The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

• ,,~pl t t 1L1 iuutl ... l o,ce o _ ,( man Final article on youth activities tells about effectiveness of church; some young people win souls while others do not By Mr. and Mrs . Stua rt L. Chaffee Thi i th third and final article r p rting th pinion \J hich were e pre ed b) teenag r .. "''ho attended the annual G. .R .B. . tate Rally at edar,·ille la t fall. Que tionarie \\ ere di tributed to 1000 teenager and about one-third of them were ompleted and returned. In thi i ue we are dealing with the re ult compiled mainly from the que tion regarding the eMectivene s of the churche in meeting the need of the young people. Thi include opinion regarding the teaching min– i try of the church, the provi ion of opportunitie for Chri tian ervice, and the pon or hip of ocial activi– tie . It i well to keep in mind that not all of the teenager an wering thi que tionnaire are member of G .A.R.B. churche . About 91.6 per cent attend G .A.R.B. churches, and that 1.4 percent have member hip in tho, e churches. Here are some of the questions a ked concerning the teaching min– i try of the church and the opinion expre ed by the teenagers: Church instruction Do you think your church devotes enough time in tructing and warning about the apo tasy and encouraging believer to contend for the faith? Ye. 87% o 13% . Do you understand the order of events which hall occur in the last day·s before and after Christ's Second Coming? Ye 46%; No 6% ; Parti– ally 48%. Would you like to have your church teach more often or more thoroughly about the Rapture, Second Coming, Tribulation. and other events in the book of Revelation? Ye 88% ; T }? 01. . 0 - O . Do ) 'OU believe that your church should teach more about fulfilled prophec)'? Yes 81 % ; o 19% . The question was asked, ' 'Do you know how to lead a soul to Chri t?" JUNE, 1964 PAGE 10 It i , encouraging to note that out of 300 who an wered the que tion, 272 r 91 % know how to lead a per on to hri t, and only 28 or 9% did not know how. A pecific quesition wa then a ked, namely: ' 'How many people have you led to Chri t?" T he replie were a follows: 139 young people have never Jed a oul ito Ohri t. 62 young people have led one per on to Christ. 25 young people have led two person to Chri t . 21 young people h ave led three persons to Christ . 5 young peo,ple ,have led four person to Obrist. 3 young people have led five per ons to Christ. 1 young person has led six per- ons to Christ. 14 young people have led more than ix persons to Christ. 5 did not know for sure how many person they had led to Christ. Questions were asked ,pertaining to opportunities provided by the church for young people to engage in Chris– tian service. These were: Does your youth group or Sunday School class aatively engage in Chris– tian service, uch a visiting hospita1s, orphanages, rest ,homes; holding jail ervice or treet meetings; distri– buting tracts, etc.? Yes 54% no 46% . Does your youth group or S.S. clas have ,a regular missionary pro– ject? Ye 56% ; No 44%. Do you partic\pate in the vi ita– tion program of your church? Yes 39% ; No 61 % Six teenagers replied that their church did not h ave a vi itation program. Do you feel that the youth group in your local church us 1 helping you to develop in your Christ~an life? No 21 % ; lightly 19% ; Yes 52% ; Very much 22%. I n regard to conflict which teen– ager face in chooJ, these que\tions were asked: Are the conflict which you f.ace in chool being met by the church? I the topic of evolution, for ex- 1amp le di cu ed in S.S ., church, or youth meeting ? Ye 73 % ; No 27% . How effectively is your church meeting your need in regard to the e confl ic t ? Poor 7% ; Fair 26% ; Good 52% ; Excellent 15% . How about activities? Are the young people in our chur– ches kept busy enough in the activities of the church other than prayer meeting and Sunday services? The question was asked, ' 'How ,adequately i your church providing for your ooial needs?" Out of 279 res.ponding 137 or 49% said that their church was doing a "good job" in providing for their ocial needs. 61 or 22 % answered "excellent·" 64 or 23 % said "fair;" and 17 or 6% said "poor." T hen the specific question was ,asked : "H ow many times per month do your people meet in committees or a an entire group ( S.S. class of Y.P.) be– sides for your regular prayer meeting and Sunday ervices? To this question 28 I responded and the results were: 35 young people said that they t did not have any other meet- • 1ngs. 5 4 young people aid that they have one extra meeting a month. 33 young people said that they have two extra meetings. 22 young people said that they ,have three extra meetings. 46 young ,people aid that they have four extra meetings. 21 young people aid that they have five extra meeting . 20 young people said that they have ix extra meetings. 8 young ,people aid that they have even extra meetings. l 3 young people aid that they have eight extra meetings. 2 young people aid that they have nine extra meetings. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST