The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1965
it By Mrs. Earl Un,baugh, 2150 Marhofer Ave. Stow, Ohio ' ll I t•ul --- un1me1· outings for youth groups I. Plan ahead lt l"\ llllr>l)l'latll tl) '.Cl ll~ c.l '-lllllllll~l' ~ChClftll~ f11 \l)ttr )l)t1th t)t1t1ng ·. 1,ln) of the teen-ager~ ,,,ill h~ ha\' tng "' t1111111er en1pl ) n1ent anLl if they k.nl1,, ahead of t1n1e \\ hen the ot1ting are to be ~h du led it ,, ill be ea ier for them to n1ak.c ..1rrc.1ng n1en t .. t ,l ttcnd. !any tin1e the ponO':'or a11d th re t f the group are di appointed becat1 c o f \\ ·ho\\ tip for the t1mn1er program. The t c1t1 l t n1a) la) at )'OL1r door... tep, pon or. becat1 e ) ot1 ha,'e n t planned ahead and et date . Then there ,ire the t1mn1er family vacation . Many ti111e the parent \\ ill acrifice a day or o of their , acation in order that the ' kid " may be ,, ith the ) outh group for their monthly OL1ting if the) ,\. about it when the , acation i being planned. 11. Call an officers' planning meeting .. pon or ) ou hottld go into thi n1eeti ng ,, ith a plan. Thi · doe not n1ean that your plan can not be flexible. In fact the rea on for callino an 0 officer · planning n1eeting i"' o yoL1 can have the enthu ia tic help of the kid in working ot1t the <letail . Ho~ 1 ever. if you have no plan to prc– ·cnt ) ot1 n1an) onl)' have a hap-hazzard gathering anJ , er)r little definite re ult at a ingle n1eeting Jnd n1a) ha\e to tretch it into another an<l an– other etc. 111. Set up a summer schedule In et ting up the chedule et defi11ite date · and time . It will be impo ible to have yot1r \\ hole group pre ent at ever)' ummer outing be– cau e of the abo" e mentioned conflict but, by etting definite date 1 OLl can have the greate5t nun1ber pre ent at each one and all of then1 wiJJ be able to atten<l 1110 t f the C\ ents. IV. Suggested outings 1. Bicycle ride A. Have the pon\or anu a couple of C}clist cot1t a rot1te. Thi ~ ill enable , ot1 to check .. the ti111e con t1n1ed in riding. and di cover any danger \pot \\-here )OtI \.\rill need to ha\'C a car tationed to police the area \\ 1 hile the b1cycle are going by. B. Ga111c Committee AUGUST ~ 1965 Plan a few outdoor gan1e uch a rela)' . chira<le"i. etc. to be pla) e<..l ""hile the fire i preparcJ JllU during the re111uin1ng <la} - light hoLtr . PAGE 4 • MRS. EARL UMBAUGH l \. ( ·, clc (.'0111111ittec ' I here arc al\.\ a} "i ,1 lc\v kl(J·,; \\ Ill> llu not ha e bicycle so ~0111e help 111 rot111ui11g tlJJ a f C\V i nece ar). D. Refre h111ent Con1n1ittce ( l) Build the fire during the ga111c·) ( 2) Wiener roast (one way to be ~tire of having enot1gh i for each one to bring wiener and bun enough for 'elf) The other thing can be f t1r- ni hed by the committee arrange- 1nent j.e. Potato chip·~, pop. rclishe , andy, plate."' and napkin . E. Devotion by the fire-light. Song · and a me age and clo e with a prayer circle (Each join hand and pray around the circle-anyone not wi bing to pra 1 , per– hap a vi iting tin aved per on, may 'iqueeze the hand of the person next to hin1 tht1 ignaling hi111 to proccc<..l \'\ ith the prayer.) 2. Horseback riding . Have the "' pon or and pre ident contact table . Find out the price . tin1e. rL1le . 111anner of <lre , number of rider they can i accon1modate, etc. (Time i in1portant here a riding i· "' done in daylight hot1r ) H. Ganie omn1ittee Plan ome outdoor gan1e to be played in the twilight hour while refre hment are being prepared by the comn1ittee. ('. Refre hment ommittee Bui]d the fire. Cook hamburger (each having brought own pattie and bt1n ) arrange other thin~ furni he<l by the con1- 1nittee arranger11ent . D. Devotion Song time ( prepare() ahcac.l of ti111c h\ leader). Have three or four prepare<..l tc~tf_ 111onic to be given. H ave the •"' pon or give a ·t1n1mation and clo e devotion . U e the prayer circle to clo e the gathering. 3. Miniture golf party A. Have the pon or and pre ident coLtt to find the be t cour e, price, hour and ug_ ge';"' ted wearing apparel - ( lack . pe<ldal pL1 ·her ( no hort ) , let' n1a~e a goo<..l ' hri tia11 le ti111on\ 011 tl1c cour c. .. (Continued on page 7) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BA Pl IST
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