The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1965

e • I airman s orner B Ed ard Morr fl , Jr. Ch _ ir·r1,an, Council o·f Ten ' 'Gone, But Not Forgotten!' ' \ \ ~ t , \, '"J • t t1 "-' t \, \, \) t t t,. a~ l \.' n ~ \.' 1tin ,1~ \,11 a11 ttn\, ..t11tc\t l' 1,t. 'l l1c ll'.lr '-"'\'lll c I tu1l,1titicr1 tic)\\ t1 ;1lr~ .. ltl\ ,t.1111t'll "'hci:k., 1~1,c "t111 \\ .. t, l1\.1t. 1 1crc \\ ..l 11t.' ('u111tL)rting :.,,iht'lt .... r. \.' t her \\ ,\ t l1crc pr tcct tl)ll t ro111 t'1' ~r,111 rc .. ,l1t, t the hot1r. To t .. 111t .. \l zc tht' .. 1lrcaJ) t~1, cJ ~1h) .. 1c .. ,l \.l1,('\.'t11t )ft. the Ja111~1. ch1ll1ng \\ 111J \ t the h.. 1) ~11cr 'cd 111cr itc ·~l~ the nt1111h t0r111, t 1 h k.c(i to rc~tct tl )flll~tll\. lt ,,~ · \\ eJ11c.:J ..1}. J t1nc _3. J-'or ht.)tlr • arn1i ~ of per ·onn 1 btt ·1 let.i l1k.e dr1, er an ts r ad)·1ng for a de– tern11ned 1110\ e. Before tt lay the giant troop hip at an hor. The hold ~, ..1 · l den \\ ith the nece -- iti e of life. . parade of uniformed }'OLtth - the pride of the nation - a cended 1n orin1 arra\' to board th aged ::: ., \ e ~ l \\'ho e n1or than 5'0 )'ear 111ade it a ilent ve teran to the e rookie in conflict. With in1plen1enr.-– of \\ ar and attired for ready combat. more than 2,000 obediently filed into po ition and gathered longing!)' at the rail a the rope were freed and the la t \e tige of hope for reprie\ 1 e ,, a Jo t in the dimini hing shore ]jne behind. and the \'a tne of the liquid h1!!h\A.a\ before. ..... ., Son is gone Our on '\Va gone! Out into the uncharted de tin}' of war desolation . But. there were other mother'~ on . each \,\ ith the an1e no talgic tug of hildhood" f antasie . ··Let·... pla) war. We'll choo e side ·. \\ 7 hen \Ou're hot. vou mL1 t fall.'' ., ., But. this wa no game. It \VJ rec!l. COVER PICTURE: Edward Morrell, Jr. Real too, j • the Lin ·wcr ing pro111 i'ic of the Crea tor of the Univer ·c. " I 'Ar ill never leave thee nor for ake thee. o that we n1ay boldly ay The Lort.i i n1y Helper. and I will not fear ,vrat 111an hall do unto n1e. ' To every Mother and D ad with ·in1ilar aching void, we can ay, HBle ed be God even the Father of our Lord J e u Chri t the Father of Mercie , and the God of all con1- fort, who con1forteth u·s in all OLtr tribulation ..." Dates Ahead: Men, Retreat Sept. 13-16 Can1,p Patn1os 38th annual conference OARBC Oct. 1 -21 ile ·, 0. * ... •I' Plea ·ure · are a popie ~ ·pread: Yot1 ·cize the flower. the bloo111 i hed. ... •!> ••• .,. * So111e folk · are like fences-they run around a lot without getting anvwhere. .; Patricia Chorgan of Columbu , Ohio ( left ) won fir t place at the organ in the national "Talent for Chri t' you th conte t at De i\Ioine . Iowa . She wa given a rcholar hip to one of the appro~ed G ARBC chool . State conte t winner in the event held at Cedarville College are {left to right) Mi Chorgan . E ther Greenwood, ,pi_ano, of Cedarville: Bertha Dalton. bra of Wakeman: Steve Byrum tr1ng , of Columbu : Mike Bogatay. boy' voice. of orthfield: Barbara R igg girl· voice, of . orthfield: Kathleen Wel l . public peaking of orth- field, and Carol Temple. Bible knowledge of Hud on. Lynn ~ ager )'Outh director, conducted the tate conte.· t with Walter Mei ner, Willian1 Thornton, Warren \Vebber. Ray Bartholomew, Edward Green\i.'ood, Ed\v,ard Spencer, and Daniel Wetzel a judge . The Ohio Independent Baptist . .. Publ ished Monthly by ••• THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid •t Xeni•, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to Mrs . Charles Cunningham 602 W. George Street Arcanum, Ohio Editor i a I Office : Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio Deadline for News: 10th of each monrh State Missionary Address : Rev. Earl D. Umbaugh 21 SO Marhofer Avenue Stow, Ohio STAFF Editor James R Johnson Box 184;· Ceda~~ille, Ohio. CircuJation 1\Ianager . Irs. Charles Cunningl1dn1 602 \l\T. George St., Arcanum, Ohio Women's Editor ..... .. Mrs. Inez Milner 2665 Canterburv Rd. Clevela11d Heigh ts, Ol1io 44118 Mission's Editor Rev. Donald l\1offat Cedarville, Ohio } 7 oitth Editors Mr. & 1\1rs. S. L. Chaffe Cedarville. Ohio Christian Education Editor . .. .. .. .. ... ... . .. ... ... Mrs . Earl D. U mba1ig1i Council and Officers Chairma1i Dr. Ed\\'ard l\1orrel1 , Jr . Arcanum, Ohio S ecretary Rev. Clarence Townsend 11S E. Oak, Bowling Green Treasurer . H. R. Davison 23 Ivester Lane, Arcan11m, Ohio Missionary Chr. ..... Rev. Do11al<I l\1offat Cedarville, Ohio }' oiith Director Rev. Lynn Rogers 7854 N. Boyden, Northfield, Ohio E,iucatio,1, Chr., Re,·. \\ 1 oodro,v i\ lcCaleb El}·ria , Ohio OTHER MEMBERS Rev. Darrell Bice Rev. Dean Henry Rev. Glenn Greenwood Rev. Verne Dunham Rev. R. Kenneth Smelser