The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

WOMEN'S RETREAT August 11-13 Cedarville College campus WOMEN'S RETREAT H ope you and as many women a po ible from your church are making plan to attend the Women Retreat, to be held at Cedarville College, August 11-13. A wonder– ful time with a wonderful program is planned. You can't afford to mi s it. REALLY YOU CA 'T AFFORD TO MISS IT. SEE LAST MONTH'S ISSUE FOR DETAILS. Send your r eservation to Mrs. Clifford John- on, Trea urer, c ' o Cedarvill e ol- lege, Cedarvi lle, Ohio. FALL RALLY of the O.A.R.B. Churche W omen 's Mi ionary Union will be held in the T em,ple Bapti t ·hurch Portsmouth , during October in conjunction with the Annual A - sociation M eeting. Pray for and plan to a ttend. D a te and time to be announced later. OTHER DATES TO KEEP IN MIND J uly 16-19 - Baptist Mid-Mi sions Conference, Bethel Bapti t hurch, Erie, P a. (Note change of loca tion since la t announcement ). J uly 20-Aug. 2 - Bapti t Mid– Mis ions Seminar, edar vi ll e ollege, C edarv1Jle. Aug. I 1- 13 - Women' C edarv1lle ollege ampu , ville, Ohio . R e treat , ed ar- Sept. 15 - Berean Women's Fel– lowship. Sept. 15 - South Bethel c ll ow- ship, Immanuel Baptist hurch Ar- canun1, Ohio. Oct. 19-22 - Ohio As~ociation A1111ual Meeting also Wo111en'~ M1s- ionary U11ion all llal)y en1plc Bapt i t C l1urcJ1, Ports111ot1lh, Ohio. 1 ... ei' J{e1ne111ber - there is no place f or Lt s i r1 t hat \V h i ch has r1 o J) I ace for HLM . KOOK' S KORNER co11ut ookies ( LtJ1Lls\ 1 a ll Kaker) 1 2 cu fl bu l t er 1 2 cu 1, l1orteni11g I cup t1gar ] egg )' O]l' 1 can 111 i t sJ1r dcl d coc >nt1t 2 cu p i t d al1- JJ ur J J J tl r 1 t a p. J' \)\'der J l,aking 111111 11ia THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST (If it i lumpy, grate it on a fine grater) l. Cream butter and hortening to– gether. Add ugar and cream again. Beat in egg yolk. Add Coconut. 2. Sift together flour , ammonia and add to 1 t mixture. Mix thoroughly. 3. Roll dough into mall ball . Place on ungrea ed cooky hee t about two inche apart ,and flatten wi,th fork. 4. Bake in moder,ate -0ven (350' F.) l O ·to 12 minute . Yield ·about 7 doz– en. Contributed by : Mr . The1man Johnson , Northwest Bapt is t Church Chicago, 111. (concluded from inside front cover) On the econd day of the Council S,pring se ion a committee of pastors from the North Bethel As ociation, at in on the rem1a inder of the bu i- • ne s es 100. The clo ing hour was pen 1 t re- ceiving uggestions and an wering questions re pective to the polici e and praotices of the As oc iation. Thi exchange of opinion and ugge tion was greatly appreoiated by the Coun– cil of Ten. A fine spirit of prayer previailed throughout the e s ion . The application of everal churches were rece ived for membershi,p iin the A oci– a tion . In our judge·menit ,the a socia– tion .i exper iencing s teady growth and increa ing vi ion for the future. The tither's Six Surprises 1.... at the deepening of hi spiri– tual life in pay ing the tithe . 2. . .. at the ease 1of mee ting h1i ,own obligation wiith the nine t enth . 3.... at the amount of money th at he has for the Lord ' work. 4.... at the ea e of going from one te nth to larger giving. 5. ... at the preparation that tith– ing i to be a faithful and wi c s teward of the nine tenth that • remain. 6.... at hin1 elf dn that he had n t done thi before. HOW TO PUBLISH YOUR BOOK J oin our successful authors ,n a complete and reliable publishing program: pub licity, advertising, handson,e books. Speedy, efficient service. Send for FREE rnan– uscript report & copy of Publ ish Your Book. C A R LT O N P R E S S Dept . 018, 84 fif1h Ave., New York 11, N. Y. " reasure" t:;~;-:,:~·;~or Entirely new in make-up and content, TREASURE will bring the b est in Christian character building material to your primary and junior age children . Large, clear type, colo rful illustrations, short stories, Bible readings, and expo– sitions at the children's l evel of Bible verses and passages. TREASURE is a monthly p aper in weekly 4 -page parts,· size 8Yi x 11. Single copy $2.00 a year; $1 .10 a year or 30 cents a quarter for 3 or more copies. F ree samples. R e/res/Jingly New Cover-to-Cover This well-kno,vn take-home paper for Intermediate through Adult Depart– ments has been completel} re des igned and revised. You'll hke the ne,v size (St..2 x 7), type colorful il lustrat1ons, challenging ed1tor1al content. $1.00 a year for J or more copies (single co1>Y $1.15). 25 cents a quarter for 3 or more copies. ample copies on ~que~t to Dept. JUNE, 1964 PAGE 5