The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

Toledo church calls Rev. Don Sewell I Don Sewell l Rev. Don Sewell has been called as pastor of Emmanuel Bapti t Church, Toledo, Ohio, and began his ministry there May 11. A native of Cincinnati, 0 ., Brother Sewell served four years in the U.S. Air Force. He attended Tennessee Temple College two year s before transferring to Cedarville College where he graduated in 1960. While ·attending Cedarville College he or– ganized and pastored the Fir t Bap– ti t Church of Williamsburg, 0. , for nearly three years. In Feb. 1961, he began his min– istry with Grace Baptist Church, Indianapo Jis, Ind . Since that time the Lord has graciously bles ed the work as it has grown from 75 in attendance to over 350 in Sunday School. Emmanuel Baptist, Toledo V li ave so 111 t 1c h t Ii, 1 e witl1 ; let' 1il1a l "e st 1re 1f1at , 1 have n1t1c l1 to Jive f ,r. THE OHIO INDEPENDfNT BAPTIST Regularity is what counts No one can eat enough at ·a ingle meal to la t for ,a month. Nor can person sleep enough during one night •to la t for the next three week . Both mu t be done over and over a long a life Ia t - and for bes t re ult , as regularly a pos ible. Sometimes we tell our e]ve that it doesn't m·ake too n1uch difference whether or not we regularly attend church ·to wor hip God in the com– pany of our fniend . And o we make our attendance a matter of conveni– ence, decide upon the basi of 1:he weather or vJsiting frjend , or ome other readily available rea on. Who know whether or not we regularly take a few minute for a quiet time of prayer and the reading of God s Word? And doe it make much dif– ference anyway? Th,at's a good questtion: "Does it make much difference anyway?" Padeirew ki once aiid, "If I top practicing for one day. I can tell the difference in my p]aying. If I miss two day , my friend notice i 1 t. And if I miss three days, everyone knows it. I this not al o true jn the ,piri– tual realm? -Copied * "If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up bi cross daily, and follow me." Lk. 8 :23. Marvin L. Engle called to Van Wert Rev. Marvin L. Engle Rev. Marvin L. Engle ha accept– ed the call 1o Faith Bap ti t Church, Van Wert, Ohio, tarting April 26. H e replace Howard L. Andrus who com,pleted his minisitry there on April 12. Rev. Mr. E ngle i a native of Ar– canum, 0., and tudied for th.e mini - try at Bapti t Bible Seminary of John- on City, N.Y. H e i n1arried and ha a 17 month old on, Lonnie. H e forn1erly wa pa tor of Fir t Bapti t Church of Worce ter tin E. Wor– ce ter , N.Y. for four year . Rev. and Mr . Engle are now living at 1026 Glenn t., Van Wert, 0. * God did not lea \ ' C u s here to ge t used to the dark but to ,valk i11 tl1c ligl1t. The Los Angeles Hebrew Missi on Approved Bapti st Mid-Mi ss ion Statio n Continuous Witness to Israe l si nce 1908 Dr James A Vau s, Executive Sec ret ary Los Ange les Second La rgest Ci t y 1n United States in J ewish Popu la t ion - 425,000 A Fai th Work Phases of Work Watch111e r1 o t1 t~,e walls club Indoor Meet ings Open Air Mee tings Jewish Pos tal Evangelism Bible Classes Visit a t ion Chi ldren's Work 11 Jewish Workers Jewish-College-Students Ladies Auxiliary Tract Printing and Distribut ion 1 apes for Missionary Societies Prograrns for churcheii 850 Ecl10 Park A ver1ue, Los Angeles, Calif. 90026 JUNE, 1964 PAGE 13