The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1964

Cleveland Is Your Faith in Hope Grounded Upon God's Promises? By Lucille C. Brouillet Baptist Mid-Missions ' 'For we 1 are saved by hope. . ." (Roman 8: 24) lit i common in modern peech to use the word hope ito mean a fer vent wishing for some greatly de ired future good that may or may not be expected. In Glory Club in Cleve– land we teach our girls tha,t godly hope is fainh expeot~ng and J.ooking forward to the good things that God has promised for ithe future. Would that we could put ,the reality of true hope in every heart in the iholid,ay season. You are all ' 'hoping' ' for a good time ·and happy holid,ays. BUJt if your "hop1ng" is not grounded u·p– on faith in God's promises ithen your The Ohio Independent Baptist CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP . . • Whether you are a pastor, mission– ary or church member, you'll find that this magazine gives you the information you need for fellowship. FOR STUDENTS AND MISSION– ARIES . . . Keep informed of your home church and its activities. SOURCE OF IDEAS . . . Methods successfully used by others will help • • your ministry. ORDER or RENEW TODAY! The Ohio Independent Baptist Box 184 Cedarville, Ohio D NEW O RENEWAL I am enclosing $ send me the Ol1io Baptist for one year . ... ...... Please lndepende1,t Na me ........................................... ... ..... . Address .............. .. ...... .. ............................ . City ............................ Statc ............... . Occupation .......................................... .. Churcl1 e e e e • e • e e e • e •• e •• e a e e • a e e e • e • e • I e e e e • e • e f • e e • • a •• e RATE l YEAR $2.00 hope can be only a wii h, and it could be di appointed. Oh, the world thinks it's greart: to be cheerfully opti– mi stic while it af,fairs become d 1 aily more des,per aite. In the pirit of it.he circus proverb thait "the show must go on" everyone determinedly laughs and ,feas 1 ts and feels vJr.tuou ly hil,ari– ous. Bt1t ,tJhe Christian can see all the dreadfu l realiities ,and yet know .the ble ing of ho,pe, knowing the faith– fulness orf God. So for him there i joy at the time Off £eas·ti ng 1as in the time of dull rou,tine. May God give to all of you rth,is hope by fiaith in the Lord J e us Christ. New car supplied Since ,tihe i ue of my last quarter ly letter ,there has been much going to and fro - journeys, err,ands, manual labors. The Lord bias m1ade possiible the purchase of so,me new equip– ment thiait helps a greait deal . He has uppl,ied the new car, a 1964 Ford 9-passen,ger coun1try ed,an, whioh h,as already been loaded to and beyond capacity. Fair several weeks we were occupied with mop, pain,t bru 1 h , ,pla terer ' trowel, and h1ammeir. These days were sitrenuous iand I was weary when ,the club eason opened, buJt the Lord knows how to give th·at re t of heart that ,increase trength. Again the Proteen ( I 0, l 1, 12 year s o]d) form our fastest growung group. Weekly attend ance has been between 32 and 36 ince the fir t meeting on Frida)' October 9. One girl ha received Chri sit a her Sav– iour. The e number may not een1 very large lo son1e of you. but if you coulc.l ee how our facilitie are taxec.l you woti1d appreciate the need for larger quartters for Glory Clttb mee.ting . We are tru ting the Lore.I to give U') wi dom and gt1idance abot1t ectiring a hou c for thi work 1f it i\ Hi \ will that it con,tint1c ito gro~. Ren1en1ber that other 111eans of w1tnc,1..i111g are carried on cor1 t 1 antl\ in our c,ar We~t ic.Ie ticlll. Bil1lc clt1bs, the t1nda) cl1ool ,lit the J~ 1ble Center , the 111in1 \tr} of Betl1cl ( '.ht1r~l1 , hon1c Bible s tt1<.l)', Vt\itat1on, 111 ,ther's c l tt b, a 11 are i1ll J)Or tan,t. Mr~. Mar ) J~ uth ~anton, Mr and Mrs. C1cr1tl tl l:.alo 11 , Rc\ . a11cl M 1~. RO)' H e11ucr– sl1ot dil1gc111tl)' c11gage in n1t1ltipl ictl lal1ors. I' ra)' for ;ctll of tis. "'J J1 e secre t of jt1)' i · 11or i11 prc lt:1l ~l': ant i 111ake-l)clieve . l1e s er t of jO)' i · in lf i111 '"''110 is tilt": etcr11al t1le s ti reality of Jjfe, even the Lord Jesus Chris t. And so, Jooking un,to H·im who de pised t1Jhe sh1ame of ,t,he Groos because He aw Heaven's joy in even one inner "\\'!ho repents, I re– joice in hope. "S,inging with a sword in my h,and ' I pray and fight, reSit and work, tru t and press on in a service ,th,ait is not in vain because it i in ithe Lord. May God gr,ant to eaoh of you ho,pe and joy throughout the holidays. Unusual translations The old preacher stood up in h,is place ,to preach and took as his text - Matt 1 hew 4:24 "... ithey brought unto him ,all people that were Laken with divers diseases. . . " The preacher said: "Now the doc– tor oan scrutinize you, analyze you and sometimes cure your ills, buit when you ·have divers diseases, then only the Lord can cure. And, breth– ern, there is a r.egular epidemic of divers di seases among us. "Some dive for the door after Sunday School is over. Some dive for the T.V. set at the ,time of the Youth Meetin.g. Some dive into a 'list of excu e rubout not working for the Lord. Others dive for the car and ,take a trip over the week-end. Some dive for nickles 1and dimes to put in the offerings plate, instead of s,haring fairly with the work of the Lord. Some dive for the door w·hen the pastor ask for volunteers or make ,appointments ·for commit– tees. Yes, it takes the Lord and the Jove for Hi church ,to cure Diver Disea e .' ' CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Our 60th Year A staff of eighteen full-time or part-time worlcers witnessing to our Lord's "brethren" in Ohio, West Virginia, Brazil; and other areas by radio and the mailing ministry. Our policy to cooperate with local Ne\v Testament churches in the ac– cepted methods of Scriptural evangel– ism, and the placing of ne\v converts. \Ve express our appreciation to tl1e p ,1stor~ a11<l friends 1n 51 of our Ohio Association Cht1rches ,vho in tl1e Jlast year have l1el1Jed n1ake this 111i11istry possible. Staff 111e1nhers are l1a1)1>}' to visit cl1u1c.l1es 111 tl1e sp111t of Acts 15: 4 to sl1are 1epo1 ts a11<l i11sp1rational rnessages concerni11g tl1e 111inistry. \Vrite for free C<>t>Y - "'I'rt1111peter for Israel" a (Jttarterl}' devoted to Je,,·isl1 Propl1ecies, Current Ne\it.,s about tl1e J e,vs a11<l tl1rilli11g reports fro111 111issio11aries. Geral(l \ T. Sn1elser, S11pt . P .O. Box 3556, lcveland 18, Ol1io