The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1964

apan Rigid Oly·mpic Training Similar to. Christia 1 n Race By Floyd and Laurel Wooden "Know ye not that they which run in a raoe run all but one receiveth the prize? So run , that ye may atJtain. And every man that triveth in t.ihe game exerci eth elf-control in all things. ow they do it to r eceive a corruptible crown; but we an in– corruptible .' , ( I Cor . 9: 25, 26 ARV ) As we ob erve the rigid trai ning which the Olympic conte bant under– go, even a they did in the Apo it.le Paul 's day, we are reminded how much self-di cipline and patience we need to exerci e in the race for the eternal prize. The site of rhe opening ceremony for the games i about a mile, or jusrt two short stops by commuiter train from where we live. Al o, the school ground ,a couple of doors from us is to be used for a guest parking lot. Well, we have a fair supply of English tracts to give the foreign visitors with whom we come in con– tact. Summer camp our membe~ . Since .then ther e h a been an,other · .thi time one of ou r deacon, . T hi wa eX!tr emely p ainful for a11 of u , and ,we oan tell i,t h as hurt the monale of the group a a whole, but we kno 1 w ,that if we obey the Lord and •allow Him .to have a clean ve el for Hi LI e, He c,an do much greater 1thin1g wi1th u , even though we be fewer in num,ber. F loyd has tarted a Bi ble clia th i monith, to be held before ~he Sunday morn– ing ervices. Our presen.t r enoed f acil– iiti es are inadequaite for ,a regular Sun,day School ,a uch, but by thi cl,as geared for high ,chool age young ter , we hope to ,incr ease our evangeli bic outreach. We ,per on1ally have likewi e b een through ome prenty rougih tes,ting, including ,time o f doltbt, the e p as,t few month . With the Lord' help, the di,fficu ltie h·ave been largely r e- olved bUJt your earne t interce ory prayer .i alway needed . You 've prob– ably heard tit aid before, but the men,tal and piri,tual pre ure upon the hri ti1an worker in tJhi counltry are terrific . The boy h,ave begun 4th and 6th grade at Chri tian Ac,ademy . D·addy i taking par t t ime language tudy be– ' ide other r e pon ibi]itie and mrama' weekl y Bible cla es have begun agai n. We're gl ad to be back in the full chedule, wiith cool autumn wea ther be ide<i; prai e the Lord for it . Nears completion A new threc-roon1 n1t1sic l actlity 1" 1ea.ning compl etion a an add it ion to tihe gymna ium at We tern Bapti .It B 1 ible Coll ege. Pl an to 1c1cq uire three Jo t and a hou e adjaoent to the cam– pll are bei ng per ued and an am– bi1ti ou expan ion pro,gram including a dinin g common i being tudied by ~he Ma ter Plan Comn11i,ttee headed by Dean John Chimmel . A seri e of me sage on the h i tory ,and development of the Regul ar Bapt,i t movemen1t was p re ented on cam1pu. by Dr . H . 0 . Yan Gilder, pa •tor of t he Fir t B,apti t hurch , l-o Gato , aliforni a, formerl y pr e i– dent of WBB . The Spirit of Christmas HRJSTMAS i a •family day when home dr aw mtany heart , even over lon,g d,i tance, like an irre itible magne t. More par ticul arly, Chri tmas i a day for children, who, e eye a re <1. Ji gh,t today wi th the never-f,ad ing wond er of it. Chr i tma ha a gentle warm th of ,ts o,wn. a warmth which perv.ade the Chr·i ti an world a it look to– ward Bethl eh am ag,ain and r enew it hope of on , peace, good will toward men." We hear n1uch each Chri tma ea on about commerciali n1 ,and how the pirit of C hri tma ·h·as been lo t . The cyn ica l can ci te man, inhuman– ity to man in many land and a k what progre ha bee n made through the centuri e . Yet a each Chri tm,a da,wn , ne~ hope dawn with it, new confide nce to face the future' uncertaintie . The ,true pir it of Chri tma nter ,innun1ber able hoime today, tot1ching them wi,th elfle nc ·and go d will. And it i ,a real a any tar that ever hone aero the darkne of a hri tmac; k.v. .. We asked recently for peci al pray– er on behalf of ,the high c hool tud– ents from one of ,the Engli b Speak– ing Societies which Floyd teaches, who would attend our Mid-Mi ion summer camp ( Fukuin o). We want to ,thank all of you who r emembered th is request, and no doubt you are wondering about the r esul ts. Ac tu ally, a week of camp i quite a hort time in which to expect very much in ithe way of vi ible result from tho e who~e previou~ contact with rthe Gospel ha been through tractc;, and pamphlets. 'then, not all tho~e who registered attended, but it ho~e who did seemed to enjoy them. e]ve\, a nd there were some who voiced a gen tt – ine i11terest in the things of it:he Lord. One girl seer11s to have n1ade a real dccisio11 for hrist, and we l1ope to l)e able to coun. el with her J)ersor1- all)' again shortl)' . he ha cd tl1at sl1e 1na)' begi11 a tt ending our ALONE c11t1rcl1. O\\', regardi11g the cl1urch. l l sec-111 tl1at 111ou11tain... to1) ex1Jerie11c s are alv-1a)' foll wed l)}' ~he 11 c ~sity of g i11g throt1gl1 tl1 valle}'· tsr group l1as llce11 no exce1>ti n . l1or,tl) 1 afte1 ur lediaatio11 er 1 icc, , )'Ots l 11 V..', 1 e lo di ci r,li 11 nc I THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST It i ta n<l wi th ,the crowd . it i d iv 1 i ne to tand alone. l,t is rn an-1,ikc to follow the crowd, to dri ft wi,t1h the 1tide~ iit i GOD-like to fo ll ow a pr inc i,ple, to 'i t n1 the ti de. I,t is na,tur al to con1 pro1111 c co11- \C1ence an<l foll ow ,the <;O i,11 and re– l 1giou · ta~hio n for the <;ak o t gain or pleasLLre~ it t\ di vi ne to \acr1f1ce both on tl1e alt ar o f t1 ttth a1 tl l l lt.t}. ..No 11a1 tood with 111c, l1t1t a ll 111cn forsook 111 , ,, wrote the t,,tt1tle- c,1rrcd apost l in th.~'i~r 1l)i11g l11s first afJfJ ara1 cc l) fort: Nc1 o l() a11\\\.Cf 101 l1is lif for l)clicv1ng anti t "aol1111g contrar)' to tl1e llo111an vo1 ltl. flt ll1 ha l)e ~1 Oltl of fashi )11 i11c 111a11 ol1anged l1i~ r >I ' ot fa I ·- le . 1 igh t for a g,arn1en t, ar1 a pron. f faded loa c . oah bt1ilt an ,irk. and V<.)) ,1gctl al nc; Ahrahar11 , antlcrctl ,1nJ \\'Or– \hippc<l al nc: Dani l tlin <l and prayed alone; I ijah s,1cril 1cctl and \\ itn \Seu a]()n ; J cre1111ah pr pl1c\ieti ,1ntl \.\-cpt alo11e. Je\tt" ( hr1"it, ot1r I t)td ar1d a\tOLtr. li\etl, l )\Ctl , ,t1f– lcrcd, blctl, n11d tltcll ,1lonc IlLl t)f the lon "l) \\ ,\\ H t, Llt,('tl)le\ ~hl)t1lLl ,, di k H e s,11tl .. tr dtgl1t 1, tl1c g"1tc atlll narrl \\' is tl1c \\ "' \\ h 1 i ,11 1c,.1tl "tl1 t111lt) life. a11tl tc,\ the1c I rl1'1t fin I jt ," \i l" llCe<.J, l<)Lia)', lllCll ' llltl \\'\)Ill ~11 1tl1al ,, 111 ~ta11LI al Ill:, if 11t\..l\~a r}', \.\~it 11 L h ri st. DECEMBER, 1964 PAGE 9