The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1964
• • I an 1n en VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL IS COMING: PART 2 Last month we considered Vision, Meeting Space, Methods and Materials. Thi month we would like to .place before you a few helps pertaining to Craft and Workers. IV. CRAFT Plan for your Junior High department to have ome craft projects that are for the future u e of the church. 1. Make a model Tabernacle to be u ed in any de– partment when teaching a les on pertaining to the Taber– nacle. 2. By using scraps of masonite cut out a five or six inch piece puzzle with large pieces to be painted dif– ferent colors for Toddler Nursery to use in the future. They should be painted a solid color on the back ( each different) so that each puzzle can be distinguished fron1 the rest. Hosiery boxes may be obtained from the local Dime store to become the holder for each puzzle. 3. A Peg Board to be used in the Toddler Nur ery can also be made by using scrap % in. ,plywood and "\ clothes pins. The prongs of the clothe pins hould be f cut off and holes bored into the plywood slightly bigger so the child can put the pins into the hole . The board should then be painted, cardboard pasted on the back and the Pegs painted in three color or more, for de ign for the children. (Men of the church could prepare the , Masonite sawing and hole boring before V.B.S. and leave l the painting for the Junior Highers.) 4. At almost any dime tore or where pla tic win– dow shades are sold you can obtain cut off scraps of plastic (from 5 to 10 inches). The e can be cut and formed into books and then paste Beginner picture from Sunday School papers ( or stories). Donate the e al o to n :: the nursery. r> 5. Mid-Mission has patterns for making Fla h Card Stories to be used by hildren' Workers or Mi ionarie . V. WORKERS I . hoos1ng workers; 2 . As~1gning Worker · 3. Pre- pa ring workers; 4. Pre-worker e sions; 5. Po t ..workers ession ; 6. o -workers (Prayer partner ) ; 7. General Tip J. hoosing Workers I . hoosing Workers -a. Pray over poss ible workers. b. lt is ir11portant to c hoose c.l edi c ated ( ' hris tiar1s for \upcrinte11de11ts a11d 1n1portant tcachi11g worke1 !). c. or helpers, craft and other jobs yot1 c a11 ir1tegrate 11ew hri s tians, new ( ev e11 J)O s ibl} 1 unsaved ) \\'Orker. . tan}' ti111es cl1ese will l)e r eac hed for til e l... or{I i 11 1t1is Wa)'· 2. A sig11ing \\ 1 orkers a. \\'eigl1 tl1e wl1ole c l1 ol ~111(1 place teac l1 f "' a11Ll \.Vorker \·vl1ere tll l: l)e l fcJ r tl1c \ l1o le i a - ·0111 r, Iished . l). .8.. 1118 11)' t i 111e l lllC()\ 1 Cf a t·ll ~Tlt ll la l \ V , ~ betorc Jatent . THE OHIO IND PENDENT BAPTIST By Mrs. Earl D. Umbaugh 3. Prep.aring Worker After departmental assignn1ents are made , teacher, pupil and craft materials can be placed in the ir hand for a preview and careful s tudy . 4. Pre-Workers Session (Weekly) This is one of the mo t important th ing done for V.B.S . The e meetings should precede the opening of V.B .S. by at lea t six week . The e are ot1tlined in brief below: a. Pre-se sion No. 1 (9-11 a.m.) 1) Begin to learn new ong . 2) Prepare a prayer Ii t and pray definitely for each r eque t . 3) Challenging me age and a get acquainted time with the worker . 4) Talk about depart– ment , room , equipment, goal , award and diploma . 5) Di cu finance , the how and the whys . A conte t between boy and girl or department may work. A day to receive Mi - ionary Offering. 6) Mi sionary Empha i - A "real live" Mi ionary i a real a et . 7) Scan material and di mi to department for about 10 minute . b. Pre es ion No. 2 1) Practice ong . 2 ) Pray over reqt1e t , er1- courage every one to pray . 3 ) Short n1e age ( perhap teaching one of the le on ) . 4 ) T a lk. about scl1eclule and work out any d eta il o f chedule which mu t fit in with another d e– partment. Put on board. 5 ) Divide into de– partment and u ing la t year, enrolln1ent card , addre and prepare for n1a iling the adverti ement flier . 6) Depart111ental uper1n– tendent hould have handcr aft an1ple , a nd plan next week to a ign the prepar a t ion of the craft for the depart1nent. c. Pre- e . ion o . 3 l ) Practi ce songs. 2) Pra) O\ er req tte\t'> "' acl1 per on pray ing. 1) hort 111c, ~age ( i1er l1ctJ)\ Lt\ing i tia l\ of o ne <l a\ · le':) ()11). 4) otter 110~ the t1111c tt)geth~r l':> ,ht)rte11i11g ~111ll tl1~ tin1c in the Llcpa rt111e1 t '> 1, lc11gtl1~11i11g ") Di– r ec tor sh all ha\'C ,1 door-to- I or l "~111 \ \"" Jaill ot1t anll the 111atcrial " for ,td\ t:rt1~111g a11u pre-cnro ll111en t cards to c11r lll \ .B.S. I)tlJ"ll" I h t\ is to l'll llo11e if ) ' t)U tis \ 1 .Il.. a a11 ar 111 t(> rc.t~l1 hillire11 ot1Lside ()tlr )\\ 11 St111 la)' llC)Ol) , ~l \ 'Olt111teer a111 )Ilg 11 11- \ '.B.. \\ t rkcrs to ltl I~) \Vitl1 ll1i~. 6) l i, i I into t lcrinrtlllt.::Jll al1ll \\' )l"k lit ll l lfllll 11t·1l 11 ells ... fl) )Ill arra11g0111 Ills. r·1ft, \\ rk l)o k , 111t1~:d , r ) )111 "tc >r ' llillll . • J >rt: - s i ) 11 • 5 I ) J) ra t i c s > 11 g an l lt1te . _) P1 r re J ll • t • ) I a kc s Lt r a 11 \ 1 u ·1 I 1 I , I e i 11 , , r k i n g I 1a 11 ( I . 4 ) 11~ k all ql1ip111 ~11t P ge 7, FEBRUARY 1964
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