The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

Challenged by the NEED By Fred A. Alexander , , tt r11.,, rt: 'all that 1 rep rted i11 tht' )111<.1 lndt:pcndcnt B,lpti~t lat fn11 th,1t. ha\ 1ng rc~igned 111)' pa t r– .1tc l1t ~.,l\ ar, 1 Bapti\l. hland. 0 .. 1 ,, a taking , er the ff1c1al p ition l)f 1elLi Repr ntat1, e f r the Bap- t1 t h l,l of th Bible, leve. Ha, 1 ing been \\ ith the chool now t(,r o, er eight n1onth , I find my elf n1 re and n1 re challenged by the terr if 1 need there i among otir e– gr brethren. I repre ent the chool in , ar1ou churche upon invitation. I am teaching only ix hour thi econd eme ter but pending hour in the print hop in behalf of the chool. I nl, 1 \v·i h I were twin ! ., The chool. I am hap,py to report, 1 taking very definite tep toward rai ing it chola tic tandard . Due to a very limited budget in the pa t, uch con ideration were practically impo ible. Since the launching in January of our financial campaign of ·· 100 or More in '64" our trea- ury wa given a ub tantial boo t. All GARB churche in the United State were contacted, urging that each church be ' 'one or more in '64' ' to oive 5 per month for this worthy but 0 adly neglected, chool. Until la t January, the total monthly pledged upport to the general fund was a le than 100. Though the response ha n·t been large, any increase was better than what we had received. Total income ha more than doubled. We prai e the Lord for this increase. Beginning next fall, only high chool graduates will be accepted. Cour e will be offered that lead to B.R.E. and Th. B. degrees. We are triving toward full Bible School ac– creditation. We are convinced that one of the principal olution to our seriou race question is the training of our Neg– roes in Bible-believing schools. Pray for us brethren. We would like the opportunity to present the school and this vast m1ss1on field of Cleveland's 2~/8,000 A T egroes. We will come gladly to any of our churches that give us the opportunity. JUNE, 1964 PAGE 14 • New work opens 1n Alaska; Kentucky Mission,aries to move Verne Kirby family to move to Alaska; Pattersons to replace By Verne and Helen Kirby . Bapti t Mid-Mi ion i · opening a new work on the Kenai Penin ula at nchor Point, Al·a ka. When the work began to materialize, the Mi ·- i n contacted u a king if we would con ider going to Anchor Point. For everal month we have been eeking the Lord will in thi matter. We feel that the Lord ha definitely led u to leave thi ummer, po ibly in July. We felt we could not leave Roger until another mi ionary came to this tation and even while we were pray– ing concerning God's will, H e wa leading another missionary to Ken– tucky. The Lord has led Rev. and Mr . Bill Patter on, al o mi sionarie under Bapti ts Mid-Mi ion , to the Roger field. Brother Batter on and his wife worked at Slell\p, Ky. for five years so they are familiar with Mountain Mi sion work. Pray for them a they leave the work at Clear Lake, Iowa and take over the respon– sibilities at Rodgers. The mission has informed u s that because of the differential costs of Jiving between Kentucky and Ala ka, it will be neces ary for us to raise addition·al upport. They have ug– ge ted a minimum of $100. more upport per month before going to the field. We are praying that the Lord will meet this need through churche without u having to go on deputa– tion. Already the month oi June i cheduled here in Kentucky with dedi– cation services, Bible School and two week, Bihlc ' a111p. 1·his leaves us only the firc;t part of July to sciI our f L1rniturc and make the necessa ry arrangement for moving to Alaska. ince j,t i approximately 5.000 miles to Anchor Point, we have been ad– vi ed to take on]y the nece5 ary item'>. The people at Anchor Point have written u that there i no house avai lable for rent at the pre ent time. Due to thi fact, the high co t of rent and becau e of the ad vice of other mi ionaries our plans are to pur– cha e a hou e trailer in Ala ka. Pray for u that the nece sary funds might come in for thi project. We are thankful for what the Lord ha done through you as we have erved the Lord these nine year in the Hills of Kentucky. It isn t ea y to leave and we a k an interest in your prayers and support as we enter thi new field of mi ionary work. Paul and Bob evangelists at Bellefontaine Evangelist Paul Levin and blind inger Bob Findley were at .the Calvary Baptist Church, Bellefontaine May 3-10, Qpal Millner writes. "We a a church have been truly blessed in securing men who pre ent the word fearle ly in the e la t days," be aid. 'We truly prai e and thank the Lord for the way our need have been met o we can have a part in help– ing new .churches get a s tart. "We now have two churche , the Grace Baptist Church , Urbana, 0., and the Faith Baptis t Church, Van Wert, 0. ' ' I For 28 years we have been telling Israel of her Messiah over 50 and more rad io stations at home a~d abroad. Li terature and personal follow-up by .our mis- sionaries has made this ministry very effective. Now Coulson Shepherd , in faith we are enlargi ng our missionary sta~. Many Director of the 3 mill ion Jews in the N.Y. area, and ,n other large cities are open to approach with _ the Gospel. T~e time to reach them is very short. w,11 you take thas expanded outreach on your heart, to pray and share? Box 31 Patchogue, Send for free copy of our informative quarterly, New York 11773 MESSAGE TO ,sffi€ssa4e to tsRaet, ,nc. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST