The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1964

37th Annual Meeti,ng met need of ev ry person who attended ( Iii, \ , , "i,1ti( 11 < f Rt"gttl ,lr l aJ}tt,t ( l1t1r ll\.' ,1t "c1111,fc lla1,t1 t (. l1t1r~l1. l "' ·, 11 )t1tt1 , ")\Cr littt tl1c l'\lc 1ng, ... )f , '"' \." ,nttnth.." i11 the l1c,1rt, f tl1 ,c nt tc11 I..: t 1 rt1l, 1 tl11, ,, n one i11 ,, 111 "t1 ~, er, l"lr, )ll ,, 11) alt nclccl t" ' "'" 1 \ c.:tf , 111cll11c1g f()r l1i" l)t:f 11al ll~Ct.i Dt1rin~ tl1c annt1al 111ccting, ,1ftcr - ~ 'CJ"'rt, ,,t;rC r i,eJ fron1 , ting 111c · ,c.: 11gcr". a fl'.\\ ha nge \\'ere 111 adc ir1 the C tin il f Ten. and 111e n ~ na111c, adLicd. Rt.:, . T. Frt.;LJ H t1~. \, Vth ha .. faithfttll , ,,r1tt n articl eaoh n1onth . fL)f thL page a chairn1an f the C 0t1n il of Ten. relinqt1i hed hi Jt1tie a chairn1an. H i church. Fir t Bapti t Church. ile , Ohio. h a 1n, ited the O RBC to meet Oct. l 8- 21. 1965 for the ne t annual meeting. Dr . Ed~tard Morrell . Jr ., i now t..:hairn1an and " 'ill r epre ent the ot1ncil of Ten with article each 111onth in thi pace. Other men1ber and their office are. Rev. Clarence Town end, ecre– tar\·: Rev. A. Don·a ld Morffa t, mi - . 1onar)' chairm,an; R ev. Woodrow ~fcCaleb. education chairman ; R ev. D arrell Bice: Rev. Dean H enry; Rev. George H uffman: Rev. R . Kenneth mel er and Rev. Earl Willett . Other officer are, H. R. Davi on , trea urer: Re,,. Lynn Rober , you,th director: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh, tate mi ionary: and J ame R. John– on. editor, Ohio Independent Bap– t1 t. A pring council meeting i sched– uled for April 19. 20 1965 a~ Im– n1anuel Bapti t, Arcanum Ohio. COVER PICTURE: NINE NEW CHURCHES ENTER FELLOWSHIP inc nC\\ cht,rchc were hrot1ght I l1 t th C f C If O\J ~ h j p a t th C a 11 n ll U f 111ccting f the Ol1io c;c;ocia ti n f Regt1lar Bapt i t l1t1rchc~ in Ponts- 111 t1th, Ohio. The churche and •pa tors inclt1dc. aJ , ,ary Bapti t, Ht1bbard , Rev. Wil – lia111 Davi : han1pion Bapti t, han1- pion. Rev. We ley mith : Grace Bap– ti t. K ent. Rev. Glen E. 11abb: Grace Bapti t, U rban a, Rev. R ay K aufcn– barger: Bible Bapti t Seven Mile Rev. Duane Wells; Magadore Bap– ti t. Magadore Rev. Ab alom: Evan– gel B,apti ,t Akron Rev. Albert John - on: Union B 1 apti t Union , Rev. Mon– roe Duffie· and Carmel Bapti t New Straight vi lle, R ev. Richard Smi th. Total member hip ,in the OARBC i no,w 141 churches. Trustees of Home and Camp reorganized at Portsmouth Trustee of H ome and Cam1p Inc. reorganized at the annual Ohio As– ociiation of R egul ar Bapti t Churches meeting Oa t. 19-22 in Portsmouth Ohio. The 16 member and their officer are. D on ald H . Bejghtol, ohairman· Kenneth Houser, vjce-ahairm,an; Nor– man Hoag secretary; Leland How– ard ,treasurer ; George B·arne · Shei– don F 1 isher· Dean H enry; M artin H olme ; All en E. Lewis · P aul Mayo · George Milner ; Kenneth Romig ; C lark Spauldjng: J ohn Strong ; Clar– ence Townsend ; and Earl Willetts. Pictured on our front cover are 236 young people a ttending Cedarville College from the tate of 0 1hio. The e young people help tto make up a total tudent body of 603 . Many of these young people come from our GARBC churches. Out of 603, 393 or 65 per cent of our tudents are GARBC church member . 1'he faculty and taff at Cedarville rejoice in the fine group of young people •that God ha entr usted to them to train both spiritually and academically . The Ohio Independent Baptist i published on the first of each month in Xenia, Ohio, U 1\, by The Ohio As ociation of Regula r Baptist hurches. It is a magazine devoted to Chri tian fello\vship and faithfulness to the truth . Subsc:riJJtion rate: $2.00 J)er )'ear. ingle copies, 20 ce11ts . pecial rates gi ve11 to cl1urc l1es tl1a t uh cribe for co1111Jlete 111en1ber~hi1J. The Ohio Independent Baptist ..• Publ ithed Monthly by ... THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenl Ohio . POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 I The Ohio Independent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Editorial Off ice: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Dead Iine for News: 10th of each mon1h State Missionary Address: Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor . . . . .. . . ... . James R. Johnso Box 184, Cedarvi1le, Ohio Circulation Manager .. . . Sue Ecke1 Cedarville College, Cedarville, 0. Women's Editor . .. Mrs. Inez Mi1nt Cleveland H eights, Ohio Mission's Editor Rev. Dona1d Moff~ Cedar\'ille, Ohio Youth Editors Mr . & Mrs. S . L. Cha ff Cedar ville, Ohio Christian Editcation Editor ....... . ..... ... .... ... .. ..... .. Mrs. Earl D. Umbaug1 Council and Officers Chair1rttln 1)r . Edvvard 1orrel1, Jr Arcanum, Ohio S ecretary . Rev. Clarence T ownsenc 115 E. Oak, Bowling Green Treasurer ... ... . . . H. R. Davisor 23 I ves ter Lane, Arcan11m, Ohio l\1issionary C hr. . flev . Dona1d M offa Ceda r ville, Ohio Youth Director . .. .. Rev. Lynn Roger~ 78 54 N. Boyden, Northfield, Ohi< Edi,cation Chr., Re,, . \~7 oodro,,, l\1cCalel E l)rria, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Rev. Darrell Bice Rev. Dean Henry Rev. George Huffman Rev. r. Fred Hussey Rev. R. Kenneth Smelser