The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1964
r -- ~ ol. 37, No . 1 The Ohio Independent Baptist ~ission of the church to preserve ind proclaim God through His word If the tr uth af God is to be pre– !rved for the next gener,atio n, we 1ust plan'1: New Te tament Ba,ptii t hurches in every h amlet ·and com- 1unity ·across our State. According to T imothy 3: 15, ' 'the house of God 1 hich is lthe ohurch of the Ii v,ing iod" is to be "iuhe pilliar and ground ,f the truth" . The mi s,ion of the hurch is to preserve .and to proc,l,aim ne God as r ev,ealed in Hi, Word. "'hi is not the miss ion of ,the leaders f eiither labor or industry. It i not he specific mission of the poLitician ,r the educator . l it ~s not nhe concern •f those engaged in social welfa re . "'his mission has been oommi bted pri– narily to looaJ churches who believe ind love the truth of God and Chris– ianity will succeed or tf aiil wi,th the uccess or f a,ilure of tthe local ohurch . Most churches ·arie ,f ail ing in t hi nission tod ay. A few d,ays ago, I 1elped take a r eligious urvey, look– ng forward to the star ting of a new ;hurch. I oalled in 30 homes on a ceritain treet, nearly all of whon1 h ad ,a trong ohurch rel·aition ·h1i1p. In addi,tion to t he u u,al question aske·d on uoh a urvey, bhe ciarn vassior wa to ecure either a "yes ' ,or "no' ' an- wer to t.he que tio n, "Do you know what is n1ean1t by the term ' born– aga,in'?" One lady aid "Yes th 1 at is ometlhing like re~ncern,ati on, i n 't i.t?" Another lady in1d,ic,ated ,he bel,ieved Vhait it w·as the end oif a long proces , ,beginni1n,g with bapt1i~,m, con– tinuing ,through ca techi m confe~{– sio,n, attend,ance ,art: m,ass, receiving of 1,ast rights at deiaith, purgatory a nd en– tr·ance inito heaven. Ano ther said t he knew but that it w,as o long and involved ·tlhrait he d1idn't h·ave time to ex.plain . Al th,oug.h nearly all hiad a tron1g ohurch rela 1 tionshri1p, only two k:new wih 1 at :the B,ible ,me·ans by being born ,agiain . T he great 1bulk of ohurch– es ac:rios our liand ·have o fail ed in 1their mi ion that mo ,t orf t heir n1em– ber s do not know the an wer Jto ithe mo t ba .ic que t ion of h'f'i tianity. November, 1964 Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh A a direot re ti lt of thi we ar e ee– i ng ,the increa e of Com,n1uni m, the inroad of Sociali m the outcroping of civil di obedi ence and violence and the deiterioPati on of per onal – jty . T he only r emedy i to re-church ot1r tate and na.tion with independ– en,t. go pel --preaching, Bibl e..,believing B·apt,i t ohurohe th,ait will "reach all they can and th at wi ll teach all they reach.,. Homecoming activities are well attended rDhe Annu al Homecoming activities n Octo ber 10 at edarville ol legc were a large success. One hundred twent y-five alumni registered in the n orning, and many other alumni arrived t hroughout 1the d ay for the f tivi tie . Parents of student~ and other visi tors swelled the crowd on ca,11pus to an all -1time h igh. After hos ting ,the guest to an pe11 i1ou e on the camp~, a par ade led IY Queen ancy Buerer and her court tra 1 eled fro111 on1r11uni ty Park d ow1 1ain treet in .....edarvi ll e to tl1e l- iege campu . ach c las. con ttructed lab ra t floa t app aring in the 11ar- TH OHIO INDEPENDEN BAPTIST ade. Colorful di pl ay con trL1cjted by clt1b and other 1 tudent group were scattered throughourt: ithc can1pt1 . T he ophomore clas won fir ·t prize for the be t float and the Jttn ior c la~ econd prize. The winnin,g di "ipla)'S were: fir t, titure BL1s1r1e s A '· ci a,tc~ ~ econd , aith Hall , th i1 d co111- bined 1nL1 1cal gi ot1p<; edarvi ll c Alu111n i, at a 10<.111 lt111- chcon, voted to raisc $4,000 f r tl1c p1odt1ct ion of a 30..i1 1int1te color, s0Ltr1d fi l111 depicting <lar\fille ol – legc. l "'h e fi l111 \\'i ll b 111ad tlt1rir1g th is scl1ool year a11 l relea e I (\tiring t l1e fa 1 of I 9 >5. T he Ccc.larville 11 ge ' OCC r tea111 hel !)Cd to 111akc the nnt1al Hon1c– con1ing . t1cces ft1l b} tiefeat1ng tl1c highl} regarc1ed ntral tate tean1 4-2. After the qt1cen and her cot1rt were at half ti111c. e11tcr · ta1n111cnl w"1 ft1rn1,l1c l h\ t\\o k.\ lit\ er\ \.\ ho Jt111111etl lr 0111 a l1-1gh 1l– L1 tt1de. (lei '1Y 1 ng ,the Of '-= 11 ing f their sl1t1te:,, \\ h1lc ig111tcl1 fla1 C\ 111 ·11 k.e\.l ._, l)lt;il' LlC\CCn t. 1 1 l1e cl1oir a11d otl1er 111t1si nl gr Llf1s cli111a . 1 t1}1 tla)' ' a ti\ 1 itics b ' I)r - senti11g an • ·celle11t 111t1s i al Ir gra111 for tl1c v\fc11i11g. NOVEMBER, 1964 PAGE 3
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