The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

4 young people said that they have ten extra meeting . 20 young people aid that th,ey have more than ten extfla meet- • 1ng . Obviously, such ,a urvey a this cannot be all-inclusive, nor can the r e ults be univer ally applied. Youth groups may wi h to conduct local urvey to compare their own attitudes and opinion with tho e ,of the tate group. If o, we w1ill be happy to fu rni. h a ample questionnaire form upon r eque •t. If you feel ,that the ur– vey was worthwhile , or if you have suggesfiions for topics to be included in fut ure que tionnaire we hall be hap– py to receive them. U Are Very Important • • • We cannot pell Sunday w,itbout U We cannot spell Church without U We cannot spell Sucess without U In fact- U are a very important per on for– Christ died for U ! BOOK REVIEWS IN TOUCH WITH HEAVEN, by Inez Kemper, 250p,p. $3.50, board bound . Wm. B. Eerdman Publ . Co., Gr and Rapids Mich . This anthology of Christian poetry, sermon extract , and piritual s,ay ings far surpas es her book of daily de– votions we r eviewed some three years ago. It is just as u eable a a guide in daily devotions, but has much mor e o f the choicest of spiritual poetry from the best of standard authors. It is also arranged topically so min ister and teachers can turn to the des ired sec tion ,and find the best of quotable material . It hould be in every home ,and often Jent out to sick or di cour aged fri end . Mi ss Kemper has been a nurse for 25 years and so knows just what dis– couraged people need . We would sugge\t that orders from r1ow to e,ptembcr be sent direc t to Miss Kemper, P.O. Box J 055, Bir- 1ningham, Ala. She, like a 1 ll new authors, has had to buy a large supply to assure the pri nters of ~uc– Cl! s ar1d r1ceds our he)p i 1 thi'i way. - f<. evi wed by J( alph 1"'. N rdl und * * * Do n1or · tl1an exist; live. [ o , 11 r t t1a r1 look ; ob. erve. I o 11 re than read ; absor l). IJ > 111 re tl1a11 h ar ; liste 11 . IJo r11orc: tl1ar1 li sten ; u11derslar1ll. D r11 r ll1a11 tJ1i11k ; J) ncler. 111 , " I ha11 talk ; , )' sOlll tl1i11g. TH OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Bethlehem Baptist begins new church The Bethlehem Baptis t Church, Cleveland, ha begun the con trucoion of its new building to be erected in Orange Village, 27250 Emery Rd. The 1 building wil l co t approxi– marte'ly $185 000 with 17 ,000 square feet of floor 1 pace ~nd faoil itie for over 500 in ,t,he anctu ar,y and 600 in Sunday School. Gifts to the Ohio Association H. R. Davison, Treasurer 23 Ivester Lane Arcanum, Ohio April First Christian Baptist-Coshocton .... $ Northside Baptist-Lima ....... ...... .... $ Rev. Jack Downs, Norton Center Bapt. Barberton ............... ... .. .... ................ $ First Baptist-Medina ...................... $ Grace Baptist, Cedarville . . ........ $ Euclid-Nottingham Baptist, Euclid .... $ Bethlem Baptist, Cleveland ........ $ Calvary Baptist, Sandusky ............ $ Penfield Jct. Baptist, Lorain ........... $ Calvary Baptist, Findlay ................ $ Calvary Baptist, Cleveland ........... $ Northfield Baptist, Northfield ........ $ First Baptist, Wellington ................ $ B . G . d $ I e apt1st, ,rar ........... ........ . First Baptist, Elyria .. ........ $ Si.S. of Sharon Baptist, Sharon, Pa . .. $ First Baptist, Lancaster ................... $ B"bl B . S b $ , e apt1st, treets oro .......... .. Brookside Baptist, Cleveland ....... $ South Canaan Baptist, Athens .. $ Blessed Hope Baptist, Springfield $ Bethel Baptist, Warren .................... $ Berea Baptist, Berea . . ............. $ First Baptist, Strongville ............... $ Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo .......... $ Faith Baptist, Greenville .... .. $ Norton Center Baptist, Barberton $ Bible Mission Baptist Reynoldsburg $ Immanuel Baptist, Arcanum . $ First Regular Bapt ist, .................. $ Bellefontaine 25.00 31 .09 50.00 100.00 62 .50 75 .00 5.00 10.00 10.00 39.00 5.00 10.00 5 .00 20.00 24.91 5.00 10.00 15.00 S.00 2.00 10.00 S.00 35.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 13.00 Trinity Baptist, Lorain . .. ........ $ 10.00 Huntsburg Bapti st, Huntsburg ...... $ 10.00 Evansville Baptist, Niles ...... $ 5.00 C~dar Hill Baptist, Cleveland ....... $ 25.00 Graham Road Baptist, ............ ..... $ 15.00 Cuyahoga Falls Memorial Baptist, Columbus ........ $ 25 .00 Temple Baptist, Portsmouth ........... $ 50.00 Grace Baptist, Sunbury ................... $ 10.00 Calvary Baptist , Tiffin .............. $ 1 S 00 Calvary Baptist, Norwalk ............ $ 5.00 First Baptist , Gallipolis ................ $ 10.00 Calvary Baptist, Massillon ............ $ 10.00 Women ' s Miss ionary Un ion ........ $ 500.00 (Sta te Missionary) Women' s Missionary Un ion ......... $ 100.00 (018 Maga ine) Fa ith Ba pt ist , Greenville .............. $ 5.00 First Bapt ist, Well ingto n ..... .... .... $ S.00 TOTAL ••...•.•......•..•.•....... • •••• $1432.50 DISTRIBUTED TO DATE GOAL TO GO 1,690,250 3,309,750 . V~NEZUELA'{ 225 ,000 BRI TISR ....GUlANA r COLOMBIA • SURINAM i 60,000 245,000, . FRENCH GUIANA V, ,, __..., ___ ,, ~ • f ECUADOR 240,000 • > • BRAZIL 2,:000.000 • • PERU ~;,_~ SJ0, 2 SO BOLIVIA ' -, · · 200,.000 L... CHILE 250,000 ,. { t • PARAGUAY ,/iJ, ~ URUG_UAY f 200.000 J \ Present Campaign Argentina 1 million Gospels ,; .I Every Gospel distributed represents a living contact for Christ. Pray for a rich harvest. J. Edward Srn1th, International Director Alfred A. Kunz, International Director Emeritus Pocket Testament League ~ 49 Honeck Street, Englewood , N.J. 07631 Canada: 74 Crescent Road, Toronto 5, Ontario Theo. W. Ertle moves to New York pastorate Fir t Bapti t hurch of Skanea- tele , N . Y. extended a ca ll to Pa~tor Theo. W. Ertl . Pa tor rtle ha. been in Southern Ohio for over fot1r year and leave the outh ana, n Bapti t hurch, Athen , Ohio. T he cht1rch in kanent Jes i'"i an hi. toric Bapt1 t hurch tracing its beginning back to 1 1 =>. DECATUR FOUNDRY CO . INC. Division of J. l . J ohn son & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calho un Strettt Decatur, lllinoi, Ma nufactures Annea ling Pot, for M lleable Foundri I Provides Two ,hips to C d rvill Coll JUNE, 1964 PAGE 11