The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1965

airman's orner B , Ed rd Morr 11 , Jr . I, i rr11 a ,, , Co unc i I of Ton \\ ll,tl 111,.lrl ,lJ I I'\',, Ltlr 1i1111..· t llll l II\ Ill ,lll ,l l"lrt•ss l \ l",}ltl \ 1•11\ls t.1\ "ll ,lt tll' "'11t i1,t 11t,ll ( t n\!tl' ' ' 111 l 1 f1tl,lliflt lli,1'! t)ll\.'flt'ti lfl 'Ir 'llll l - l lll"\.' , '" I.,· t' ., '" ntcn1,,1..,ra1, ,,r,. 1 1' ~L'tt1,1g :1,1\l tilt' 'l'Cl'1..'l1 ,t1 )tll t li:it fr )tll c, l'l, C."" l1r1,t1,111 J ,1tr1 "... tl1r ,, \,, "i' "t .lt1l111 \ "l .. t111·'\. . I~ ' I '\.) l~ t' I l ... \.) ' 1 'll' ' ~ ,, er c t1111tl.l 111c11 at tl1c l "'n;1 ,, t 1 P l11l,1Jcl11l11,\ that \ \ Crc ~ '1 "i'-'t 11g l"'• c .. 1~111g .,,, ,l\' fr1..1111 the .... ... l~ r1t ', l•"-)' er nn1cr1t ar1 I 1..icclc1ring the .... ·\ 11 '· ( .1 1 .: 1 l~) n 1 , t 1..1 h c ,1 fr cc an Li i11 \.iCJ"'Clllicr1t r1Jlllll . \[ an\ ,,ere ti n– • c ling c .. 1t1t1(1r1 dnd Liel ..1) <.lnLI pointing 'L l the .1d, ,1nt .. 1gc L)f rc111a1ning I \ al '- '- r t"' the k. 1ng. ..... .. t th is point y ting Joh11 da111s, tr 1n~ ,n 111 earl, n1anh d. obtaineu .... . 111~ flL1 r ,1nd addre ed the faint- h t.: ,1 rted t n the f o 11 o\\ ing \\ ord of t1 n_ '"aralleled fer\ or: ' inl or v in1. li\ 1 e L1r die. t1r, i\ e or peri·..h. I give my hand and n1, heart to thi vote. It - t trt1 . indeed. that in the beginning \Ve ai111 d not at independence. But there· a Di\ init~ 'which hape our cnJ ,. The inju tice of England ha JrJ\ en ll to arn1r: and, blinded to her )\\ n intere t for our good, he ha 0b,t1natel) per i ted , till inde.pendence . no,, \\'ithin our gra p. We have but to reach forth to it. and it i our... . ... '\i\'h). then . ... hould ,ve defer the De laralion ? I an\· n1an o weak a ., nO\\ to hope for a reconciliation with En~land? .._, ·· 'The ~ar .. . Mu t go on. We u 111L1 t fight it throt1gh . And if the war Council of Ten changes are made Due to re ignation anJ pa ,tor al '--hange, . the folio\\ ing Council of Ten change are made: Rev. Verne Dunh an1 replace Re\ . George Huff– n1an: and Re\. Glenn Greenwood re– place Re\ . T . Fred H u y on the ouncil of Ten. COVER PICTURE: Edward Morrell , Jr. 111t1~t go on. \J hy pt1t off longer the Declaration of Independence? ·· · ir. 1 know the uncertainty of hL1n1an affair : but I ee, I ee clearly through thi day bu ine . .. 'You and I indeed, may rue it . We may li ve to the time when thi De,:Jaration hall be made good . We n1ay die. die Coloni ~ : die lave ; die it n1ay be ignominiously and on the caffold. · ·Be it o Be it o. H ' If it be the plea urc of Heaven that my country hall require the poor offering of my life, the victim hall be ready. . . But while I do live, let me have a country or at lea t the hope of a country, and that a free country. ,. 'But whatever 111ay be our fate, be a -- ured . . . that th i Declaration wilJ tand. It n1ay co t trea ure, and it may co t blood~ but it will tand, anti it will richly con1pensate for both . " 'Through the thick gloom of the pre en t, I ee the brigh tne ~ of the ftiture, a the un in heaven. We hall n1ake thi a gloriou , and imn1ortal day. When we are in our grave , our (Continued on page 14) Under unn} bL1t coo! kie . 92 gradLta ting en1or at edarville ( 'ollege marched aero the campu to the Student enter Gyn1na ium for commencemen t. Pre ident Jame T . Jeremiah pre ided over the degree . a 1 ted by Dean lifford W. John on. Dr . lifford R . Maddox, dean emer1tu·. pre~ented the candidate . Dr. George Milner, chairman of the college board of tru tee . announced plan~ for construction of ~ new college l1brary beginning J anuary 1966 and ready for u e dur1 ng the 1966-67 chool }ear. He al o aid an imn1ediate ad<li ti on ,voLtld b n1adc to Fai th Hall . to hoLr c an c tin1ated 80 additional tudent . The Ohio Independent B ptis .. , Publi1h•d Monthly bv ••. THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenie, Ohio POSTMASTER: Plea e send Form 3579 to Mrs . Charles Cunningham 602 W. George Street Arcanum, Ohio Editorial Office: Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline f or News: l 0th of each monrh Sta te Miss ionary Address : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Avenue Stow, Oh io STAFF Editor .. . James R . Johnson Box 184, Cedarville, Ohio Ci rc11latio1i 11a1iager .. i\lrs. Charles Cun11ingl1a111 602 \V. George St. , Arcanun1, Ol1iu Women's Fditor Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterbury Rd. Cle, ,eland H eigh ts, Ohio 4411 8 Mission's Editor nev. l)on~ lei l\1offat Cedarville, Ohio Yo-uth Editors Mr. & 1rs. S I..•. Ch~ffe Cedarville. Ohio Cliristia1t Education Editor ... ....... ......... .... l\1rs. Earl D. Umhattg11 Council and Officers Chair1nan Dr . Ed,,,ard 1orrell, Jr . Arcanum, Ohio S ecretary Rev. Clarence T o\vnsend 115 E. Oak , Bowling Green 'Treasurer . H. R. Davison 23 Ives ter Lane, Arcan11m, Ohio Mi ssionary Chr. Rev. Dona1cl J\1offa, Cedarville, Ohio Y01.ith Director Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 N. Boyden, Northfield, Ohio Education. Chr., Rev. \~ 1 oodro\\' 1cCaleb Elyria, Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Rev. Darrell Bice Rev. Dean Henry Rev. Glenn Greenwood Rev. Verne Dunham Rev. R. Kenneth Smelser