailer to use for their craft room. They graciously let them use one which they painted up bright and placed on the church lot for the whole two week period for over 40 four year olds. Now many a four year old can be heard to say ·as he sees a North American Van Line ·going down the highway "There goes my Craft room. " . .A tent miay also be secured. You may secure per– mission 1 to use a neighbor 's gar age or basement for the two week period. Is your VISION only for your "own" Sunday School children or does it reach out to your "Judea"? II. METHODS Under this head you should decide the type of school yo11 desire to have. 1. A thoroughly graded V.B .S. 2. A partially graded V.B.S. 3. A "One Room School' ' V .B.S. 4. A ' 'P ass from Room to Room" V.B .S. 5. An "Aunt & Uncle ' V.B.S. 1. A thoroughly graded V.B .S. In this type chool each department meet fro1n the o pening to the clo ing in its own department. a. Thi enables each depar tment uper intenden t to develope and carry out the complete program. b. Thi can be modified to have a clo ing exer ci e with department of children old enough to make ,public confessions in hri t a Saviour to meet in a ses ion wher e net i drawn" by the Pa tor . 2. A parita1ly graded V .B.S. Many time a church i limited for pace and i for ced to combine on1e depart– men ts for certa in pha e of the chool, a. Opening and clo ing hour. b. Bible tudy hour. c. raft period . T his wi ll call for some readju tment in the n1aterial ti ed. hoo ing the ma terial be t uited for the con1bined gr tip . 3. A "One Roon1 School" .8 . . Thi · type of a chool i be t Ll ed when yot1 are hort of qt1alified Bible T eacher , or have only on roon1 tiifablc for the 'c l1ool. a. Divide th work. a11ong the qt1nlified " orker yo Lt have. ( I ) M t 1 ic Leader (2) Bible cacher ( 3) M 1 ionar, f)Ca ker ( 4) Me111or, & Work. Book ( 5) raft teacher ( 111t1st be 'i11 1plit1eJ) b. 'I'h tcacl1er a11d M t1 tc le,1d r n1a)' dire t tl1 ~ \Vh le school i11 tl1eir 1>art at1ll the)' di 111iss tl1c tt1 I 11t~ to table', s111nller 1 L)111s. i1111)fl)Vi~ctl tttiart rs t ) do thc11 work book. , a11tl raft. Page 5, JANUARY 1964