The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1964

John W. Reed appointed to Air Force Guard as Chaplain • John W. Reed It i now Captain John W. Reed, Cedarville, Ohio. Captain Reed has been appointed as the Chaplain for the 178th Tactical Fighter Group and a igned units, of the Ohio Air Na– tional Guard located at Munici,pal Airport, Springfield Ohio. Chaplain Reed, an ordained Bapti t mini ter is presently engaged in the field of teaching at edarvi11e College, Cedar– vi]le, Ohio. Works toward doctorate The new Ohio Air National Guard officer has a BA from Bryan College, Dayton , Tenn. , a BD from Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana, hi Ma ters in ED. from Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Ohio and he has completed his in r es ident training towards hi doctorate from Ohio State Univer– sity. The Chaplain had served the pastor ate for over 10 year c; prior to accepting call to teach in his de– nominati onal co1lege at edarvill e. As hapJ ai11 for the c,ome 600 member '> of the Springfield base he will ,per– for111 h1~ n1ilit ary duti e5, one weekend eac l1 month a rid two week~ in the sun1111crt in1e. Hi s duti es will inc lude the r11oralc leadership, religious leader- l1i p and ge neral we lfare of all r11ilJ– tary persclnnel assigned . M ajor Hu1 ter, the Ba'ic o n1111an– der, J)Oin ts Ol tl tt1a t thi s will be tl1e 1 i r t t i 111 e :s i r1 cc t t1c u 11 i t was or g a11- i z. d l)ack in ove ,11l1er 1947 th,t l a l1aJ)lai 1 l1as l1ec1 assig11cd, anll t1iat J1 c i ta v_,eJco111e add itio,1. aptai1 I e I r sid i11 l1io \\'i tl1 l1i wife ris t \\ 1 dat1gl1 tc:r, Jlc l) l)c:cca 13 l I) 1 rrj . edar\ 1 ilIt, and tl1eir 1111 a 11LI JH OHIO INDf:Pl :NDF.NT BAPTIST For men only WATCH this space Reserve this date Sept. 10-12 Dr. Howard G. Young resigns Gallipolis church • • • to accept pos1t1on 1n new Indiana work Dr. Howard G. Young has re- signed the Fir t Bapti t Church Ga'llipoli , Ohio, effective May 26 ,to accept a call to the Fir t Bapti t hurch of France ville, Indiana. During Dr. Young's time in Galli– poli 176 were received into the mem– ber hip of the church, a majori,ty by conver ion. The church auditorium w,as completely redecora,ted, beautiful wood paneling p]aoed around the ent ire auditorium and the b~ptistry repaired. The organ ha been brought into perfect condition. The foyer , nursery, office and ·par onage have been improved. DR. HOWARD G. YOUNG tion , "a challenge to Mr~. Yot1ng and my elf. "The deci ion to accept thi call ha not been ea y, but we h ave an abiding peace in our hearts that our deci ion to accept thi call i of God. " Dr. Young i pa t chairman of the OARBC ouncil of Ten. He erved in Wellington for 10 years before moving to Gallipo]i . For nearly 22 year he was pa tor of Fir t Ba,pti .. t Cht1rch Lock Haven, Pa. SUBSCRIPTIONS Penfield Junction Bapti t Church, The church in Francesville, Ind. Lorain , Ohio, wher e Rev. orman is a new work- only recently be- E. Hoag i pa tor , r ecently ub cribed coming elf- upporting, but a Dr. for it entire n1ember hip for the Voling said in his letter of resigna- Ohio Independent Bapti t n1agazine. Rev. John W. Bailey and family j l{ cv. J () l111 W 1:3.ulc\ t1a, t,cc ) 111e J)as lor <.1 f alvar) 13 a~1 tist l1t1r 11 , Asl1l a1 tl. I le <.) 111es f.r<.1 111 a lt t,rk Ua1 tis t C t1u rc l1, O ttaker ( il)' , () , v. 1 l1cru hu \Vas ()as tor t \VO )'ears. I{ \', 1r. fl ai l }' a11cl l1i ,vifl! or- 111 a, l1a \'e 0 11c l ia t 1g l 1 t r, I ar i, nn, 5. f' J1 lJHiJc:)'S arc Sl lCCcu ling ]{ u\' . HJ1d Irs. l; t l'li ; \ ]\.!. a11 lcr ,vl1 rl!sigtll'll ltl h .. ,n1c tl,\Cllll"i Jl till' lla~'lft-..t ~lll\)lll llf tllu B1l1lt!. l lc\ t"ldtl I. Rt:\ . Ir. lexanllcr 1, al~\.> scr\' i11g Lil ~ 11) )] as l~iL"lll l{c1)r~, 11t •tti\ 1 • l{L'\' . a11(I l I' • llail , -ath..l tl1 ir lat1gl1ttr ,vill lt\' c i11 tl1 J ar~o11·:lg , 15 1.;. \\'a l1i11gtl 11 t., 1\ 111 11 I. JUNE, 1964 PAGE 9