The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1964

e . ' ~airman s _orner l',, 'R e,·. 1'. 1 rt·,/ J-1,,.::.,< v • "'l1ai111,c:111. <11111c·il c,f 1"«.·11 l tl1' ' '<.'llll "r 111t'c.:'l t tl1? <.lf tl1e l \ t111 ·ii t l t'tl. tl1l' r \ . tttl t'i I \\ .1, f .\cct.l ,, 1tl1 tl1c \.''•" )·,,1t,ili1~ <. t af'l'('111t111g n 11t'' ' '\' t1tl1 l ·r'-'('l 1 . Jl.,,tt)t l1lt:nr1 , ··ec.:'11,, )\)\.f l1ali ,er, ('ti .1l1l\ 1 l)r , ' ' t'ral , cnr, .111<.i .. l1rrtcli the g1 t)\\ 111g ali111in ,t· at 1, c rc,J't)n'\1h1l1t1e, ,, 1th tit" tiil('tit)[}. lt ,, a, tclt that ,, 1th the hca,, \.lc111 a11J .. ,, hi h the adn11ni.. trat1on of the ~ l)ltth \.icpartn1ent call for. 1t ,, \ ttld be hctter to ~hare the loau thrl)t1gh a 't tith C'hairn1an and t""o ... a"~, tant Tht: c ha1rn1an ,, a g1\ en the po\\ er :1f final de i"ion in all Yot1th Depart- 111e n t acti, it1c . The Council took action on thi plan and appoin ted Pa tor Lynn Roger as chairman of the Com- - mittee on Young People' Work. Pa tor larence Town end and Paul chenck v,:ere named a committee member . R emen1ber thi committee in your pra) er that the)' may be given wis– dom and fore ight to meet the pre - ent demand and future needs of our Young P eople throughout the tate. The pring meeting of the Coun– cil will be held at Bowling Green on April 13 at which time the program for the annual meeting will be form– ulated. It J1d not take the Lord long to get the people out of Egypt, but it took fort, )'ear to get Egypt out of them. COVER PICTURE: Rev. T. Fred Hussey Mrs. John Kautz resigns as circulation manager Mr . John Kautz, circulation man– ager of the Ohio Independent Bap– tist magazine, h as announced her resignation effective March 1. Mr . Kautz began a circulation manager while Rev. Ralph T . Nord– lund was editor of the magazine and ha served f aitbfully for a number of year s. The task requires much time and effort to mail subscr~ption notice , keep track of addres change a nd ma.iotain an adequate number of ub cribers. The editor asks that you pray for thi need of a new circulation man– ager. Our front cover pictures State Mi.. ionary Earl D . Umbaugh ; Re,. B. C. Jenning , pastor of the Graham Road Bapti t Church , Cuyahoga F all . Ohio; and P a tor William D avi of the H ubbard Bapt1 t Church near Youngs town , Ohio. The Rev. 11r. Jenning is hown here presenting a check of $100 for the ne\\ 1 church. The Graham Road B~ptist Church has decided to contribute $100 to each new church born in Ohio as long a finances exist, and when certain conditions are met. ·•·••·•••·•··•······ ················· · ··· · ·········~······························································· •.•••••••••••••..··:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:-:-:-·-:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·.········:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::·:·:·:·:'=·:·:·:·:·:·.·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:.. :·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:······=·=·=·~·!·!·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·················· •••••••• ..··:·:·:·:·.•••.••• .......·.·.·."'.·.················· ••·.;.:-:·!·:·:· ..••••·....· ....·•·•·•••••• .....·••••.••••·•••·•.••••.....•••••........• ••• ·•••·•••·......• ........·•· ..• ....·.........• .·.·.:...... •• •••·.•..• ..• ...• .••...••• ·••• ·•.• ·•·...........• •·......• •..••••••.•· ..................·.•.·•·••.• .......·• ·=·:·:.;.;·:..·••.•.••......• •..•.·...· .............. =·:·:·:.:..•·.•.• ""········· .................. ,., . . .. .. . .. ....................... ·.•.·.• The Ohio Independent Baptist is published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, USA, by· The Ohio Association of Regular Baptist Churches. It is a magazine devoted to Christian fello\\' hip and faithfulness to the truth. ubscription rate: $2.00 per )'ear. Jngle copies, 20 cents. pecial rates given to churches that subscribe for complete 111ernbership. • The Ohio Independent Baptist ••• Published Monthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSJAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER~ Please send Form 3579 to The Ohio Independent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: l 0th of each monrh State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editoi1o~·.. } S,( .Ccd~;~ill::nohi Johnson Circulation Manager .. Mrs. John Kautz 4519 Wellington Ave., Parma 34, 0. Women's Editor . ........ Mrs. Inez Milner Cleveland Heights, Ohio Mission's Editor ... Rev. Donald Moffa1 Cedarville, Ohio Youth Editors Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville, Ohio Cliristian Education Editor ... . ..... ... ................ ..... Mrs. Earl D. Umha1tg1J Council and Officers Chairman T. Fred Hussey 615 Washington Ave., Ni1es, Ohio ecretarJ' . . . Re\•. Clarence T o,,vn send 11 S E. Oak, Bov. 1 ling Green Treasitrer .. H. R. Davison 23 Ivester Lane, Arcanum, Ohio Missionary Chr. .... Rev. Donal() Moffat Cedarville, Ohio You.t1i Director Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 T. Boyden, 1 orthfield, Ohio Editcation Chr. . Rev. Earl V. Willetts - 11 Adams St., Berea OTHER MEMBERS Dr. John Balyo Dr. Edward Morrell, Jr. Rev. R. Kenneth Smel er Rev. John Strong Dr. Howard G. Young