The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1964
rattern of adL1lt . eek to becon1e ,a "graoiOLt hri s- ti an". I Corii nothian 14:40 ~ay "Let all thi ng be done decenrtly and in order.' Do we r ealize that the Lord i concerned about our behavi,or on church? We may be ·angering God mor e than we file plea ing Him. In I aiah I we read ,th,ait thi w.a true of God's people Isnael . H e s•aid He was "Weary to bear ,~hem' '; tih·at g their form of wor s·hip. (ver e 14. ) In Ecclesiastes 5: 1 we read "Keep thy foot when ,thou goest iruto itJhe house of God, and be more ready to HEAR, th,an to give the sacrifice of .fools· for they consi,der not ohait ,they do evi·1.' In Revelation 1: 3 scripture say "Blessed is he ,tha t r eadeth and ithey that HEAR the words of this pro– phecy, and keep those nhings which are written inher ein . . ." If we 1are not listening or we are keeping others from hearing we are distorting tthe pur,pose for attenddng. I challenge you to "behave thyself in the house of God' ', 1 to "consider one an,otber' ' and ~o "esteem t he ooher better than rthyseJf." New Regular Baptist Church in Elyria A recogntion serv.ioe for ,the new Abbe Rd. Baiptist Ohurch, 674 Abb·e Rd., Elyria, 0., convened ·at the church Sept. 14. Sitting in counoil were 14 pastor and laymen f rom the First Bapmi 1 Ohurch, Elyrrua, 0. Plenrf ield J 1 at. Baptist Churoh, Lo11ain, 0. , First Baptist Church, Wellington, 0 ., M1id– view Bapti t Church, Gr aif1t1on, 0 ., Trinity Baptist Church, Lorain, 0 ., Camden Bapt:ist ·Church, Oberlin 0., West Side Baptist Church, Lorain, 0., Berlin Heights Baptist Ohurch, Berlin Hgt<;., 0 ., Euclid Ave. B1apti t ( 1hurch, Lorain, 0 ., Fiirst Baptist hurch, Strongsville, 0. Fir t Bap– ti t Church Twinsburg, 0 ., a nd Jthe rthfield Bapti t hurch, North- field, 0. Following a brief hi tory of the new ohurch and a review of their constitution, by-laws ,and confes~ion of f.aith, tihe co11ven 1 ing counci l unan1i- 111ously ap 1 pro¥ed .~he Abbe Rd . Bap– tist hurcih as a Regular B,apti t l1urcl1. Marvelous is the gr ace of od in riai ing tip tl1is JighthottSc and tcsLi– n1011}' of tl1e 10. pel oJ the I...ord Jesus h i l. rl }1e f)a tor, the llcv. on urtis 1ni si 11ar)' witl1 .B.H .M. and 1> p1e are to be 00111111 nded for th ir COL1rageou , nd faitl1fttl ervicc. R \'. l{or11 ' n ~ trick l~1 11d , I rk f Ot111cil. THE 0~110 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST' ritten tote wor ospe By Gordon Wimer (Baptist Mid-Missions) "The eed i ,the w,ord otf G·od ' . . . Luke 8 : 11 . y;es, 1tJhe Seed i the Word of God and 11Jhe ifield 1is ,the worId. We n eed a Word tJh 1 at will Live out the Chri t life. We need th,e poken word - for ·tihi we need volun,teers. We need the written word ito tell t he Go pel stor y. Our mini stry of ]ate has centered panbicu1·ar1y ,in gettinig the wri,t,ten word out. Tihese past if ew months h,ave been a ·tiask of getting ·ome 3,200 copies of Scri:pture pontion tenc.iled 1and mimieographed off a well as a Fren·ah chorus book . . . and Sund,ay School lessons .. . ·and a s.tudy of the T abern acle for uhe Bibl e Scliool. The Saria ],an1guage oommirttee is do– jng ~he trian J,ating an·d we are on the produc,tion line rto get ~t out as fast as possible. "M<is1er, J o,htn in S,ara." "Mad1ame, I wia,n 1 t Thessa1on 1 i•ans on Sara. ' "I 'Nlant nhe next Sund.ay School 'l esson", and so it goes most of the d,ay. We were jusit mention,in 1 g mhe other day how ,h,and icaipped we w·ould be withot1t ,a good mimeograph ma– chine and we continually praise ,the Lord, each onank of t he •h,andle, for Hi s upplyiing ot ithrougih you foJk. ( By the way, Gordon cr anked ci1t 6,000 times l,ast Saiturday!) During 1hi rai n 1 y season w.e are nather li,mited to t he tatiion here be– cau e of ,the ro,ad and t herefore we are occup ied w·i1bh olias e ; Women' , our Fren·ch Bible Coll ege Ja es S.S. teachers j,ail ervices, ettc. We have had uch a demand l·ate– ] y for us to tea oh the peo;pJe tin the government office ngli h. I h1ave started a cla ttwo hoL1r a week with • 1s nee st ory e some 40-50 men and women. Lastt week one fe11'ow 1aid , "Mi ter, write on the board how you would siay the ' th ' ou nd. " Of cour se tJhi and the Eng1 1 i ,h 'r' are 1tJhe mo~t diff.icult for them. Do pray ,uhiat as I wou ld pt1t out 1iter.atl1re for them to buy or .as we give it ,to ,them it wi1ll open u,p a real ·avenue of te tJimony to those who come oif ia J,I r el igions. We h,ave had one good r esponse ,already when a fe11 1 ow siaid, ' 'M,ister, I want a F renc.h Bi1b 1 le to read. " We h 1 ave been quite well phy ica 1 ]ly e:x:cept fo r an u 1 pset stom,ach or colds. We w,an,t to J1Jh1ank you for your prayer in our behailf. Th1a,nk you for your cont inu al interest of upport to u . May God richly r you for your tainhfu]nes ! Ken and Karen saiys ,thank you for sending u ,t,hose tJamps. They got a 'Jot of them. They ,are fine at sohooJ. Sunday School conference conducted at Findlay church A Sunday Sohool oonference w·a held Nov. 1-3 Sun,day Sohool supt. Ro 1 bert Garn tand Ri oh,ard L. Snavely paSJtior of the alvary Bapti t Church Fi ndl ay, 0., ·an nollJiloed. Member ,of 1the Regular Bapti t Pre s, Dr. Mer,Ie Hull Marj Aaid,t and Rev. Vernon M.illler oonducted the conference. A banquet of recog– n i,tion for all Sunday School teacher and worker , cho1r mem1ber and the ofifiici·al ohurch ,b01ard was held in con– junction with t,he conference with Dr . Hull ·a banquet peaker. Dr. S. F. Logsdon, Bible teacher from Largo, Fl.a., was the ·p f r the Fall Bib 1 le onlference pt. 6-1 l. On Sund1ay, Sept. 27, Dr. Allan Lewi , pre ident of Bapti t N{id-M i ion~ was gue t n1i ionary peaker for the day. puocla1m1nq chu1st to the J€W For 28 years we have been t elling Israel of her Messiah over 50 and more radio stations at home and abroad Literature and personal follow-up by our mi s sionaries has made thi s mini stry very effective. Now ,n faith we are enlarging our m1ss1onary staff. Many of the 3 million Jews in the NY. area, and 1n other large cities are open to approach with the Gospel. The time to reach them is very short. Will you take thi s expanded ou treach on your heart, to pray and share? Send for tree copy of our informative quarterly, MESSAGE TO ISRA£L. m to I NOVEMBER 1964 Coulson Shepherd . Director Box 31 Patchogue , New York 11773 l, , ,,c. PAGE 5
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