The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

From our fellowship churches ~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~"$.~~m.~~~:.::~~~ ... ,®l - - Painesville church completes program al\ ar) Bapti t hurch. Paine - \ 1lle. Ohio. con1pleted it 10-,'ear bu1ld1ng progran1 \v ith a formal dedi– cation . pril 1.... Rev. John 1. trong. pa tor of the church, i now in hi I 0th ) ear of mini try there. Featured peaker at the dedica– tion \\ a Dr. Kenneth Good of Lor· ain. pprai ed evaluation of the completed tructure i more than 2 0,000. For many year the church met in what wa known a the Old Fenton man ion on the site of the pre ent building. In Augu t I 954, ground wa broken for the ba ement of the fir t unit. Covered with a temporary roof. thi wa u ed a the church auditorium from the Spring of 1955 until the uper tructure was com– pleted and dedicated in ov. 1955. • • Rev. T. Fred Hussey JUNE, 1964 PAGE 8 nder the leader hip of the Rev. Ir. trong the church ha pro- gre e<l from a member hip of 91 to the pre ent member hip of 270. t1nday School ha continued to grow with a pre ent attendance of around 300 and up. Con truction of the building i unique in that it i one of the fir t of it kind in church edifices in the coL1ntry. The roof co n i t of in ula– ted metal ection , welded together to make one olid roof of a can– tillever type. Thi eliminated the nece ity for tru works or po ts for support, leaving the auditorium clear of any ob trL1ction . The frame of the build– ing is teel, built with cen1ent block and faced with brick. Second unit ties into the former building forming an 'ell" with a . pac1ou entrance and foyer where the two buildings join thu n1aking one building with two wing . Pastor T. Fred Hussey has 10th anniversary The Fir t Bapti t Church, ile Ohio pre ented it pa tor T. Fred Hu sey with a memorable reception and celebration of his tenth anni– ver ary in the Niles Church during the fir t week of May. The beginning of ,the occasion wa marked by a Prophetic Bible Confer– ence conducted by Dr. S. Franklin Log don, of Largo Florida brother Hu ey's former pastor. On the fol– lowing Saturday evening an informal reception wa tendered the pa tor and hi family with 250 people pre - ent. To climax the celebration the Sunday School ,pre ented the pa tor with a 10th anniver ary gift of ,an all-time Sunday School record atten– dance of 532. People came forward for salvation at both Sunday services . An idea for you? rf',l1is is :1 !)iclllJ'C Of the J1l'Ogf'Hlll l)(1ok ,vhicl1 Ottr presitlcnt has 11,adc f()r thi~ year ft)r ot1r l_.allics IV11ssion– ar , f>r aycr <,rot1p. We think 1t is so nice that we , ant lo share it with <)tl1crs. f~ach person of ot1r grot1p l1as a bo k of her own. I In our program book we have Ii ted: our officers and committees, our motto, our theme ong our theme. and our theme ver e. Al o we have picttire of mis ionaries which our church upports. We have each mon– th~ program Ii ted a follow : I u e June as an example: June Education Month Pray for: Bapti t Bible Seminary Cedarville College Grand R apids Semin·ary Roll call Bible verse with the word ' 'teach or ' 'learn" in it. Devotions - ' 'Elijah's Bible School' ' Mi ion Study Bapti t Mid- Mis ions and William Grimes We feel that thi causes our ladies to be more mi ion con ciou since they have thi in their home to re– mind them of our meetings and our mi ionaries. Mr . Clarence J . . Warner, group reporter. New Richland church calls Russell Taylor New Richland Bapti t church Mar– ch 15 called R ev. Rus ell Taylor of Bellefontaine to be their pa tor. R ev. Mr. Taylor i a graduate of Belle– fontaine high school . H e graduated from Moody Bible In titute of Chi– cago, and attended Wheaton College. Mr. Taylor received hi A. B. degree in Social Science and an M.A. degree in Guidance from We tern Michigan Univer ity, Kalamazoo, Mich. He was Pa tor of two churche in Indiana and one in Michigan. He was director of the Regular B,apti t Children' home in St. Loui Mich. before coming to the ew Richland Church. Rev. and Mr . Taylor are the par– ents of eight children. They are Mar- ha, Pamela Tim, K athy, Cheryl, Chri tine, Ru ell and Stanley. They are re iding at 629 Eastern., Belie– f ontaine, Ohio. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST