The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1964

' ave t yse e B Mr . Earl D. Urnbaugh •• "Ill' t' tl1i11g, ,,,11lt' 1 t1nl\) tlll'C .... . . tll,ll t'l 'll Jll,l' l',t k.t1l \\ }1 \V tll(l\1 l l)l't}lt(' t l\ (" '}1,l\ l' tl1, "L}1 lll l}lC ::- 11' It'\ 1 l1() l . :· I l"i tll<.)lll\ 1 14. l '\ ... l a t\.,. J ,, a, gi,•ing tl1t: i11, 1 il 1 a ,tit)11 . "'"' .... 1 ..,, J tt tl 1 , r H 1 g 11 g i r I" o 11 t 11 c fr n t .... ._ r ,, "'t. .. ltl t \:ligc tl1Lir ,, ,\\ t) the "' ... , \.f L' c 1 t 1 h , ,, L r c ,, 11 i pc r i ng to '"'.\'2' t1 l t l1~ r }) ,1, t r J \\ a~ di tt1rl1cd l L(' .. llt l' tl1c 11t;; pit: l1 gan l ,v at h tl1c111. 1 he Ht)l) 11ir1t ,, a grie, 1 ed. fh\.'rc ,, .. 1 n 11ce<l to nti11t1e 1hc • 111, 1 t .. 1110 n. "D) the, reult,, care ab tit 111, ottl'. ·· I" "1 qtie ti n a id to ha c h~ n f It b) a tranger Vt ho \Va · un– '"ier n, i tion for hi in . During the in, itati n hi neighbor were dr pping their h) mn book into the ra k and putting on their glov and ,, rap . ..I an1 afraid of your tair ", ,aid an elderl 1· gentleman. The fact of the matter \\',a that the children \, ould run and pu h on the tair <luring the changing of clas es and be– tv. een unda} chool and church. The whole Sunday School was called together for their hour during the Evangeli tic Campaign. The Evan– geli t wa preaching and pleading for oul to be aved. In the center of the enior H igh department ·at hi on. H e wa enjoying to the full the attention of the teen group in whi - per . glance and note ,pa ing under the pew . _ eedless to ay there were no deci ions among the teen,age group that morning. ..A friendly church for friendly people·· wa the motto on the church bulletin. But the tranger came and \\ ent with not a smile, a nod or a hand hake from anyone except the pa tor \\ ho tood at the door. A key to good rn anner , behavior can be found in H ebrew 10: 24 ' 'Let u con ider one another . . . ' Behavior is Taught Paul ent in truction in the regu– lation tor the church. 'lihis i needed no le tod a}' . From the cradle to the gra\'e good behavior and good manner need to be taught and learn– ed. The 1;n) bah") i taught to eat correct}~, day after day. The child i taught to a. ··Thank you.. ·'Excu e n1e·· '· I am sorf)' .'. etc. The elder]) n1a, h0, c to ]earn to li"e 1n the • OVEMBER, 1964 PAGE 4 o use o 0 ,, 11<.,nlc ( r a (lat1gl1tcr--in.. la,v \-Vherc the l)cl1a, 1 r i (lif f cr ' 111t th ,lt1 in hi\ v. n J10111c \() the l)Ch cl\ lOr f1Ult crn j C() l1 - \(atlll \ a 111 , tt cr I learning. l~vcr\ 11nrLnt 111t1\t l1c on1c wcarv f &ay ing "' Diti \Ot1 a\ thank \Ott?" ' ' l · xcL1~c 111c' ', ' ' I,111 orr\' ··. " Plea<;e··. ve t rt.hi <; • L an i11111 rta11t pha c of ~he teaching pr cc . hildren n1t1~t be latrg,ht to pic1' t1p and J)t1l away •toy<;; 10 pt1t tra h in the \\ a tc ba ket. ven we odt1lt are rcn1inded con tantly 'Don't be a lioter~bug!' The ao ions of a teen-ager wi ll re cal how well he ha been taught and how 111uch he h 1 a le·arned from hi hon1e. We reflect our hon1c train– ing in our ac·tion ~n public. Good n1 anner in church al o need to be taught. Parent should in truct the children at home how ' 'thot1 oughte t to behave in the hou e of God' . They ihould be willing to back up the Sunday School ite·aoher or youth leader in ,their effort to exerci e good order ,at ohurch. The Sunday School ,teacher need to teach how the children hould act in the building, in the cla room, in bhe hall on the tair ·and in the ·anotu– ary. Young peo 1 ple need to h,ave ,a le - on on "behavior' in uhe Training Union at regular in1tervials. Tihi can be done with ·a panel of teaohers a nd ofificer of the cihurch. It can be done by a "round 1tJable' di cu ion ho/ the youth group. This hould be planned with the counsel of the Spon or and the P a tor. The Adult Training Union would al o prOlfit from uch a dti cu - ion. There is ·a very good Dialogue on thi ubject whioh oan be used in the Youtlh Group. It gives all the wrong thing done and then leads ~ n the way ,to correat uch actions in the hou e of priayer. A work ho,p ervice hould not be conducted ta a "wake· neither hould irt be a noi y public chool assembly. Behavior is Absorbed and Observed ·'Consider one another". H ebrew 10:21. There i a ph·a e of behavior that i not taught but caught. There i a home from which everal boy come. ix to be exact. All of them di play good manner . They tand when a 1 ady or their elder enter the room. They offer their eats to a gue It or a lad 1 . The}' tip their hat . They arc \ ' l! I cur l li al Ht a <'[ts uul in Lr (luc ti<lf1 , I l1t: :ire fr ic ntll , an I 11erStln af, lc to the la si t 111 a11. "J h '\' con1c fr 111 tl ., h,11l1IJI • I nr 111 ho111c \Vhcrc 11lnn11cr J)r )l)nl1Jy \.Vere never tlisct1 ctl. PJ'\vo l)f tl1c \Viv' s were tlisctts ·i11g thi s rcla– ti,,c ltJ ,tcacl1ing ,tl1uir own chi l tlre11 g< )<I 111 nnncrs . .-I h 'Y rcaohcc.l the con– c lusion th nt the hoys 1 l1 ,1(l o lJscrvc<.I 1thcir Cat,hcr wl10 was a I olit c. fr iend– ly 1111111 anti 1thcy hall ohscrvc<.f this ,trait fr 111 him. Bad manner ~ arc also <)bservccl. I have often been told by 0L1r teen– ager <; t hat they \Cc 1nany of the a(lttlts of Ottr churchc<; pushing 1throL1gh tthc h,1IJ c; or on the ~tair~ hurrvin,g ior a back ea t for church. They pass notes, tt1rn around, J 1 itter the fi1oor and book rack , tt1rn down ·Lhc corn– ers of hymn book , whi~per an(I \Ometimcs ,talk aloud in a monotone. "Why pick on u and c,all u 5 down wrhen the adu lts arc doing the same ,thing ', 1 they s,ay. And I am sorry to ay they are righ,t m·any times. The ohoru "Wha,t you do peaks o Joud that the world oan't hear what you ay ' may al o ap,ply. Our own children can t "hear whait we say ' eiuher. Behavior Comes Naturally 'A a tree is bent so Jt will grow. " The natunal beh1avior of the you th and the adult is ithe p11oduot of train– ing. H abi ts, good or bad, 1are natUDal beh·avior. Habiits come from the background of tnaininrg and observa– tion. What the you1th has been ltlaugh,t or ob erved he will accept or reject a the accepted pattern of behavior. A he h,as been rtaught he will aot. A he ha ob erved he will fol]ow. 1 gpant you ,there may be a season of r ebellion to the pattern but the cri pture i ti ll true "Train up a child in the way ,he hould go an<l when he i old he will not depart from it. " "In his heart he will know wh1at .is right' ' ' . Uoder certain condi bion behavior patJterns may ch,ange uch a : When teen...ager are ,together ce11taiin re– stricted pattern m,ay be lifted. Eaoh age group may exercise some free– dom ·ch,at would not be, able when all age groups are pre ent. How– ever, it i alway bad manners to put another per on in an embarr,a ing ,ituation or a bad lighit. "Let each e teem the other better than them– elve ' i an admonition of cripture . (Philippian 2: 3b) Thi may be one rea on for cla he between teen-ager and parent and other adul t . A teen-ager are impatient wi th the be– havior pattern of younger brother or i ter o parent often expect teen– ager ito have the matL1re behavior THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST