The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1964

earf to eart mong t e omen li\ l\lr . }Jl (Z ~1illlll4. (>() - , 111 ~rbt1r , I~ n(I , Jc,, ,J~111cl l lcigl1ts, hi - 4,J118. 1 , lit . ,, e likt t" k11 )\\ ,, 11,,t ~, 11 .1re \l ir1g in )'< tir ll<.ltll ·s. >t1r \\' l)r11cn·s ( rg111i1n t 1 tl~. , 11<.i , lllr .tr n 1 .. cll< ,,,l1111s as ,v1..·ll as i11 l)ttr l1io 'v\ 1 )111c11's l i SI 11 . r\ ll i l 11 . 11,ll'C \ \.'ltr b\.)l)lf (l11ngs \\ 1tl1 <. lf1ers - this 11lllltir>lic }' 0\ll" ..1 l1 1t' ' ' l lll'l lt ,111\t l le"' 111 ~' CHRISTMAS DAY ., I lit a tlt!~I ,.1 ll t111t\.1 tl1t111. I e.1r not: lc.1r. heh l<.I. 1 l1r111g \ ' <.)Lt good t i\i11 _, " f grt' 'lt '"' '. ,, l1h:l1 ,11,111 [)c t<) all 11co11lc. or t1nlo vot1 1, horn th 1, I 1 111 th1..' '-~1'., ""'' l .,, '"'i .1 a, tl)ttr. ,, h1ch 1, hri\l the l orcl" - Lt1kc 2: IO. 11 . • I"'t1l' n1H .1 't1l<,t1 l11rtl1 ot l)ttr ,1, 1 ttr 1, 011c of the f ot1ndation ,tone of tir 11· l .111 l,11tl1 It 1, tl1e 0111p,1n1on trttth tl1 thc.1t of Hi c ptator; acrtficc 11 tl1c ~ · ), Be at, ..... ~ l t tl11 . 1t ,, 111 gt..:nerdll) be fo11nd that he who denie~ 111' 1·1~ ... ic:111(', th~ other t)) 111t1ch 1r11p rtance theretore cann t be attached t t) th~ ht tL1r -~.11 t~1ct tl1at Jett\ \\a\ horn of a \' irgin 111other and that the ·· 11 I i . . l°'l.1rn ·~ ,, ,l the .. on . . . gi, en.. ( I a. 9: 6). He who deigned to cntt ht1n1an ~l.)nd1ttL)n b~ the birth 1n Bethlehen1 i the One Hwho e going f rth ha,L hecn fro111 of olli, fron1 RLA TI " (Micah 5:2). To deny tht I tl.) rept1d11~c the trtith f the go pel, apart from which there i. no hope t or a l t , \ orI Li THE TRIUMPH OF CHRISTMAS Can \\ e a)' . · ferry hri tma '! \Vhen all around it' night: When \\ ar pread death and orrow: And \\ rong o'er come the right? I lo\ e the greate t power? Or i it hate and greed? If \\ e peak now of Chri tma , Will anyone give heed? · h. \ e !• come back faith· an wer: ., The heart of n1en till cr, .. For that one Con olation. To cheer them ere the}' die. Then till ound forth the Me age The angel herald ang That o'er the hill of David In peal of rapture rang. Then fron1 the lowly manger, hall ri e a mighty Throne; The Bab\ come earth' rt1ler· .. nd n1en erve God alone." -Taken from '"The Daily Sacrifice" B1· the late Dr. H arry A. Iron ide. What a Change ..The~ 1 that v.'ait t1pon the Lord hall change their trength. I a. 40: 31 (R. V.) Lord, \\ hat a change within u one hort hour pent in Th 1· pre ence \i\ 111 pre\ail to make! \\ hat heav) 1 burden from our bo om take! \ hat parched ground refresh a with a hower! \ e kneel and all around u eem to lower. \Ve r1 e - and all the d1 tant and the near Stand folith in tinny outline, brave and clear. \\' e kneel how \.\ eak: v., e ri e ho'w full of power. Wh)' . therefore. hould \.\ e do our elve thi wrong Or o ther - that 'we are not alv., a)' trong: That v. e are e\ er overborne v.. ith care: That \\'e hould e\ 1 er ~eak or heartle be~ Anxiou~ or troubled, v. hile \\ ith u 1n pra) er. nd jo) and <' trength and courage are " ' ith Thee?" Archbi hop Trench. Taken fron1 ..Though for the Quiet Hour .. DECEMBER, 1964 PAGE 4 Report For Our State Fall Rally ()n ,.1 hltrsclay af terr1oon, Oct . 2 laclies gnthercc.l fron1 all ClVCr the st a t c a t t he '"I cn 1 f JI c Ii a r t i t h t I rch J>c)rtsn1()ltlh. for <1ltr Fall J{ ally. ,od l1Jcsscc.l \\' ith a l1eautifttl c_lay nnd sccr1cry along the \ ay that 011ly He CO l iJ ll JJ H j 11 l. Th e t hcn1c chc)scn for the llay "'a ·· r1~c and Be Doing' taken fron I ( .. hron . 22 : I6. 1 hc chorus ta LI gh I tl wa~ challenging to all present to ..Arise and Be Doing. The I ...ord shall be with Lhee:· Beth Odor was one of the speakers at the Women 's Missionary Union meeting in Portsmouth., Oct . 22 during the annual meeting. Mi B_th Odor from ithe iger Republic, erving with Evangelical Bapti t Mi ion , brought U " a ve-y in pirational n1e age. The nevv late of Officer for 1965 are: Pre ident - Mr . Earl Um– baugh~ . Pre . - Mr . Kenneth Romig: Trea 11rer - Mr . Eugene Schlechty: Secretar)' - Mr . Herman Harvey. We olicit the earne t pra) 1 er for the e ladie a the)' take over the re pon ibilitie of otir tate ""ork and ma}' each one of u a member of our local fellow hip be faithful in pra} er, ~on tributing through the Dime Offering for our projects, and b)· our attendance at the pring and Fall Rallie . We expre our hearty thank to Mr . Kenneth Hou er. for her erv ice a pre ident of the Ohio Women· Mi ionary Union (0.A.R.B.C.). for three 1 1 ear and al o a big th ank--}ot1 to all the other officer~ "" ho ha\ c '"1 ~1 ted her along the \\, a 1 . We hope to ee ) ou at the pr1ng THE OHIO INDEPENDENT Bl PTIST