The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

AT HILLTOP HOUSE By Elton C. Hukill, Supt. ''It's beautiful at the home in summertime' ' April and May ha come and gone and ummer is about here not only calendar-wi e, but al o in warm un hine. Gra and trees are beautifully green, Hilltop House show the glory of the Lord in it beauty. There is still work to be done on the lawn but much ha been accompli hed. Storm win– dows have been taken down and creens put in place. While screening in our lcitchen porch, Brother Clarence Dunlap fell from a step-ladder. We praise God that no bones were broken, but he uffered some ,painful bruise and a sprained hip. He is now able tto get about on crutches and was down tairs for the fir t time - one week after his fall. There are frequent visitor , and all are very welcome. The Ladies' Mis– sionary Society of the Norton Center Bapti t Church served a very deliciou luncheon at the Home one Wedne day. A group of ladies from the Newton– ville Baptist Church, near Cincinnati, vi ited the Home after the State W.M.U. meeting at Rittm,an and were very enthusia tic in prai e of whiat they aw. The Pa tor's wife, Mrs. Warren Allen led the group. A 30-inch riding mower was purcha ed for the Home by the Trustee . The Superintendent deeply appreciates this help in keeping the 'lawn beautiful . Among other needs at the Home, perhap the greatest i a lMge deep .freeze . We could purchase meats much more economically if we had a freezer. Resi– dents and staff have banded together to ask the Lord for thi . Supt. Hukill has two invitations in May and one in July to pre en1: the need of the Home and to preach the Word in churche . If a.ny hould de ire this ministry, plea e write him ·at Hillitop House, 303 E. TL1 carawa Ave. Barberton, Ohio. 44203. THOUGHTS ON GOD'S OMNISCIENCE By HOMER GRAVEN either is there any creature that i not manife t in hi sight : but all thing are naked and opened un 1 to the eye of him with whom we have to do - Hebrews 4: 13. The omniscience of God mean Hi quality of being omniscient, that i , possessing infinite and univer al knowledge. The Scripture teach u , fron1 beginning to end, concerning this great divine attribute of our God and a ert that Hi knowledge is infinite and univer al. Thi being the oa e, there can be nothing hid from His knowledge. God knows all our n1ovement thought , actions, deeds, and speech. He know all our action of righteou ne and un– righteousness. Sins committed under the cover of darkne are ju t a~ vi ible to Him as those done in the brightne of the un. Hi infinite knowledge will enab'le Him to judge the quick and the dead at the Great White Throne Judgment. It will enable Him to judge the hri tian for their work at the Judgment eat of C'hri t. Such knowledge will enable Him to di cern the good from the bad. His omni~cience enable Hin1 to know the enc.i from the beginning and lo know who hc1c;; tru~ted the aviour and who ha rejected Hi 111 . Ir1 view of all thi , what 111anner of men ought we to be. There i\ 11l1 doubt but thal we should be duly concerned for our own act1011~. ot1r O"'- 11 tl1ougl1ts, our ovln speech, and our own hahit<;. uch t1n<lers ta11d1ng about ..1od's kn0\.\ 1 lcdgc sl1ould give each of tt\ a cJe\ire to ple,lse H 1n1 , lest we fall u11der Ll1e judgn1e11t of H 1s wrath or the cha~l1se111ent of Hi~ anger. Whether '\\'e ad111it it or not, we, as being of His creation, have lo do w1tl1 Hin1. v e are 11aked a11<.1 unveiled IJefore His C)'cs. We r11ay 1gno1c H1111 ir1 tl1i s lif e. cli r peel Hi con1111a11d111cnts, di s}1onor I-t is on, reJC{..t H is sal\'atic)n, 11, t' for J)lea ure and elf gratificatio11, l',ut ,ve "'' ill still have le) answer to 1-11111 . 1_,,, he Bil)le 3)' that a t i 111 e is ct>111i 11g vlhe11 c,,cry k11etJ sl1all l)O\\' l)c:f<)ft 1 l,i,11 and con te Je u l1rist a l . orLI, tc, the glor}' f JOll ar1d l~atl1 r . \. }1ctl1~1 tlier for , it l) g od or l)ad, ht1t all tl1ings ar naked 1111<.t t111v ~ih.::d l> fl)J'c: tl1t ,l)'e of AI111igl1ty 1 d a,1d tl1erc is 1101 a reatt1rc tl1at is 11ot 111a11ifcst i11 fJ i · igl1 t, THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Fifth missionary conference completed at Cedarville The Fifth annual mis ionary con– ference, pre ented by Fellow hip for World Mis ions of Cedarville College and Grace Bapti t Church, Cedarville, wa held April 8- 12. Other churche participating were Maranatha, Springfield · Calvary, Xenia· Emmanuel, Xenia; Fort Mc– K,inley, Day.ton. The program ended with a Saturday night rally at Cedar– vi lle College. Conference speakers were Rev. Dan Bi ho,p, Rev. Arthur Christ– mann, Rev. Ken·neth Muck, Dr. Charle Rhodes, Rev. Vernon Weber and Pat y King. * * * What we take for granted \Ve do not take seriously. The Bible Evangelist Who Believes and Preaches: • The Old Book • The Pre cious Blood • The New Birth • The Blessed Hope Rev. Leland G. Arntz Evangelistic and Pulpit Supply Ministry RR# 3 , Hudson..·ille, Michigan Gospel tracts entitled " Birthday and Death– day" and " Death Is My Shepherd?" are avai lable upon request. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 60th Year A staff of eighteen full-time or !)art-time workers ,vitnessing to our Lord's "hretl1ren" in Ohio, West Virginia, Brazil; and other areas by radio an<l tl1e mailing 111inistry. Our policy to cooperate ,vith local Ne,v Testa111ent cl1urcl1es in tl1e ac ceptc<l 111etl1ods of Scri1>tural evangel istn, a11<l the placi11g of ne\v converts. We ex1)ress ot1r ttfll>rcciation to the l>dstors ,111<.l f1 ie11tls 111 51 of ottr Ohio Associatior1 ('"'l1t1rc.;l1cs \vho in tl1e 1>ast year l1a, c l1el1>e<.l 111nke tl1is 1111n1stry r>oss1hle. ~taff 111e111bers are l1a1>1) ' to \lisit c11t11cl1es i11 tl1e s1>irit c,f 1\ cts 15:4 to sl1<1re re1lo1ts an<l ins1>iratio11al n1cssagcs co11cer 11i11g tl1e 111i11istr '. \\Trite for free co1> ' - "l"r111111>eter for Israel" n <Jttarterl , clevotecl to Jc,visl1 I"lro1>l1ecies, t1rre11t Ne,,, about tl1e Je,,, n11cl tl11illiing re1)orts fron, 1nissio,1aries. (;eral I \ I, n1el er, Stl})t. P .O. lJo. 355 1 6, I v la11cl 18, Ol1io JUNE, 1964 PAGE 7