The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1964
I I ' I I I I I I I ; ' i Thanksgiving By Margaret E. Sangster For the day when nothing happen · For ,the cares that leave not ,trace, For rthe love of li title children, For each sunny dwelling pl,ace , For the alitars of our fathers, And the c losets where we pray, Take, 0 graciou God an·d Father, Praises thi s Thanksgiving Day. For o,ur h,arvest safe inga 1 nhered, For our golden s 1 tore of wheat, For the bowers ,and the vinelands, For the flowers upspringing sweet, For our coasts ,from w•ant ;protected , For each inlet, river, bay, For Thy 1 bounty full and flowing, Take our praise this joyful day. For the hours when Heaven is nearesit And 1he earth~mood does not cling, For the very gloom oft broken By our looking for ,tJhe Kiing, By our ,thoug,ht 1 tha;t He iis here, For our courage on ·the way, Take, 0 Friend, unseen, eternal Praises this Thank giving Day. Limitations Timely . . . We only see a little of the ocean, A few miles di stance from ,the rocky shore; But, oh , out there beyond ihe eye's horizon , Around the dial of ,a clock in a church in Stra burg, Germany are ,these words : "One of ,the e hours the Lord i co,m~ng." There's more-there' more. We only see a little of God' Jove , A few rich treasures from Hi s mighty store; But, oh, ot1.t there beyond- beyond the life's horizon , There's more there's more. - unknown Weird Music ... ... •,• . .. .,. No one ever beca111c an alcoholi c until he drank. Thankfulness By Mrs. Justin Lindley For n1eadows radiant wiith bloon1 And fr,agrance in the breeze, For soft spring how'rs and s,parkling streams- We ithank Thee, Lord, for these . For harvest gold of ripened grain And fruiitage, rich and brig,ht, For joyous children ait .their play, For silver moon,beams ligh1t- For song birds s•weet and sun-crowned 1hills And brilli1ant evening ·glow, For fl ami·ng charm of autumn day , For winter 's crystal snow- For land of homes 1benea,th the tar W·here ,fa,ith and peace abide, For paith of beauity where our fcc,t May walk by Freedon1' ic.le- For grace · crown our live each day, Strength, -that we need not fall, A surance of •a home aibove– We thank Tlhee, Lord, for ,all . "There are certain thing we ,pr,ay for ,tha,t h.ave to be grown . They can– not ,be given u like coins or manufac– tL1red good . Tihey could only be given a fruits and they musit 1be grown in our souls. We ask for a fruit and •the Lord immediately an wer our prayer by pianting a eed. We ask for certain blooms of fini hed character. The Lord doe not atrt:ach ,them to our live , as we might tie fruit to an orn,an1en,tal ,tree. He begin at once ,to enrioh ,the character that create the bloom. "There are broken cog ithat have to be repaired. There i n1uoh gravel of in ,that ha to be ren1ovcd." "Noth ing between my soul and n1y Saviour' ' except my elfi h de5ire , 1ny job, my unsaved loved ones, corn pany on Sund ay, and week-end trips. The Los Angeles Hebrew Mission Approved Ba ptist Mid -Mission Station ··o Happy Day," but I can' t ren1e111- bcr \.Vhen , where or how. .. Rrlicue the Per ishing," •~ just what Ill}' preacher is ,paid to <l o. .. tand Up for J es tis' ' if no 0 11 c is lookir1g. •• 1 I... ove to '1"cl l tl1c tor}'" and 1tl1e preacl1er bett er n t take 111ore tl1an 25 n1inutes tellir1g it ei ll1er. .....I akc 'Lile a111c of Jestis Wit l1 You." BL1t don ' t a}' it Ott l l ud t11lcss in • \ ' 3111. Continuous Witness to Israe l since 1908 Dr . J ames A. Vaus , Executive Secretary Los Angeles Second Largest City in United States ,n J ewish Population - 425,000 A Faith Work Phases of Work Watchmen on the walls club Indoor Meetings Open A ir Meet ings Jewish Postal Evange lisnl Bible Classes V1s1 tat ion Children's Work 11 Jewish Workers Jewish-College-Students Ladies Auxiliary rract Printing and Distribution Tapes for Missionary Societies Progra,ns tor churches 850 Echo Park Avenue, Los Angeles, Ca lif . - 90026
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