The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1964

Cedarville College Trustees prepare master campus plan Cedarville college tr u tee have authorized preparation of a ma ter plan for the college campus. "'We mu t get a ma ter plan ready quickly if the campus is to develop properly,' Rev. James T. Jeremiah, president of the Baptist college, ex– plained. "We're oon going to be faced with an expansion program and we want to make sure the new buildings are placed in the proper location. "There are 100 acres of land here and everyone connected with the college wants the campus developed properly,' ' Mr. Jeremiah added. Mr. Jeremiah was named chair– man of the seven-man planning com– mittee which is to interview and recommend an architect •to prepare the master plan. The committee was to select the architect at a s,pecial meeting Feb. 11. The architect then will be presented for approval at the quarterly meeting of trustees in March. The committee will continue to work with the architect in preparing a plan which will allow proper place– ment of the buildings to be erected in the building program. "Our greatest need at the moment and the first item in our proposed building program is a new library," Mr. Jeremiah said. "We would like to have it ready for u e in Se,ptember, but we just <.i on 't have the money to tart building. " It will take at least $100.000 for the kind of library we need. We want the bui]djng designed o it easily can be expanded as we get mor e money to enlarge j t. "The second item in the building progr am 1s mor e dormitories. But agai n, we have no money and there's no idea when th1~ project can ge t under way," Mr. Jeremiah added . ,. .I.he chooJ's enrollment now i 500 studen ts and 550 are expec ted to be here for the new school year in Septer11 ber. u At our ra te of increase, we can exr)ec t 1,000 studen ts here in J 970 - bu t there won ' t be tha t r11any be– cause we ju t don ' t have the f aci l– ities," Mr. Jcre111iah poin ted out . AJ)p)ications arc arri ing at a grea t– er ra te tl1ar1 any JJrevious )'ear and ct1ool official s arc cor1c r1 ell abolt l " hat t do \Vitti t ile SLL1de1ts r1e · t ) ar . l1e i11c rease i11 appli cation , 111ai r1I }' re tilt fr 111 tl1e ·chool 11 ~ , ducat ior1 d 1,, • tn1e11 t \\' }1ic h pr<.1vicJe for t ac l1i1g 1ra i11ir1g . (Concluded from page 7) or to your State Missionary. Other churches in the Akron area are helping tart this new church. If you know of prospective families in the Kent area or if you have students from your church attending Kent State University it would be hel,pful if you would end their names either to The Graham Road Bapti t Church The Calvary Baptist Church, Belle– fontaine, voted to sponsor a new ch.urch in Kenton and is setting a 1de $100 a month for this ,pur– pose. Kenton is the county seat of Harding County and has a popula– tion of 9,000. It is located 22 miles north of Bellefontaine and 28 miles ea t of Lima on U. S. 30 South. . • llew Higher :Annuity j Rates "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. '' • Of first importance in all Christian enterprise is the dis– semination and proc lamation of God's Word. To t his great task the Pocket Testament League is wholly dedicated. • You can contribute substant ially to the world-wide m in– istry, and assure yourself of a dependable l ife-t ime income, through two sound plans: PTL INVESTMENT TRUST PTL ANNUITIES Write Mr . Alfred A. Kunz about either or both of these guar– anteed income plans, al so about "living memorial s" and bequests, with the booklet "A Plan for Faithful Stewards." J . Edward Smith, International Director POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE, Inc. 49 Honeck St., Englewood, N. J . 07631 Canada : 74 Crescent Rd., Toronto 5, Ontario Hide God's Word in your heart easily, II Start the - • cr1 ure habit Th ' S . - emor II ,. ;,~ systematically - 1s new cr1pture Memory Packet Series helps you to commit t o memory the great Scripture verses you should have at the tip of your tongue for Christian witness and for the enrichment of your soul . Ser ies One contains 46 Scripture n1emory cards and comes in an attractive red plastic f olde r wi t h two pockets - one of . clear plas tic exposi ng the ve r se to be memorized, the other showing onl y the Scrip t ure reference. As you n1emorize you tra nsf er the cards from one pocket t o the other. Handy size ( 2% x 3 1,~ ) f or pocket or purse. F older and Series One, only 65 cents . Memori2e anytime, a ny \vher e. Th is is one of the mos t re\varding of habits. Order your packet today. American Sunday School Union "'"' 1816 Ches tnut Str eet, Philadelph ia, Pa. 19106 Dept . - pnocta1m1n~ chn1st to the Jew I) Fo r 28 y ea r s w e h av e been t e ll ing I srae l of her Messiah over 50 and more radio stat ions at home a~d abroad. Literatu re and personal follow-up by 0ur mis– sionar ies h as made th is minist ry very eftec.t,ve. Now In fai th we are enlargi ng our missionary staff. Many of the 3 m i ll ion Jews in the N.Y. area, and in other large cities are open to approach with the Gospel . The t ime to reach then1 is very short. Will you take this expanded out reach on your heart, to pray and share? send tor t ree copy of our informative quarterly, MESSAGE ro ISRAEL. m t Coul5on Shepherd. Direct or Box 31 Patchogue, Ne\ York 11773 l, 111 ,.