The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1965

Like a little child taking his f irs·t steps By William C. Buhrow "0111ewhat like the thrill of 'eeing a little child begin to take it fir t fal– tering tep i the thrill and joy of 11t1rturing an infant branch church work fron1 the fir t ign of life through to the n1aturity of a well- 1; tabli hec.l te timony for Chri t in a con1munity which has a crying need for the good new of the go pel. During the pa t ix n1onth thi ha L1cen our privilege a we have been -.,erving the Lord in the establi hn1ent of Parkview Ba.pti t Fellow hip meet_ ing in the modern air conditioned tacilitie of the Mayfield Senior High School, 6116 Wil on Mill Road Mayfield Village, Ohio. With a burden on their heart for the people of the Lyndhur t-Mayfiel<l Height Area, a n1all nucleur.- of about five familie joined together in the e tabli hment of thi branch church of the Euclid ....Nottinghan1 Bapti t hurch, conducting their fir it regular ervices on Nov. 22 1964. Truly the Lord had already bles ed in making available the facilitie of thi fine new high .:hool, the Board of Education of the ,area changing their written policy again t allowing church group to u e their facilitie to make thi po ible. In a .-:-urvey of the area in which over 1,300 home \\'ere contacted, there had been evi– denced the tremendou potential for the establi5hment of uch a tcstin1ony for the Lord in thi 1 .:i place. l111n1cd1ately, the Bible chool w,1. organized and fully departmentalized '-' ith modern school roo1n~ for each age group and a well-qualified teacher r1Jaced in charge of each department , a nun1ber of Bible chool graduate\ l1ci ng j ncl tided in Lh1c; we]1-trai ned staff. A brigl1t. well cqt11ppctl churcl1 nt1rsery which is 111ainta111cd <lt1rj11 g every service and jt1nio1 cht11 ch clur- ir1g tl1c n1orr1i11g wo~h11) holtr 111akc (JOS il)lc tl1c alte11da11cc of c11 Lirc yo u11g ta111ilic i11 tl1e area. As tl1e fellowsl1i rJ rccer1 tl )' flasscll its i -111011tl1 iun 11 i\ 1 cr.~ary, it did so \\ i1}1 o, 1 er 170 l1aving altc11dcd its regttl ar er,,ic a11d a11 a vcragc al– tencla,1 of over 50. L.eadi11g tl1 is stro11g gr up of \.\'Orke1, fer, 1 ent i11 SfJiri t ancl ,,ra) 1 er and deter111i necl le.) rea 11 tl1i· Ill':\\ , gr ,-vi11g co111111L1ni t } ,, itl1 ttie 111e ag\: <1J sa lvati 11 , I J1a, , b e11 111i111isteri11g tl1~ \\ 1 orl l oJ JlJtl 111 1Ii OfilO IND PEND NI llAPTISl all the ervicc of ithc fellow ·hip ·i11cc it inception. My wife , arole, has l1een lending her talent a oloi t for the group and helping to over ec the n1ooth operation of ,the facilitie for the children. Certainly, ;the Lord ha , ble e<l thi~ ,f ully-organ-ized eff icien t,J y-fLtnc– tioning cihurch fellow hip abu nd antly already However, there i n1uch yet to be accon1pli hed. The need of a full_.time pa tor and a permanent 111eeting-place of ,their own till con– front thi group of dedicated believer , . everthele a we are atten1pting great thin~ for God we are expect– ing grea,t thing ,from God , and cove·t you r prayer that the te timony and 111ini try of thi fellow hip may make a tren1endou impact u,pon thi con1- n1unity for Chri t. - 4971 Ed al Drive, Lyndhurst, Ohio 44 l 24. The Lighter side ' hild ·watching her fa,ther prepare hi·3 Sund1ay ern1on: "Daddy <.ioe God ,tell you what to ay?' Father: "He 11rely doe . Why do yot1 a k?' ' hild: '~Then, why do you scratch 0111e of it OLI t?" ... ... * ••• ·i- Big help A mini ter \ wife said to hi111 at ·a chL1rch Lipper : "Tha,t·~ the fifth tin1e you ve gone back for n1ore fried chicken . Doc n t it cn1- barra yott ?., ' 'Not at all, " he re,plied , HI lccp telling thcn1 l 'n1 get 1 ting it for ) 'Ot1." ...... ..... .. .... ..... ..... .. ... A party of clergymen were a ttc11d – ing a Pre byterian confcrc11cc in cot_ land. evcral of thc,11 ct ff to ex– plore the di tri c t. Pre cntly they a111c lo a river panncc..i by a te111 porar: brid gc. ot cci 11g the no,ti cc that ·')a itl I t W a<; LI Jl ~ H f C, ( h Cy b Cg a 11 l O Cr O\ "> j l . rl he l1ritfgc kCCJJC r ran af,LCI t}1c111 j n 11 ro t c\ t. " It l\ all rigl1t," tloclart~ll the "> J)Okc ">111an. not t111tlcr,Lantln1g the re a , on for t h c o Iti n 1 a 11 • ~ l1 as t c. .. \\ c '1 L' J>1 e,b} 1 lcria ns fron1 tl1c ct>nfe1cr1L'c.'' " 1' 111 nt> caring al1oul that ,· \\,t" the rc1JI), ·· l)t tl j J \ c tJ1n11a get t>ff the l,ric..lgc )'ou' ll all l)c ll aJJList! " * ••• l)r>reciatit)ll t)l tl1c su11sl1i11~ lll – ·r0ascs as ,,~ l1ave l1ee:'ll i11 tile ha– tltl\\ s. Terms to know ORTHODOXY - A 1m1lar tern1 1 • con ervatism. When u ed in rel a– tion to the Bible or Chri tianity, these broad and general terms apply to correct belief. Orthodoxy i the oppo ite of heterodoxy or f al e be- 1 ief. EO-ORTHODO Y Thi"' al\o called ew Orthodoxy, c~ri i Thc- olog)' , ea-reformati on Theolog) and Barthiani ·n1 . The move111ent be– gan with Karl Barth in l 9 l and clain1 to be a new kind of orthodox\'. • l t i a y ten1 of which r ejec t the Bible a the recorded Word of Go<l an<l ,tates the Bible may become the Word of God in ome experience wh ich we n1ay have. Tht1 ~ nco– orthotioxv i neither new nor i5 it " orthodox. Robert Lightner, Bapti t Bible en1inary in The Key tone Bapti t. Need Your Comments! Extra copie of thi i uc arc being di tributed to chL1rche . WE ARE alway glad to get letter from readers who have an idea or an opinion you would like to hare with other OIB [eader . Sood your comment to; Editor, Ohio Independent Bapti t Magazine, Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio. CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 61 st Year A taff of eighteen full--tin1e or .part-time worker witne ing to our Lord' brethren" in Ohio, W t Virginia, Brazi l; and other area b)' radio and the mailing mini try. Ot1r policy to cooperate with local ew Te tan1ent chur he in the accepted n1cthod of piritural evangeli n1, and the placing of new convert ·. We e pre ot1r appricat1 n to the ,pastor "' anLI frienti in ot1r Ohio \ ociat1on l1t1rcl1 \\ ho in the ()a t ) car have helpcu 111ak.c th ,~ 1111ni tr}' p ible. .... tatf n1e111bc1 \ ,tre hap1 )' to , i~tt cht11 cl1c\ 111 the pirit f ct 15 4 to \hare report"> a11u tll 1)irat1011al lllL:\\JgC\ COI1CCI 11111g the 1111111 ·tr, \\ r 1 tc tor f rce c P\ - ·· l'rt1111 pct– c, tt)r l ">r,1cl" ,l l{ll,trll:rl,, lie, 1teti lt) Je,, 1'-111 }lroi1l1e~it'S, tt1r nt c,, "> Ltl)t1ut tt1c J \\ ,1n'"t thr·illi11g rr 11t)1 ts fro111 1111".) 1onaries. C ,cralll . ~,11 Iser, 'tt.JJl. J>•• 11 ).. 1805) t le,,cla11ll, Ol1ic, l41 l S AUGUST, 1965 PAGE l