The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1964

VOL. 36, NO. 7 The Ohio MAY, 1964 Independent Baptist The Christian's obligation to government Chr istians sometimes question their part in government; man is so made that there is need for organization; don't neglect to vote By Clarente E. Da v is Christians in our country ometime question the advisability of their right to vote, or have any part in human government; and since the reasoning, which may seem logical to them, leads them to hold an exclusive policy, it is the purpose of this artic le to examine what the Word of God teaches on this subject. I believe that the following reason– ings of Christians in our age are a fair presentation of their thoughts on thi s subject : Since all Christians are citizens of the kingdom of God, they are not to take part in politics, but leave the governing of society to the great host of the unsaved ; that so many men in office are ungodly, make promises they never fulfill , impose overtaxation, make laws according to the desires of industrial lobbyists, spend public funds with little regard to the taxpayer , etc., so why vote? Tihat hri sti ans are motivated by the law of love, and are not under law; that all human governments will sure– ly fai l, and Jesus hrist will establish the true government on earth soon . Of course, ther e are many more idea on th is subject. o answer the e ob– jections, cr ipture and reason ar c now considered . ' 'And He changeth the time and easons: He removeth king~, and ette tl1 up ki ngs ..." ( Dan. 2:21). ' '... that the Jiving may know that the Most H igh rul eth in the k ingdom of n1en, and giveth it to whomso– ever He wi ll, and ~et teth up over it tl1e base t of 1nen' ' (Dan. 4: 17). ' ·. . . render therefore u nto aesar tl1e tl1ing v.'l1icl1 are aesar' : and ttnto , od tl1e things tl1at rue 1od 's" l Matt. 22: 21 ) . "'I~ t ever)' oul be TH OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST subject unto the higher power . For there is no power 1 but of God, the powers that be are ordained of God. Who oever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God... For, for thi s cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God 's mini- ters, a,ttending continually upon thi very thing. Render, therefore, to all their due; tribute to whom tr,ibute is due; custom to whom cu tom; fear to whom fear; honor ,to whom ,honor." Read Rom. 13: 1-7. "Put them in mind to be subject to •principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work" (Titus 3: 1). ' 'Submit yourselves tt:o every ordinance of man for the Lord' sake: whether it be to the King, a upreme, or unto governor , as unto them that are sent by them for the puni hmenit of evil doers, and for the ,prai e of them that do well" ( l Peter 2: 13, J 4) . More ver e could be added to the e, but uch are ufficient to declare that God et up all hun1an government . Nece ssi ty for organization God ha o n1ade men, th at to ·crvc their highe t good , He built into their n1ental n1 ake-up the ncce ., ity for or– ganizati on . All of the order ,in crea– ti on, and 1n the Bible certainl y n1u t imprc~ thinking n1cn with the vas t in1portance of government . Intell i– gence, law and order are behind all n1atter . The noti on and opi n1on'i o t 5oc1ety arc a~ numerou a · pc plc; hence, onl y governn1cnt could order the affair s of con1mL1nities, o tl1at n1en could sanely live wi th one an– other. l ,l1e fan, ii)' , the unit of societ,' , cou ld not cont intte wi,thout go, cr11- 11 cr1t ; antl as we wi tness tl1e i ,l1lt1r ~ of f, 11il)' order \\'ith tl1e 111a 11 as its l1~ad, a11tl ,od left ot1t , \VC fa e mounting divorce, immorality, crime, mental breakdown, di ea e poverty, declining intelligence, lawle ·children and youth, and a great increa e in en– tertainments. God gives government to men ac– cording to the tate of society. When the Puritan came cto our hore , they came with the soul that ought out God only through Je u Chri t our Lord · and the Lord gave them a democracy. When nations begin to deny ithe Word of God and Hi salvation in Ch.rist Jesus, then God gives them a government to cha ten them - their freedom libertie com– fort , and national and international rela,tions become trouble ome. If there i no repentance, but a teady down– ward plunge into all manner of vile affection and rebellion to God then God give them over to a military de poti m that rule with ruthle bru– tality · and nation become pri on of lavery where death end all who r e– fu e to yield to the terrifying rigor . "America the beautiful" 150 year ago ha now changed in,to the loath ome character of Mr. Hyde, and lowl y but urely the long arm of the bea t of Daniel are reaching for our hore ·. Re sponsibil it ies Before the Lord return to , t up the millenniun1, all n1en ar e full,· re ,pon ibl e to e tabli h and to upport govcrnn1en,t . If the child of God doe , not inquire into the charac ter of po– J i tical cand ida te , for ff ice. it he neglec t hi , righ t to otc. t1rel, the evil and ungod l, n1a · ~ ill pttt into office n1en after ,their O\.\ n ltkcne · We are the alt of tl1c e,1r th - a ter11 porary pre,e1, alt\ c ot ht1111antt\ The n1oral go\ ern111cnt 1 clo cl)' all1etl to ~c tilar governn1cnt. 111ak1ng it 111· cu111lJer1t ttpon the hri ' tiar1 itizcn, not onl)' lo acqtt, i11t hin1sclt \\ 1th the ft1r1ct1on o1 111, go\cr11111c11t. bttt also to \CC that n1 n of 111ora l a11d l; apablc qt1dllt1c .. a1 c l)la cd 011 bi1)aritisa11 ballt)t". Ke pi11g ot1r sc11 , tor" infor111 cl b) "t 111111t1111t, r1 tition a11d J> r · 11, I let t 1\ of \\'ha t hottst; bill~ ar eith r (Cont inued on inside back cover) MAY, 1964 PAGE 3