The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1964

A Christian a nd His Language 8 " l \It l Willa, d G ntry l t111, '"'tl tl,at t'\' l'l"\ • • • h.11" ,, , r._t tl,,1t 111c 11 s l1 nll 'J't'.\ k tl,c, 1, II gi , ,. a l, t 111t thl'fl' "\t 1r1 till' "' ·' ' , t · t1 \l l111 "111 ·· ~ t atthc,, I _· 1(, ' 'l ·1111 ,t. r "-' tl1t'tc a1c , er , ii ,ltl \ l 111 , , , 1r1 ,t11 ~ l1 t1 1 ct, • t C \\ • ,,,t,l) • \ \ "' \ 1 ~ i ' (1(' t l1 l l, I\ l l "C llr (1fC H)\ l \ } \,. J Jl,\(llC 111 \ ,ltn. )r C\ Ct1 ·' " ,111c . H , c, cr atan c .111 ..1 ntl ,Joe, ~ IJ' i11 lt ltlr li, c, 1n t1b t lc \\ a,, 1n , i\.:r tt, , tc.11 t1r hr1st1~1n \\ itnc •, 11 i t c, t, n 1 11, . ht)r t 1, a f. t e r 1 bc ~1111c a ""hr1 t1an a certain grottp f \\ rtl ,, ·'" hr,..1t1ght to n1) at t nt1on thr ti gh a h 'l k.l t b, , ·angeli t Ol i er 1rccn ,l he1ng dcfin1 tel~ tinchr i ti an. 1 ,, 1t1ld l1 k.c t pa the. e n t an 1 ,, h n1a, be n er ned . 11 of the - tl llL')\\' tng def1n1t1 n are ta~en fr n1 \\ t:b~tcr· ,, , orld Dic ti onary. Thi I not a igoted hri tian interpre ta- tit,n l,f tl1 ~ir tll laniltg. 1 .. \J ,, 1, t~111 is n1 : ( I ..-1 ltc ll sc r, f a \\ t) t~ I t)I' 1 l1ra~c tl1 nt is lcs cx1 rcs,1\e <)I tl1rcct ... le,, tli ta lc ftd , le s <1 f– ft' n t \ C tl1 a 11 an t) tl, cr . ( _ ) ~ ·l) t' t l <11 11l1r,1,c ,t1 ,t1l1" t itt1tcLI. I. gee - cttJ')h c111 i t> C<)t1t1 a~t i<1 n t) t J c, t 1 • , I" n g. 2 g,1 ti ( ) - n1il tl , tl1 o r cx- prc"~1o n o f , t1rpr1,c~ tli~gtt t. ct1phen11~t11 for God . J . g 11 eL1phc n11~111 for Gotl . 4. go h - cuphen,i n1 for God. 5 . darn - A et1phemi m f o r <l an1n . 6. heck - et1phe n1i m for hell . There arc ther but I a n1 ure th a t yot1 ge t the point . od 5ay : HLet no c rrupt co,n1n1unication proceed OLlt o f yoL1r mouth but that which i good to the u e of edifying ·that it n1 ay n1ini ter grace to the hearer . Eph. 4 :29. A PTL team is distributing 50,000 Go pel in campaigns in DUSSEL– DORF, West Germany. * ! t Andre\v Loo has ca11ed for 50,000 I more Go pel for FORMOSA. i • j j AND THE REGIONS BEYOND In FR}\NCE, 300,000 PTL Gospels of John have been d istributed to date. Ano ther 200,000 are bejng pri nted fo r the con t inuing cam– pJ1gn in that country. * For the Ol}mpic Gan1c in TOKYO, :0.000 Go pel ,vere needed. * OUTH A\I ERICA ,vi ll n eed 3.000,000 more Go pel before our goal I reached. Argent ina alone wil l need 1,000,000 of which 500,000 ha\'e bee n printed. T he balance a\,•ait fu nds. ! * 25,000 Gospel are needed for a campaign in AMSTERDAM early in 1965. * And 50,000 Gospels have been allo- cated to the "Sermons from Sci– ence" pavilion for distribution at the EW YORK WORLD 'S FAIR. * These open doors and many calls pre en t a tremendous challenge to move deeper and deeper into the enemy 's territory and· take great spoil for the Lord. Confiden tly ,ve lay these opportunities and needs before the Lord's people, who h ave never failed us in years of ,vorld– gi rd ling Scripture distribution, with the remin der that "there remaineth yet very much land to be possessed." (Josh. 13:1). IJ JOVEM BER, 964 PAGE 14 • B II font ai ne '1h · C a I,, a, )' Il aI t i t hur h. Uc 11 c f t1n tai 11c l1 as its 111 is i 11 arics. tl1c ," l1a , s OCCl ll 1 ing tl1c Htl llC ·• .., t1c Sl1n\ · hnvc spc 11t the J)a l l WL) car :in ti f t1r 111o nths in I lai ti, O r>al 1i l • ncr , rit e 1 hey ihatl pl anne<.I l<) go back ~,ft cr a s,i n, nth r cs;t pc ri otl, bt1t t1L1c to th e c.l cstrL1c t1o n caL1 cd l1y Ht1rricar1c lco. it 1s l tnccrt ain wl1 c r1 they \vi ii re lt1rn . Mo\lt of their cq uipn1cnt . along wi,th their ho111c was destroyed. hei r work on the fi eld con~i~tec.l o f 11ai n– tcnance wo rk and printing. Vernon Webber and hi. Ray Mo ll,ahan and Rev. familv. ~arl D . U1nbaugh were recently vi itors in the cht1rc.h. DECATUR FOUNDRY CO. INC. Division of J. l . Johnson & Sons Inc. 1700 N. Calhoun Street Decatur, Illinois Manufactures Annealing Pots for Malleable foundries . . ·•· * T he devil may ,try to wreck you , bu t if you are grounded in Christ , he cannot even rock y ou. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 60th Year A staff of eighteen full-time or part-time workers wi tnessing to our Lord's ' 'brethren" in Ohio, West Virginia, Brazil; and other areas by radio and the mailing ministry. Our policy to cooperate with local New Testament churches in the ac– cepted methods of Scriptural evangel– ism, and the placing of new converts. We express our appreciation to the pastors and friends in SI of our Ohio Association Churches who in the past year h ave helped make this ministry possible. Staff members are happy to visit churches in the spirit of Acts 15: 4 to share repor ts and inspirational messages concerning the ministry. Write for free copy - ' 'Trumpeter for Israel" a quarterly devoted to Jewish Prophecies, Current News about the Jews and thrilling reports from missionaries. Gerald V. Smelser, Supt. P.O. Box 3556, Cleveland 18, Ohio THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST •