The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1964

Daily Devotions Require A Purpose A Plan and A Perseverance By Mrs . Earl Umbaugh l fa111il) at I,t)111l' nc,l'l l1a l a '· r:-,111111, l)l:\<Jt1on,1I ~irlll'··. l fl''''"'111l1l't it ,, .1, lft,l'tt,,c"I at t1111cs anll tic ircti I tit 11 tl1ir1u , .1, c,cr lfl tl\.: .1l1t)lll it r\ ftcr I \\a ~a\cd l '- l l' g.111 t11, i11g 11r1, .1tc tic, 1..1t1 11, l1t1t c, en th1\ hcca111c hit , '" 1111 , \\' l1c11 l ,, cr1t t")t 1 to Bible cl10 )l l vi itcd in :, l1t ,11c ")nc ,, eek. end \\ here ,1 \ ot1ng cot1plc inc luded 11c ,1nd .1 ,tt1dcnc fr1cnti in their fa111il) de,, ti nal period. \\ l1cn ,, e h,lll f1n1,hcd eating the ht1 band reached over, ... p1('"-c'-i tlp the Bthlc anli read fron1 the criptL1re and Cl)t11111cntcd n 1t anti the fan1il)' had a ea on of prayer. l ,, :t" thrilled and \\ ent av. a, \\ ith a p11rpo e in my heart - tl1Jt ,, hc11 I n1arri d H\\ e.. \vould carr)r out uch a pla11 1n ot1r hon1 . Thi ,, e /1a, ·e do11e for all the year of our • n1arr1age. ... \ u a a Teen-ager can PURPOSE in you heart that \ ti \, ill ha\ e a De otional Time. You mu t arrive • up n a PL . a time \\'hen you can do thi mo t con i t- antl). If ) ou gre,\ up aying ' ' ow I lay me down to leep.. no\,. that ) ou are aved you might well take thi time at bed tin1e. 1any people feel the be t time j at ri ing time. The important thing i to elect a time and PER E\ TERE in thi plan. Do not let anyone rob you of thi time and )'Ou will be richly rewarded in your life for it. Below I Ii t orne Devotional help : 1\f oi1r1tain Trailwa)'S For Y outh by Mr . Charles Cowan, Publi bed by Zondervan. M) 1 Dei·otion; Publi bed by Regular Baptist Press. Ti111e 0Llt - Dail)' Devotions For Young People by Al Branyt, Publi hed by Zondervan. Our Dail)' Hon1il) 1 by F. B. Meyer (5 mall volumes) Publi hed by Zondervan. I intervie,¥ed the Youth and Music Direc tor of the Graham Road Bapti t Church Cuyahoga F all , Ohio. He \\ ill give u ome advice on thi ubject. D avid Rex Pierceall accepted the Lord Je us Christ a hi per onal Saviour at the age of nine in a Sunday evening ervice in 1947. H is home church is in Wash– ington D . C. After pending four year in the avy Air F orce he enrolled in Bryan College in D ayton, T enn. v:here he wa graduated on June 4 1963 with a B. A. Degree. He i a member of Who's Who Among Student in American Colleges and Universities. H e is married ito T ancy Street of Glendon, o. Car. He i called to serve the Lord just as every born again · Christian is called to be a ervant of Je us Chris t and he says 'I know I am still in training:· He carrie a burden that Christian young people v. ill stand up for the Lord Jesus Christ and help win other )roung people to H im. H e ays, I find that, as I work with them this burden is growing very great . Uncommon By David Rex Pierceall Dav id Livingstone, one of the great mi sionarie , wrote in his diary one day. ' 'I have found that I h ave no unu ual endo\\ ment of intelect. but I this day re olved that I \,\:ould be an U COMMO Christian'. D avid Li\'ingstone decided that he could never be satisfied to be an ordinar 1· Chri tian: he determined that he would step out ahead of the common herd in extravagant devotion to Chri t. . This 1s the t 1 1 pe of pirit that is needed among our PAGE 14 APRIL, 1964 David Pierceall yot1ng people today. We need to focu o ur eye upon the Lord Je u hri ,t , in tead of looki ng about to ec what other are doing, and trying to keep in tep with the crowd in order to gain their acceptance. It takes real courage to be an U OMMO Chri tian teppi ng out alone ahead of the crowd. Ther e are many ble ing waiting for the Chri tian who i willing to be t agged U COMMO . Being U OMMO by claiming the verse, "Study to how thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be a hamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth'. II Tim. 2: 15. Thi i one who i earnest and deligent to pre ent him elf a di tingui bed from those around about him. One who i walking s traight forward according to this, Word of truth, turning neither to the right nor to the left. In other words, letting the Word of God inform u of Hi will and letting it be a light on our path in thi world of darkness, it shows u how to follow the right and to avoid the wrong way. An UNCOMMON Christian looks to this light to guide him everyday. He ha a set time and a place where he tudies and memorize the Word of God. George Muller discovered that it i far better to begin our days with the reading of the Word of God and prayer. Two thing are required in the cylinder of a car to bring forth an explo ion and the re ulting power. The first is the park and the econd i the fuel . We need to fill our hearts with the fuel of the Word of God and then take hold of the ,power in prayer. The humble reading of the Word of God the daily sy tematic tudy of His Word brings fai th . and power, and the de ire to pray. The UNCOMMON Chri tian is one who can cay, " An hour pent with God is worth a lifetime with man". "A day without prayer is a d ay without blessing, and a life without prayer is a life without power." "I have so much to do today that I hall spend the first three hours in prayer. ' (Martin Luther). May these few word challenge ome young person to become an U COMMO Christian, to bring honor and glory unto the name of the Lord Je us Chri t stepping out ahead of the crowd and standing fast in the liberty wherewith Chri t hath made us free. Spring work week planned at Camp Patmos May 25-30 Before Cam.p Patmos open June 22 many hour of labor mu t be put into cleaning up the camp. If the people of the OARBC are willing to help, many dollar will be saved. The Tru tee of Home and Camp urge each one to pl an to spend at lea t two day at Camp during the week of May 25-30. Contact Clarence Town end of Bowling Green, or the ewman Boat Line of Sandu ky, for the boat time schedule for May 25-30. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTI ST